Tag: gun control
Os Estados Unidos têm mais violência armada do que qualquer outro país ocidental pelo mesmo motivo de terem uma cultura de venerar a bandeira e de “prestigiar as tropas” sem paralelo no hemisfério ocidental.
Darian Worden: Neither the NRA nor those protesting against it strike the root of school violence.
Goodman: We cannot separate gun control from the rest of the state apparatus that enforces gun laws.
Kevin Carson: Want social peace? Disarm the cops and soldiers. Take away the power of bloodsucking CEOs — created by the same state that would regulate guns — over our very right to exist on the earth.
Los Estados Unidos tienen más violencia armada que otros países occidentales por la misma razón que tenemos una cultura de veneración a la bandera y de “apoyar a las tropas” sin paralelo en el hemisferio occidental.
The United States has more gun violence than other Western countries for the same reason it has a culture of flag-worship and “supporting the troops” unequaled anywhere else in the West.
Darian Worden: The ATF arming drug cartels then arguing for tighter gun restrictions is only the latest in government wanting more power to address problems it creates or inflames.