Dey Turk Er Jerbs, ou Porque Nós Deveríamos Legalizar a Imigração
Por Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Artigo original: Dey Turk Er Jerbs, or Why We Should Legalize Immigration, de 17 de março 2025. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. Saludos amigues, soy p1x0, Tradutor & anarquiste de vila, interessado na superação do Estado das coisas como estão. Considere apoiar meu trabalho Clicando Aqui. Como todos sabem, um…
Flooding Trump’s Zone: Networked Warfare Still Works
In the period leading up to Trump’s inauguration, spokesmen for the President-elect repeatedly stressed that he would hit the ground running. Metaphors like “fire hose,” “shock and awe,” and “flooding the zone” were common from those both officially and unofficially associated with Trump.  And hit the ground running, he did indeed. ICE sweeps in Chicago…
Dey Turk Er Jerbs, or Why We Should Legalize Immigration
As everyone knows, a super common talking point on the right is how undocumented immigrants are stealing jobs from citizens of the US. The common leftist rebuttal is that those jobs that are taken tend to be jobs which Americans tend not to want to work anyways such as difficult farm labor. But what makes…
Trump Tidak Akan Membunuh Kita, Pesimisme lah yang Akan Membunuh Kita
Oleh: Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Teks aslinya berjudul “Trump Won’t Kill Us, Doomers Will.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Support Ringo by considering becoming his Patron. Saya akan menjadi orang pertama yang mengakui bahwa kita tidak akan pernah benar-benar menang. Kita mungkin tidak akan mampu mewujudkan seluruh tujuan politik kita, dan bahkan anarkisme…
Ci Uccide la Rassegnazione, non Trump
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 12 marzo 2025 con il titolo Trump Won’t Kill Us, Doomers Will. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Sono il primo a dire che non arriveremo mai a una vera vittoria. Non realizzeremo mai tutti i nostri obiettivi politici. Forse neanche arriveremo all’anarchia… almeno non a livello di…
Trump Won’t Kill Us, Doomers Will
I will be the first to say that we will never truly win. We will never obtain all of our political goals. Hell, we’ll probably never achieve anarchism…at least not on a mass scale. But that doesn’t justify doomerism. We may never achieve even a third of our goals but we’ll achieve even less if…
O que podemos Fazer?
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: What Can We Do? primeiro de janeiro 2025. Traduzido para o português por p1x0. No curto prazo, nosso foco deveria estar nos elementos discutidos pelo camarada de C4SS William Gillis, oito anos atrás, após a eleição de Trump para seu primeiro mandato: minimizar nossa exposição ao perigo, e construir infraestruturas…
Apa yang Bisa Kita Lakukan?
Oleh: Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul “What Can We Do?” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Dalam jangka pendek, fokus kita harus pada apa yang telah kawan William Gillis dari C4SS diskusikan delapan tahun lalu pasca kemenangan periode pertama Trump: Meminimalisir paparan terhadap bahaya dan membangun infrastruktur untuk dukungan, perlindungan, dan mutual-aid. Kelly…
What Can We Do?
In the short term, our focus should be on the things C4SS comrade William Gillis discussed eight years ago in the aftermath of Trump’s election to his first term:  minimizing our exposure to harm, and building an infrastructure for support, protection and mutual aid. Kelly Hayes sums up this general approach as well as anyone…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory