Tag: gun control
In our attempts to stop the monsters terrorizing our children, we have ourselves become monsters. We never notice when the transformation occurs. We don’t even fully realize it until years into our rampage. But one day, we wake up and look into the mirror, and the face peering back at us is unrecognizable. On Friday,…
A friend of mine recently shared a blog post by a friend of his on liberty and guns in the Republic of Georgia. In the post, the author, Neal Zupancic, argues that people who need to be armed in order to feel safe cannot be said to be free or safe, and by implication that…
I suppose it takes a true radical these days to question the progressive’s sacred cow: Ronald Reagan. You read that right. This paradigm of modern conservatism was one of the most important American champions of gun control in recent decades, and so he has become a convenient talking point for liberals who want to argue…
In a speech last month about proposed gun control legislation, President Obama decried opponents’ attempts to encourage “suspicion about government.” “The government’s us,” he responded. “These officials are elected by you. They are constrained as I am constrained, by a system that our founders put in place.” But if government were “us,” why would we…
Knapp: The only thing “libertarian” I can find in it is Levy’s claim to be one.
Sheldon Richman on “The Absurdity of Universal Background Checks,” gun control, the legal, rational and moral arguments for the right to self defense, the immorality of the income tax, practical anarchy and much more.
Richman: This is not paranoia. It’s a recognition of the dynamics of demagogic politics.
Gupta: Central to the left project is demilitarizing society, and by using this as the umbrella, gun control can provide an opening to shackle the state instead of the people.
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson’s “A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Quer paz social? Desarme os policiais e os soldados. Tire o poder que têm os Dirigentes Executivos Principais – CEOs sanguessugas — criados pelo mesmo estado que quer regulamentar as armas de fogo — sobre nosso próprio direito de existir sobre a Terra.
C4SS Media would like to present Darian Worden’s Gun Control: Who Gets Control?, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Apoiar leis de controle de armas de fogo significa dar ao governo mais crédito do que ele merece.
Kevin Carson: Ik kan me niet voorstellen dat iemand zou verwachten dat de vuurwapenregulering in de VS minder klassenspecifiek zou zijn dan die van andere beleidsterreinen.
No mundo de Barack Obama, eventos como o massacre de Newtown são preço pequeno a pagar pela inconteste capacidade de fazer por atacado o que Adam Lanza fez no varejo.
Terwijl wij streven naar een samenleving van de menselijke maat – die niet bereikt kan worden zonder het cultiveren van respect voor vrijheid en autonomie – zouden wij ook respect moeten hebben voor wapenbezit voor alle verantwoordelijke individuen.
Desde seu início o estado tem sido comissão executiva da classe dominante econômica e instrumento da força armada pelos donos dos meios de produção, habilitando-os a extrair excedente de trabalho do resto de nós.
Darian Worden: Strengthen liberty and autonomy, not government.
Kevin Carson: From its beginnings the state has been an executive committee of the economic ruling class. … I can’t imagine why anyone would expect the state’s gun control policies to display any less of a class character.
Knapp: In Barack Obama’s world, events like the Newtown massacre are a small price to pay for the uncontested ability to do wholesale what Adam Lanza did retail.
Hultner: The “debate” between CNN host Piers Morgan and talk radio host Alex Jones on Monday may have been entertaining political theatre, but they — and the rest of us — are missing a larger point.