Tag: liberalism
The following section of the book, The Illuminatus! Trilogy, is translated into Deutsch from the English original, written by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. FREIER MARKT: Der Zustand der Gesellschaft in dem alle ökonomischen Handlungen (Geschäfte) auf Freiwilligkeit basieren, nicht auf Zwang. DER STAAT: Die Institution die den freien Markt behindert durch die direkte Anwendung von…
Trata-se de concentração de estupidez pura, densa a ponto de criar seu próprio horizonte de eventos.
Kevin Carson: This is a concentration of pure stoopid so dense as to create its own event horizon.
Kevin Carson: “La función central del estado es suprimir la competencia, crear sistemas artificiales de propiedad, y permitir que las clases económicas regentes extraigan rentas”.
Kevin Carson: Sua função central é suprimir competição, criar propriedade artificial, e permitir que as classes dominantes econômicas extraiam rentismo.
Kevin Carson: “The central function of the state is to suppress competition, create artificial property, and enable economic ruling classes to extract rents.”
Anthony Gregory: They must make their decision: liberal means through liberal ends or conservative means through conservative ends. Dancing in the center divide is bound to get someone killed.
Nicolás Morás acerca de la historia del movimiento libertario y su profanación por parte de la derecha pseudo-libertaria.
John Holbo offers the first of three essays critical of left libertarianism from the Bleeding Heart Libertarian Symposium.
THE STATE: That institution which interferes with the Free Market through the direct exercise of coercion or the granting of privileges (backed by coercion).
“Corporate capitalists don’t want free markets, they want dependable profits, and their surest route is to crush the competition by controlling the government.” – RFK, Jr.