Tag: state
The Labor Theory of Value
The Labor Theory of Value: A Critique of Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy By Robert P. Murphy [1] Kevin Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy (2004) is an impressive work. It first attempts to rehabilitate the classical labor theory of value (by giving it a subjectivist spin), and then traces the history of capitalism to…
The Spooner-Tucker Doctrine: An Economist’s View
First, I [1] must begin by affirming my conviction that Lysander Spooner and Benjamin R. Tucker were unsurpassed as political philosophers and that nothing is more needed today than a revival and development of the largely forgotten legacy that they left to political philosophy. By the mid-nineteenth century, the libertarian individualist doctrine had reached the point…
Snowden Proves the State Can’t Be Restrained
The Obama Administration finally responded this week to a two-year-old petition on Whitehouse.gov requesting the pardon of Edward Snowden. 170,000 signatures and a wave of anti-NSA public sentiment later, the White House formally refused the pardon alleging unspecified damage Snowden’s leaks inflicted on American national security. The White House response made no mention of any public…
Bland, McKenna, and the State’s Psychiatric Weapon
After Sandra Bland was found hanging in her jail cell from an apparent suicide, her mental health immediately became the focal point of discussion by police and the media. According to law enforcement, Bland had attempted suicide within the past year, but was no longer suicidal. As recently as October, she’d listed herself as suffering from depression. Marijuana…
What will happen under anarchy? EVERYTHING.
… So we see, even assuming an “anarcho-capitalist” property regime, anything recognizable as “capitalism” to anyone else could not exist. In fact the society would look a lot like what “anarcho-socialists” think of as “socialism”. Not exactly like it, but much closer than anything they’d imagine as capitalism. However, under anarchism, even such a strict…
The Marshallian Synthesis
Alfred Marshall, the founder of the so-called neoclassical school, was also the first prominent economist to attempt a reconciliation of Ricardo with the marginalists. Following the Senior-Longfield school, as interpreted by Mill, Marshall treated the “abstinence” of capital (or “waiting”) as another form of disutility alongside labor. He thus fused them into a unified subjective…
Studies in Carsonian Mutualism
For the next few weeks, C4SS will be publishing and hosting copies of Volume 20, Number 1, of the Journal of Libertarian Studies. This particular volume contains the Symposium on Kevin Carson’s Studies in Mutualist Political Economy. The articles on and selections from Carson’s book you can look forward to: “Editorial to Symposium on Mutualist…
Symposium on Mutualist Political Economy
Many of the nineteenth-century individualist anarchists, and in particular those thinkers associated with Benjamin Tucker’s journal Liberty, sought to combine a political theory based on individual sovereignty and self-ownership with an economic theory based on the labor theory of value. Like Marxists, they tended to condemn the wage system as oppressive, and interpreted profit, rent,…
How Not to Promote Economic Equality
At the Washington Post, Max Ehrenfreund argues (“Hillary Clinton’s top goal as president could be effectively impossible to achieve,” July 20) that Hillary Clinton may be hampered in her stated goal of raising middle class incomes and reducing economic inequality by factors beyond her control. These factors include forces such as “technological automation and globalization,”…
“Redistribute Wealth By Heavy Taxes”? It’s Already Been Done
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “‘Redistribute Wealth By Heavy Taxes’? It’s Already Been Done” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. The main thing governments have existed for, since the beginning of history, is to levy taxes on workers and producers in order to provide rents for the economic ruling classes that…
Not New Recife: The Old Collusion, The Old Elitist Left on Feed44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Eduardo Lopes‘s “Not New Recife: The Old Collusion, The Old Elitist Left” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. Only civil disobedience, squatting of state and otherwise unused land, and the protection of occupations can soften the effects of the state monopoly on land. Only the dissolution of the…
Border Authoritarianism is Not Only an Institution of the Outwardly Racist
Donald Trump’s anti-immigrant nationalism has positioned him far to the right of his fellow 2016 GOP hopefuls and has given him a serious boost in the polls. Such support for a man who made, and repeatedly defended, the patently racist claim that undocumented Mexican immigrants are “rapists” should serve as a clear indicator of the depth…
Rio Tinto: A Real-Life “Billy Jack” Villain on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Rio Tinto: A Real-Life “Billy Jack” Villain” read by Dylan Delikta and edited by Nick Ford. Rio Tinto is, without qualification, one of the most evil corporations in the world. It has colluded with repressive regimes going back to Franco’s use of troops to suppress strikes in Rio Tinto’s…
Libertà o Autorità? Un Utile Spettro Politico
Conservatori e libertari non appartengono alla stessa parrocchia. Anche quando i conservatori usano le stesse espressioni dei libertari, spesso il significato è diverso. Così il loro “libero mercato” diventa una giustificazione dello status quo economico e del predominio aziendale; la loro “uguaglianza davanti alla legge” è riservata solo ai tradizionali gruppi esclusivi e privilegiati (pensiamo…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 89
Steven Fake discusses what Israel could have taught Dixie. Lucy Steigerwald discusses U.S. sensitivity to civilian deaths. David S. D’Amato discusses anarchism and minarchism in American history. Sheldon Richman discusses Clarence Thomas. John Feffer discusses ISIS and the terrible twos. Franklin Lamb discusses Palestine and ISIS. Robert Parry discusses Libya and Hilary Clinton. Chris Toensing…
Debt: Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Debt: Can’t Live With It, Can’t Live Without It” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. The problem is that the tendency of state capitalism is to increasing levels of stagnation, with larger and larger deficits required to prevent depression. Even in the upswing phase of the business cycle,…
“Più Tasse per Ridistribuire Ricchezza”? Già fatto
Un sondaggio recente della Gallup ha scoperto che gli americani, con un margine di 52 contro 45, pensano che lo stato “debba… ridistribuire la ricchezza aumentando le tasse sui ricchi” (Matt Yglesias, “Americans want the government to ‘redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich,’” Vox, 5 maggio). Tra il 1940, quando la domanda fu…
Trattamento Sanitario Obbligatorio: la Malattia è un Crimine?
Trattamento sanitario obbligatorio indica la capacità dello stato di ricoverare un malato di mente contro la sua volontà. Forse la legge più famosa al proposito è la Baker Act, approvata in Florida nel 1971, legge che autorizza il ricovero coatto di una persona che (a) potrebbe soffrire di disturbi mentali, e (b) potrebbe essere pericoloso…
The Free Market as Class Warfare on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents David S. D’Amato‘s “The Free Market as Class Warfare” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. That is, if a “free market” just means a system in which free individuals are able to associate and contract with one another without outside interference, protected in their legitimate private property rights, then the…
Alla Sinistra Statalista non Importa Nulla dei Neri
Mercoledì 17 giugno, un uomo armato ha ucciso nove membri della Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, storica chiesa nera di Charleston, nella Carolina del Sud. Dopo esser rimasto seduto in chiesa per quindici minuti, l’uomo ha urlato epiteti razzisti e poi ha aperto il fuoco. Dopo questo crimine così evidente, rivolto contro i neri in…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory