Tag: migration
C4SS Panelists on Nationalism and Liberalism
The Molinari Society will be holding its mostly-annual Eastern Symposium in conjunction with the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in New York City, 15-18 January 2024, at the Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, 811 7th Ave. & 53rd St., New York NY 10019 (room TBA). Most of the presenters are C4SS folks….
La vie invisible des migrants
Par Citizen Ilya. Article original: The Invisible Life of Migrants, 7 novembre 2022. Traduction française par Éléazar. Après être devenu migrant en Europe, j’ai vu toutes sortes de personnes que la culture dominante et l’État ignorent. Ces gens sont rejetés par une société qui ne les utilise que pour du sale boulot. Et je parle…
Kehidupan Imigran yang Tak terlihat
Oleh: Citizen Ilya. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Invisible Life of Migrants.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Setelah menjadi migran di Eropa, saya telah melihat semua jenis orang yang dibutakan oleh budaya dominan dan negara. Orang – orang ini tidak disukai oleh masyarakat yang hanya menggunakan mereka untuk pekerjaan-pekerjaan kotor. Dan saya berbicara tentang…
La Vita Invisibile del Migrante
Di Citizen Ilya. Originale pubblicato il 7 novembre 2022 con il titolo The Invisible Life of Migrants. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Da ex immigrato in Europa, ho visto persone che la cultura dominante e lo stato non vedono. Gli immigrati sono indesiderati, la società li usa solo per i lavori più umili. Parlo di…
The Invisible Life of Migrants
After becoming a migrant in Europe, I’ve seen all kinds of people that the dominant culture and the state are blind to. These people are unwelcomed by a society that uses them only for dirty jobs. And I’m talking about the migrants and refugees in Europe who live to survive. They are the most endangered…
Nessun Cittadino
Abbattere le frontiere, andare oltre lo stato nazione Di Leif J. Originale pubblicato il 12 agosto 2019 con il titolo No Citizens: Abolishing Borders Beyond the Nation-State. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. La semplice esistenza delle frontiere rappresenta una delle fondamentali ingiustizie del mondo. Molti lo riconoscono implicitamente, inutile ripetere quello che è stato spiegato da…
No Citizens: Abolishing Borders Beyond the Nation-State
The very existence of borders is one of the founding injustices of this world. Most of us recognize this implicitly, and I won’t spend too much time here trying to argue what’s been clearly argued by generations of anarchists: Borders and citizenship are constitutive elements of the nation-state, and as such must be overturned and…
Di Alleanze Rossobrune
Nativi, migranti e sinistra anglo-americana Di Ruairi McCallan. Originale pubblicato l’otto aprile 2019 con il titolo Red & Brown Alliances: Nativism, Migration & the Anglo-American Left. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In America come in Gran Bretagna, il discorso politico si è arenato tra due fenomeni connessi tra loro: Brexit e Trump. È ormai chiaro che…
Red & Brown Alliances: Nativism, Migration & The Anglo-American Left
In both the US and UK, the political commentariat are gripped by two related phenomena: Brexit and Trump. It is now generally accepted that the rise of Trump and the vote for Brexit were driven largely by two factors. The first was anger at the unequal nature of modern capitalism, the second was fear of…
Frontiere Aperte Nostra Unica Speranza
Di Emmi Bevensee. Originale pubblicato il 6 settembre 2017 con il titolo Open Borders are Our Only Hope. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Immagine d’apertura: il muro che separa Nogales, Arizona, Stati Uniti, da Nogales, Sonora, Messico. Tribalismi e Frontiere Nazionali Tra i tanti pericoli degli stati nazione con le loro frontiere ci sono due paradigmi,…
No Borders is Our Only Hope
In-group Preference and National Borders Fundamental to the danger of nation-states and borders are the paradigms of nationalism and in-group preference that exploit human quirks to justify violence. In-group preference is best understood in terms of the creation of teams through the dehumanization of an ‘other.’ In-group preference is mentally categorizing someone who is somehow…
Open Borders Day — 2016
Each year, March 16 marks an important date for those who cherish peace and harmony between human beings: Open Borders Day. The website openborders.info, founded by Vipul Naik, is in its fourth year of existence. It aims at starting conversations around immigration and freedom of movement across political borders. Its goal is a world where…
Assist the Refugees, Abolish the Borders on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Dylan Delikta‘s “Assist the Refugees, Abolish the Borders” read by Katrina Haffner and edited by Nick Ford. We cannot let the tyranny of borders continue. It is apparent, especially with the current mass migration of Syrian refugees without shelter or safety in Europe or elsewhere, that borders are inhumane and need…
Assist the Refugees, Abolish the Borders
The Middle East is in great turmoil. It is plagued with war fought by factions of varied political, ethnic and religious tendencies. Some are fighting for liberation, some for nationalism, and others for religious fundamentalism. Whilst the carnage continues, two things have become certain: First, these wars are the result of decades (arguably centuries) of…
Sanders’s Immigration Comments Prove We Need a Radical Left on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Cory Massimino‘s “Sanders’s Immigration Comments Prove We Need a Radical Left” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. When individuals are free to move and travel without asking permission from government bureaucrats, they are capable of crafting meaningful lives and communities that enable everyone to advance their well-being on…
Sanders’s Immigration Comments Prove We Need a Radical Left
Bernie Sanders thinks open borders are a “right-wing proposal” that “would make everyone in America poorer.” Sanders’s comments not only display a shocking ignorance of the economics of immigration, but also a disappointing, racist, xenophobic tendency among the mainstream left. While Sanders also thinks we have a “moral responsibility” to “work with the rest of…
Le Città Santuario non Sono il Problema
Juan Francisco López Sánchez appartiene a quella sfortunata categoria che il governo americano etichetta come immigrati illegali. Il suo status migratorio è importante perché López Sánchez è accusato di aver ucciso a giugno una donna di San Francisco, Kathryn Steinle. Politici nazionalisti di destra e sinistra sono sbigottiti perché López Sánchez ad aprile era stato…
Sanctuary Cities are Not the Problem
Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez falls under that unfortunate class of persons the American state labels illegal immigrants. His immigration status is important because Lopez-Sanchez is accused of the June killing of a San Francisco woman, Kathyrn Steinle. Nationalists on the right and left of the American political class are aghast because Lopez-Sanchez was released from police…
The Cognitive Dissonance of State-Apologists
“If you don’t like it, you can get out!!!” If you say this to critics of your preferred nation-state while also supporting immigration restrictions, then you may have some cognitive dissonance that you should work on. Yet nationalists and statists say this to critics of the U.S. government all the time, and they tend to…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory