Tag: politics
Did the Government Drive Aaron Swartz to Suicide?
Sheldon Richman: Swartz was a passionate champion of technology’s power to liberate and democratize. He vowed to fight anything which threatened that potential. This offended powerful vested interests.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “What is it that Government has Built?”
For every copy of Anthony Gregory & Anna O. Morgenstern’s “What Is It That Government Has Built?” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Individualism Clashes with Cooperation? It Just Ain’t So!
Charles Johnson: Individualists believe in individualism precisely because we believe that human beings can and should be both social and civilized to each other at the same time.
(Breve) História Popular do Controle de Armas de Fogo
Desde seu início o estado tem sido comissão executiva da classe dominante econômica e instrumento da força armada pelos donos dos meios de produção, habilitando-os a extrair excedente de trabalho do resto de nós.
Lysander Spooner Turns 205
Individualist anarchist, guerrilla abolitionist, insurgent against state monopolies, anti-constitutional legal scholar… Happy Birthday Lysander Spooner!
Agorism and Nazism: A Study in Polar Opposites
Neil M. Tokar: In other words, voluntary exchange subverts totalitarianism.
Da Completa Falta de Sentido da Morte de Aaron Swartz
Assim, as pessoas que acossaram Aaron Swartz levando-o à morte fizeram isso nem sequer na esperança realista de vitória em sua rota de retirada, a infligir mais uma humilhação ao país violado.
Support C4SS with Roderick T. Long’s “Ten Common Objections to Market Anarchy, with 10 Responses”
For every copy of Roderick T. Long’s “Ten Common Objections to Market Anarchy, with 10 Responses” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Sobre la Profunda Insensatez de la Muerte de Aaron Swartz
Carson: La gente que acosó a Aaron Swartz hasta su muerte lo hizo no con una esperanza realista de victoria, si no debido al mismo impulso vengativo que lleva a un invasor derrotado a infligir una indignidad más al país violado en su retirada.
A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control
Kevin Carson: From its beginnings the state has been an executive committee of the economic ruling class. … I can’t imagine why anyone would expect the state’s gun control policies to display any less of a class character.
The Great War of Decomposition has Begun
David de Ugarte’s latest and incisive blog post on the recent French military intervention in Mali
A Left Libertarian Approach to Politics
C4SS writer and Senior Fellow, Darian Worden, presents for Alt Expo “A Left Libertarian Approach to Politics”.
“Gun Control for the Children?” Sorry, No Sale.
Knapp: In Barack Obama’s world, events like the Newtown massacre are a small price to pay for the uncontested ability to do wholesale what Adam Lanza did retail.
US Attorney files dismissal of Swartz’s case, refuses to comment on his death
In final, unbelievable act, the state dropped its case against Aaron Swartz – but refuses to comment on his death.
Liberty: The Other Equality
Libertarian equality involves not merely equality before those who administer the law, but equality with them.
Economics and Its Ethical Assumptions
Roderick T. Long: The question is: can economics or praxeology give us anything more than that? Can it give us any implications for positive ethical theorising?
On the Utter Senselessness of Aaron Swartz’s Death
Carson: The people who hounded Aaron Swartz to his death did so, not even in the realistic hope of victory, but out of the same vindictive impulse that drives a defeated invader to inflict one more indignity on the violated country on its way out.
Bad DREAM: Immigration “Reform” is an Unworthy and Unrealistic Goal
Knapp: Shiny badges and expensive offices notwithstanding, ICE is no less a criminal enterprise than Los Zetas or the Gambino family, and its abduction of Andiola’s family no less a crime.
Support C4SS with Fred Schulder’s “The Relation of Anarchism to Organization”
For every copy of Fred Schulder’s “The Relation of Anarchism to Organization” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
Para Confrontar os Fascistas do Século 21
Esse deveria ser um esforço da comunidade, não responsabilidade apenas de uma vanguarda ativista.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory