Tag: matrix reality
Many economists think that the next bubble to burst in our current crisis will be student loans. Student loan debt is at a historic high, and federal loan rates are about to double, from 3.4% to 6.8% – despite a small effort to have student loan interest rates mimic the rates government grants big banks. This…
Obama says some Americans are paranoid, fretting about an imagined tyranny lurking behind the corner. Progressives cheer as he mocks his lowly subjects. Yet some among them embrace one of the most despotic state powers imaginable: the draft. The draft is military slavery. It cannot be justified on any basis. Ever. It is wrong in…
Knapp: The only thing “libertarian” I can find in it is Levy’s claim to be one.
Carson: A realidade não é a mesma coisa que o mapa. É muito mais complexa. E os chefes incompetentes que tentam controlá-la sempre farão de si próprios triste figura.
Tuccille: I may need five minutes alone with the American public, however, since many of my countrymen apparently think it’s “unfair” that other people have more money than them — and they want the government to give them some of what the other guy has.
Carson: Reality is not the same as the map. It is far more complex. And the pointy-haired bosses who attempt to regulate it will always make fools of themselves.
The question of whether advertising is the root of the American desire to always have more is one that is asked frequently, but I often wonder if we are simply asking the wrong question.
Knapp: Lockdowns are no longer just a prison thing. They’re a school thing, an area, neighborhood, city thing. Google News reports more than 50,000 uses of the word “lockdown” in the news media in the last 30 days.
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “The Root is Power”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Hummels: Hey, John Mackey isn’t holding a gun to your head, buddy!
Carson: “La infraestructura humana del reportaje tradicional es un ejército magnífico. Pero como Lincoln dijo a McClellan, ‘si no tienes pensado hacer algo con ese ejército, ¿puedes prestármelo?'”
Kevin Carson: The central identifying feature of a reformist effort is that it fails to strike at the root of oppression — power.
Carson: Our goal is not to assume leadership of existing institutions, but rather to render them irrelevant. … We do not hope to reform the existing order. We intend to serve as its grave-diggers.
Neil M. Tokar: The lesson is don’t work through the system or with members of the ruling class because there is a high probability of getting stabbed in the back by the phony “liberty” alliance member.
David D’Amato: La guerra es por lo tanto inseparable en la práctica de lo que hemos llegado a identificar como “terrorismo”, ambos términos designan hostilidad injustificable e invasiva contra inocentes.
David D’Amato: War is thus inseparable in practice from what we have come to identify as “terrorism,” both designating unjustifiable, invasive hostility against innocents.
Goodman: Eric Hill foi atacado pela polícia não por ser suspeito de cometer violência agressora, mas por ser suspeito de recusar-se a cometer violência agressora.
Goodman: Eric Hill was attacked by police not because he was suspected of committing aggressive violence, but because he was suspected of refusing to commit aggressive violence.
Kevin Carson: En otras palabras, como genuino libertario de libre mercado, soy — a diferencia de los socialdemócratas y “progresistas” — un verdadero socialista.
Kevin Carson: As a genuine free market libertarian, I want labor to receive the full value of its product, without paying tribute to big landlords and usurers or the holders of artificial “property” rights like patents, copyrights and licenses.