Tag: state
A License to Kill
David D’Amato: If you weren’t already terrified by the power that the Obama White House has arrogated to itself and future administrations, this memo ought to do the trick.
“Gun Control: Who Gets Control?” by Darian Worden on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Darian Worden’s Gun Control: Who Gets Control?, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Bring on the Drones!
Kevin Carson: In every conceivable way — agility, resilience, feedback/reaction loop — the emerging networked successor society runs circles around the old hierarchical corporate and state dinosaurs it’s replacing.
A Corrupção da Cooperação
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Christiaan Elderhorst. O primeiro-ministro do Reino Unido David Cameron vem de prometer apoiar um referendo acerca do futuro do Reino Unido dentro da União Europeia se e quando ganhar a eleição geral de 2015. Políticos, por toda a Europa, estão reagindo negativamente ao discurso de…
Contratos Desiguales, Poder Desigual
Kevin Carson: Demasiados libertarios de la Derecha política y cultural se identifican instintivamente con empleadores, propietarios inmobiliarios, y proveedores de servicios cuando se trata de estos temas. Y comenten un error fundamental al hacerlo.
Roderick T. Long’s “A Plea for Public Property” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Commodified Rebellion for the Wage-Slave
Kevin Carson: The sooner we restore a society where work is something we do, and not something we’re “given,” a society where we’re in control of our working lives, the sooner we can do away with fake machismo, commodified rebellion, and going postal.
Our Adjustment to Conquest
David D’Amato: War is thus inseparable in practice from what we have come to identify as “terrorism,” both designating unjustifiable, invasive hostility against innocents.
Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power
Kevin Carson: Too many libertarians on the political and cultural Right instinctively identify with employers, landlords, and service providers on this issue. They are fundamentally wrong-headed to do so.
Capitalism and Un-Freedom (More on Contract Feudalism)
Kevin Carson: The vast majority of accumulated capital today is the result, not of the capitalist’s past labor and abstention, but of robbery.
Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power
Kevin Carson: In every case, it is the state which intervenes on the side of capitalists, landlords and employers, and puts them in a position of superior bargaining power from which they can dictate the terms of contract with workers and consumers.
Lo Vieron Venir: La Crítica Libertaria Decimonónica del Fascismo
Hablar de una crítica libertaria decimonónica del fascismo puede parecer anacrónico, ya que el fascismo es generalmente entendido como un fenómeno del siglo XX. Pero el fascismo no surgió de la nada, y los liberarios del siglo XIX lo vieron venir.
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“Our Present Attitude” by Voltairine de Cleyre on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Voltairine de Cleyre’s Our Present Attitude, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Support C4SS by subscribing to ALL Distro’s “Anarchist Classics Series”
For every subscription or bundle of the “Anarchist Classics Series” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Jeff Hummel on Two Cheers for the Coming Collapse of the U.S. Economy!
Sheldon Richman: An illuminating interview on what to expect regarding the federal government’s fiscal bog.
¡Robots consumistas del mundo, uníos!
La preponderancia del consumismo en las sociedades contemporáneas es típicamente asociada con los “mercados libres”, debido al lavado cerebral que las corporaciones llevan a cabo a través de sus campañas publicitarias.
De (korte) volksgeschiedenis van het Amerikaans vuurwapenbezit
Kevin Carson: Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat iemand zou verwachten dat de vuurwapenregulering in de VS minder klassenspecifiek zou zijn dan die van andere beleidsterreinen.
“Controle de Armas Para o Bem das Crianças?” Sinto Muito, Não É.
No mundo de Barack Obama, eventos como o massacre de Newtown são preço pequeno a pagar pela inconteste capacidade de fazer por atacado o que Adam Lanza fez no varejo.
Support C4SS with a Copy of “Markets Not Capitalism”
For every copy of “Markets Not Capitalism” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory