Tag: Italian
Attivismo Ciber-Libertario: la Gente si Difende
Il 28 luglio, Aragon Alexandre del giornale Folha de S. Paulo ha rivelato che undici computer appartenenti al governo federale brasiliano sono stati usati per modificare le pagine di Wikipedia tra il 2008 e il 2014. Dagli esami degli IP risulta che il Serpro (Servizio di Elaborazione Dati Federale) e l’ufficio della presidenza hanno modificato…
The Root of Inequality: The Free Market or the State?
In early September, Reuters reported on a new Federal Reserve survey showing widening wealth and income gaps in the United States. “All of the income growth,” Reuters reports, “was concentrated among the top earners …  with the top 3 percent accounting for 30.5 percent of all income.” The Fed survey will no doubt disconcert those…
Does Freedom Require Empire?
In a startling article, Daniel McCarthy, the admirable editor of The American Conservative magazine (TAC), writes, “Successive British and American empires created and upheld the world order in which [classical] liberalism could flourish.” In other words, as he writes in “Why Liberalism Means Empire,” “Liberalism and empire reinforced one another in manifold ways.” Therefore, if…
Elections and the Technocratic Ideology
People who vote for politicians such as Brazilian presidential candidate Aecio Neves, as well as many of his party’s supporters (the Social Democracy Brazilian Party, PSDB), are often dumbfounded when they find out how unappealing ideas of “efficiency” in the public sector, “management shock,” and “professionalization” in government are to a large sector of the population. It’s…
Cyber-Libertarian Activism: The People’s Defense
On July 28, Aragon Alexandre of Folha de S. Paulo reported that eleven of Brazil’s federal government computers were used to modify Wikipedia pages between 2008 and 2014. The IPs indicate that Serpro (the Federal Data Processing Service) and the Presidency edited articles on both allies and opposition to the current government, adding compliments, suppressing criticism and so on. More…
Threat Level: Pointless
“Man the terror alert for London has just been upped I don’t wanna go out now :(”, the text from my friend read. The recent news that Britain’s government has raised its terrorism alert level to “severe” unsurprisingly prompted a renewed climate of fear, reflected on social media and in major news outlets. Yet even…
Obama Wants to Defeat ISIS — But Not That Badly
The Obama administration recently announced a policy of limited intervention in Iraq, using drone strikes to stave off conquest of Kurdish autonomous areas by ISIS. The main US ally on the ground is Massoud Barzani’s Kurdistan Regional Government, and US support against ISIS is limited to Kurdish areas inside Iraq. Barzani’s main competitor for the…
La Guerra di Israele a Gaza: Non Guardate Dietro il Sipario
Oggi la mia attenzione è stata attirata da una vicenda di aprile che mi era sfuggita. Sembra che Fatah (la tradizionale organizzazione guerrigliera componente principale dell’Olp) e Hamas abbiano annunciato una riconciliazione e un piano per formare un governo di unità nazionale: “uno sviluppo che potrebbe vedere i territori palestinesi sotto un’unico comando per la…
Where’s Eric Garner’s Amargosa? on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “Where’s Eric Garner’s Amargosa?” read and edited by Nick Ford. One might object to a comparison between these situations. The Amargosa police department has four patrolling officers, the NYPD thousands. The weaponry of the Amargosa police department is meager, that of NYPD military-grade. Surely the best way to remember Garner is…
Jaron Lanier: “Proprietà Intellettuale” e Parassitismo di un Sistema Violento
Pare che gli ultra-trentacinquenni non amino altro che sentirsi dire che internet, e il rapido sviluppo culturale sviluppatosi in parallelo, è stato un terribile sbaglio le cui ripercussioni ci perseguiteranno. E poi c’è il mare di scribacchini opportunisti, tutti allineati nel descrivere questo loro spasmo generazionale reazionario come la voce contraria della ragione. Dicono che…
Gaza: I Nodi Vengono al Pettine
Uno dei fatti più trascurati nel dibattito sull’attacco contro Gaza è il ruolo che Israele ha avuto nell’ascesa di Hamas. Proprio così. Lasciamo perdere il fatto che i razzi sparati da Gaza sono una roba amatoriale, che chiunque potrebbe fabbricare facendo un salto in un negozio di hobbistica, e che provocano appena l’uno percento delle…
Dov’è la Amargosa di Eric Garner?
Nella città brasiliana di Amargosa, i cittadini sono scesi in strada dopo che un proiettile vagante sparato da un poliziotto ha colpito e ucciso una bambina di un anno. La folla si è diretta immediatamente verso la stazione di polizia, ha liberato le persone che erano rinchiuse, ha preso le armi di proprietà dello stato…
Sì, Mr. Blair, ISIS È Roba Sua
Il mese scorso, con un tono che potrebbe essere definito da excusatio non petita, l’ex primo ministro britannico Tony Blair ha voluto rassicurare la popolazione dicendo che “noi” (il Regno Unito e gli Stati Uniti) “dobbiamo liberarci dell’idea che siamo stati noi a causare” la destabilizzazione dell’Iraq e l’emergere dell’Isis. Oh no, siete stati voi,…
“Patriottismo Economico”: L’Ultimo Rifugio di una Canaglia Fiscale
Attorno alla metà di luglio il segretario del Tesoro americano Jack Lew, citando il bisogno di un “nuovo senso di patriottismo economico”, ha proposto che il Congresso vieti alle compagnie con sede negli Stati Uniti di trasferirsi all’estero verso ambienti fiscali più favorevoli. L’uso teatrale della parola “patriottismo” è l’aspetto notevole della proposta di legge,…
Jaron Lanier, “Intellectual Property” and Parasitism on the System of Violence
Over-35s seem to love nothing more than being told that the Internet — and the rapid cultural developments that have paralleled it — have been a terrible mistake with huge downsides that will surely doom us. And there’s no end to the opportunistic hacks lining up to dress this generational reactionary spasm as the contrarian…
Israel’s War in Gaza: Don’t Look Behind the Curtain
A story I missed back in April just came to my attention today. It seems Fatah (the secular nationalist guerrilla organization that formed the single largest component of the PLO) and Hamas announced their reconciliation and plans to form a unity government — “a development that could see the Palestinian territories under a unified leadership for the…
Gaza: Israel’s Chickens Come Home to Roost
One fact that gets little attention in the debate over Israel’s attack on Gaza is Israel’s role in the rise of Hamas. That’s right. Never mind that the rockets fired out of Gaza are amateurish things that could be crafted from hobby shop supplies, causing barely one percent as many casualties as Israeli reprisals. Never mind…
“Economic Patriotism”: The Last Refuge of a Tax Scoundrel
In mid-July, US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew proposed that Congress prohibit US-based companies from moving offshore in search of more favorable tax climates, citing an ostensible need for a “new sense of economic patriotism.” The resort to “patriotism” theater stands out as the most egregious aspect of legislation whose retroactive status would blatantly violate the…
ISIS: Yes, Mr. Blair, You Did Build This
Last month, in a tone which might best be called unlikely insistence, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair reassured the public that “we” — the UK and United States — “have to liberate ourselves from the notion that we caused” the destabilization of Iraq by the ISIS insurgency. Well, actually you did. Let’s go back…
Where’s Eric Garner’s Amargosa?
In the city of Amargosa in Brazil, citizens took to the streets after a stray bullet fire by a local police officer struck and killed a one-year-old girl. But they didn’t stay in the streets. They quickly took the police station, freeing prisoners, jacking state-owned weaponry and burning the station and police vehicles to the ground. In the end,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory