Tag: politics
Fear, Violence and the Absurd
Hultner: The “debate” between CNN host Piers Morgan and talk radio host Alex Jones on Monday may have been entertaining political theatre, but they — and the rest of us — are missing a larger point.
Authority is the Enemy of Rationality
Kevin Carson: Authority enables one actor to maximize her personal utility, while making socially suboptimal choices, by imposing the negative consequences of her choices on other actors with less authority.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “Mutualist Methods: Two Essays on Practical Anarchy”
For every copy of Clarence L. Swartz & Francis D. Tandy’s “Mutualist Methods: Two Essays on Practical Anarchy” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
James M. Buchanan, RIP
Gary Chartier: Buchanan thought of himself as a classical liberal and an Austrian economist — but neither a leftist nor an anarchist. But that doesn’t mean left-wing market anarchists don’t have important lessons to learn from him …
Charles Johnson’s “Libertarianism Through Thick and Thin” on YouTube
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Acabem com a Guerra Dentro do País, Acabem com a Guerra no Exterior
Goodman: Eric Hill foi atacado pela polícia não por ser suspeito de cometer violência agressora, mas por ser suspeito de recusar-se a cometer violência agressora.
Esquerda Libertária: Anticapitalismo de livre mercado, o ideal desconhecido
Sheldon Richman: Libertarismo tem como premissa a dignidade e a posse, por si próprio, do indivíduo, que sexismo e racismo negam. Portanto, todas as formas de hierarquia coletivista solapam a atitude libertária e portanto as perspectivas de uma sociedade livre.
Libertarian Left: Free-Market Anti-Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal
Sheldon Richman: Libertarianism is premised on the dignity and self-ownership of the individual, which sexism and racism deny. Thus all forms of collectivist hierarchy undermine the libertarian attitude and hence the prospects for a free society.
Support C4SS with Gertrude B. Kelly’s “State Aid to Science”
For every copy of Gertrude B. Kelly’s “State Aid to Science” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
How “Intellectual Property” Impedes Competition
Intellectual property is not necessary to encourage innovation, this means that its main practical effect is to cause economic inefficiency by levying a monopoly charge on the use of existing technology.
2012: Talvez os Maias Estivessem Certos
Obervem, para ver tempos interessantes.
Gender Feminism is Libertarian. Stop Saying That Libertarians Should Oppose it.
If gender is used to oppress us, then it’s a meaningful concept to understand if we want to understand the idea of “liberty”.
Slavery Contracts and Inalienable Rights: A Formulation
Free Nation that undertook to enforce slavery contracts would not be a Free Nation worth fighting to build or to defend.
Support C4SS with ALL Distro’s “Spontaneous Order — Five Theses”
For every copy of “Spontaneous Order — Five Theses” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
The Many Monopolies
A fully freed market means liberating essential command posts in the economy from State control, to be reclaimed for market and social entrepreneurship
Má Consciência ou Má Estrutura?
Kevin Carson explica por que colocarmos nossa cabeça no lugar certo não é bastante.
Support C4SS with Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s “Epilogue to the Revolution”
For every copy of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon’s “Epilogue to the Revolution” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage.
End War at Home, End War Abroad
Goodman: Eric Hill was attacked by police not because he was suspected of committing aggressive violence, but because he was suspected of refusing to commit aggressive violence.
Sobre la Producción de Seguridad
Existen dos maneras de considerar la sociedad.
La Socialdemocracia como “Socialismo” de Altos Costos Fijos
Kevin Carson: En otras palabras, como genuino libertario de libre mercado, soy — a diferencia de los socialdemócratas y “progresistas” — un verdadero socialista.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory