Tag: israel
Oggi la mia attenzione è stata attirata da una vicenda di aprile che mi era sfuggita. Sembra che Fatah (la tradizionale organizzazione guerrigliera componente principale dell’Olp) e Hamas abbiano annunciato una riconciliazione e un piano per formare un governo di unità nazionale: “uno sviluppo che potrebbe vedere i territori palestinesi sotto un’unico comando per la…
Uno dei fatti più trascurati nel dibattito sull’attacco contro Gaza è il ruolo che Israele ha avuto nell’ascesa di Hamas. Proprio così. Lasciamo perdere il fatto che i razzi sparati da Gaza sono una roba amatoriale, che chiunque potrebbe fabbricare facendo un salto in un negozio di hobbistica, e che provocano appena l’uno percento delle…
A story I missed back in April just came to my attention today. It seems Fatah (the secular nationalist guerrilla organization that formed the single largest component of the PLO) and Hamas announced their reconciliation and plans to form a unity government — “a development that could see the Palestinian territories under a unified leadership for the…
Algo pouco mencionado no debate sobre os ataques a Gaza é o papel de Israel na ascensão do Hamas. Exatamente. Vamos ignorar o fato de que os foguetes lançados de Gaza são mecanismos simples que poderiam ser feitos com equipamentos adquiridos em qualquer oficina e que causam menos de um por cento dos danos das…
One fact that gets little attention in the debate over Israel’s attack on Gaza is Israel’s role in the rise of Hamas. That’s right. Never mind that the rockets fired out of Gaza are amateurish things that could be crafted from hobby shop supplies, causing barely one percent as many casualties as Israeli reprisals. Never mind…
Any discussion of Israel’s war on Gaza that does not focus on 1) the Zionist military’s and Israel’s systematic ethnic cleansing of Palestinians through roughly 1948 (that’s how Palestinian refugees ended up in the Gaza Strip); 2) the military conquest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip in 1967; 3) the Israeli/Egyptian blockade of…
Il rapimento e l’assassinio di tre adolescenti israeliani è un crimine odioso. Ma la risposta del governo israeliano è dal canto suo un’orgia di crimini violenti. Quando qualcuno commette un crimine contro qualcun altro, solo l’autore di questo crimine dovrebbe essere considerato responsabile. Non la famiglia o i compagni di camera, non quelli della sua…
The abduction and murder of three Israeli teenagers is a contemptible crime. But the Israeli government’s response has been to engage in a violent crime spree of its own. When someone commits a violent crime against another person, the perpetrator should be held accountable. Not the perpetrator’s family or roommates, not those of the same…
Patrick Cockburn discusses the recent Islamic fundamentalist takeovers of parts of Iraq Justin Raimondo discusses the possibility of a third Iraq War. Nick Sibilia discusses how cops in Texas steal millions. Robert Fisk discusses how the Iraq crisis was created by Bush and Blair plus bankrolled by Saudi Arabia. Uri Avnery discusses how Israel is…
Michael Uhl discusses the murder of a Brazilian torturer who confessed to his crime. John Grant discusses Losing Tim: A Memoir. Troy Camplin reviews Literature and the Economics of Liberty: Spontaneous Order in Culture. Michael S. Rozeff discusses why libertarians should still embrace the non-aggression principle William L. Anderson discusses Republican governors who are against…
Welcome to the fourth review! Let’s get started. First up are the usual pieces on foreign policy and militarism: Daniel R. Mahanty discusses how realists can also champion human rights. David Swanson discusses the visit to the White House of a Taliban victim and drone strikes. Patrick Cockburn discusses the victims of war in Iraq….
Essa exploração parasitária, o estatismo, não é solução para as enfermidades sociais.
Anthony Gregory: The U.S. government should not force taxpayers to finance any of this, and so long as it does, Americans ought to be particularly critical.
The state’s monopoly on law replaces accountability with victim blaming.
Tom Knapp: Newt Gingrich, Motherf—-r of Invention.
Darian Worden: Support cultural subversion, not cultural boycotts.
Darian Worden on a state’s excuses for murder.
Darian Worden on Israel and the Gaza Blockade