Tag: LGBT rights
Escrito por Prax. Fuente: No TERFS, No Patriarchy, del 12 de noviembre 2020. Traducido al español por Diego Avila. Cuando surge la tentación De descartar una contribución a la igualdad Basándose únicamente en lo que uno pueda tener entre las piernas Quizá sea mejor no hacerlo Sólo porque algunos humanos tienen genitales que cuelgan Grotesca…
All over the U.S. imperial core, the trumpets of war are being sounded against queer communities. More than that: reactionary forces are, to put it as bluntly as possible, planning to exterminate us. Consider the following: More than 300 anti-LGBTQIA+ bills have been filed in 2023 alone. It’s only March. Some of these bills include…
For the 20th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann was joined by Selena Q. Rose (@anarcho_gender) to discuss Selena’s articles How State Power Perpetuates Transphobic Violence (https://c4ss.org/content/56360) and Gender Anarchism: Tearing Down the Gender Hierarchy (https://c4ss.org/content/54814). Selena Q. Rose (she/they) is a nonbinary transgender woman and a market anarchist who advocates for the…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Don’t Use the LGBTQIA+ Community to Justify U.S. Interventionism del 4 marzo 2022. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Il Gay Times scriveva la settimana scorsa che, stando a “una lettera inviata il 20 febbraio a Michelle Bachelet, alto commissario per i diritti umani dell’Onu”, secondo le autorità statunitensi la Russia avrebbe un…
Last week, The Gay Times reported that—based on “a leaked letter sent on 20 February to Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations’ (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights”—U.S. officials claim there is an official Russian list of “‘journalists, activists and gay rights advocates’ to punish in the event it invades Ukraine.” Would this be in line…
Politicians in several states, notably including Arkansas, North Carolina, and Texas, have introduced new laws to attack trans children. In Arkansas, they’ve already passed several of these laws. It’s hard to keep up with each new bill. As of mid-April 2021, much of the attention focuses on sports and the NCAA’s responses, but some of…
The following is a letter of dissociation originally posted here which declares the creation of the P2P Left community and announces the undersigned’s dissociation from Michael Bauwens and the P2P Foundation. For evidence and history of Bauwens’ reactionary turn, please see the Appendix here. In recent years the P2P Foundation has become the dominion…
Di Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. 28 agosto 2020. Fonte: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. II. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Intervista con Kevin Carson Presentiamo la seconda parte dell’intervista concessa da Kevin Carson a Diego Avila e Luis Ricardo Vera. Per accedere alla prima parte, cliccate qui. In questa seconda parte…
Esta entrevista fue realizada por: Diego Avila y Luis Ricardo Vera. Culminación de la entrevista: 28 de agosto de 2020. Original en inglés: Words Beyond the Market and the State, Pt. II. Entrevista a Kevin Carson Aquí traemos la segunda parte de la entrevista realizada a Kevin Carson, hecha por Diego Avila y Luis R….
An Interview With Kevin Carson Here we bring the second part of the interview with Kevin Carson, made by Diego Avila and Luis R. Vera. To access the first part click here. In this part, we finish with the questions related to the counter-economy and Venezuela as other parts of Latin America, as well as…
When the temptation arises To discount one’s contributions to equality Based solely on what might be between one’s legs Perhaps best not to do so Just because some humans have genitalia that dangle Grotesquely and profanely for all to see And other humans have secret gardens hidden from sight Means nothing in regard to misogyny;…
In his book Total Freedom: Toward a Dialectical Libertarianism, Chris Matthew Sciabarra makes the astute observation that “[j]ust as relations of power operate through ethical, psychological, cultural, political, and economic dimensions, so too the struggle for freedom and individualism depends upon a certain constellation of moral, psychological, and cultural factors.” This is something that Dakota…
Let’s face it, it’s not easy being LGBTQ+ in this society. There is an ongoing rise in the murder rates of trans and gender non-conforming individuals, with the Human Rights Campaign documenting at least 21 murders just this year, which nearly matches last year’s documented 27 murders despite us only being halfway through the year….
C4SS Feed 44 presents Cory Massimino‘s “Marriage Equality: Don’t Let the Good Become the Enemy of the Perfect” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Elizabeth Tate reminds us, “The very act of calling it ‘gay rights’ erases the identity and experiences of everyone else within the queer community (gay is only one…
Venerdì 26 giugno, la corte costituzionale americana ha stabilito, con un voto di cinque contro quattro, che il matrimonio tra persone dello stesso sesso è protetto dalla costituzione. I progressisti amanti dello stato vedono il verdetto come una vittoria per “la nostra democrazia”. Da libertario, anche io sono contento, anche se molte delle mie ragioni…
It’s about damn time. The rest of the United States finally caught up to the libertarians on June 26 when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide. It only took 43 years but it looks like the authoritarian right is losing influence, as young people grow increasingly skeptical of power structures. Let’s…
On Friday, June 26th, the United States Supreme Court ruled by a 5-4 margin that same-sex marriage is protected by the Constitution. State-loving progressives are cheering the Supreme Court’s ruling as a victory for “our democracy.” As a libertarian, I too celebrate the decision, although many of my reasons for doing so are far different than those…
The gender identity of a large part of the population is not very surprising in social interactions, since it, for the most part, corresponds to their genders assigned at birth. But we should not forget that transgender communities continue to fight for self-determination of their own genders. Gender identity is not always correspondent to gender assigned…
Lots of action on the equality front the past few days. One story gaining national attention from Tennessee is a political action that serves to marginalize the LGBTQ community. State senator Brian Kelsey, of Memphis, has introduced a bill coined “turn the gays away.” This bill would allow businesses to refuse service to the LGBTQ community. According to the bill no “persons” will…