Tag: gun control
C4SS Feed 44 presents Darian Worden’s “Gun Control: Who Gets Control?” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. While we make society more compassionate — which cannot be done without cultivating respect for liberty and autonomy — we should respect the gun rights of all responsible individuals. It is amazing that an 18-year-old can…
I usually don’t dip my feet into the perilous waters of the gun-control debate for several reasons: I’m not a gun-owner, guns have never interested me as either a pastime or culturally, and having the capacity to end people’s lives easily unnerves me. Be this as it may, I still strongly oppose gun control and Obama’s…
…from James Wasserman’s “Pulling Liberty’s Teeth,” published in the third (2008) edition of the anthology Rebels and Devils: The Psychology of Liberation: America’s first state and local gun laws were nearly all designed to keep guns out of the hands of slaves. These included laws passed prior to the American Revolution. After the Civil War,…
Oath Keeper presence in Ferguson has been an issue boiling beneath the surface since the 2014 riots. Members began showing up when community hostility spilled over into the streets; Oath Keepers appointed themselves protectors of Ferguson property from looters. Reception was mixed, but some members of the community welcomed them and allowed them to patrol their storefronts.
On August 7th, movie theater shooter James Holmes was sentenced to life in prison. At the sentencing hearing, Holmes’s mother pleaded that he was a sweet, innocent boy whose mental illness haunted him and eventually turned him into a murderer. From Columbine to Charleston, every time a white man opens fire, mental illness is the…
President Obama’s recent gun control efforts exemplify the ableism and general discrimination inherent in progressive paternalism. In his latest attempt at gun control, Obama seeks to bar individuals who collect Social Security benefits and whose resources are overseen by “representative payees” due to “marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetence, condition, or disease” from owning or…
C4SS Feed 44 presents Jason Lee Byas‘s “There Are No Easy Solutions for White Terrorism” read by Tony Dreher and edited by Nick Ford. Black people — not just in Charleston, but throughout the United States — experience the police as occupiers, not protectors. Centralizing firearm ownership in the hands of the police will not protect people…
Il diciassette giugno, un bianco di nome Dylann Roof ha ucciso nove neri appartenenti alla chiesa Emanuel Methodist African Episcopal (Eame). Cito il colore della pelle perché non è un caso che siano stati uccisi dei neri. È stato un atto di terrorismo al servizio della supremazia dei bianchi. Comprensibilmente, la gente si agita e…
Mercoledì 17 giugno, un uomo armato ha ucciso nove membri della Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, storica chiesa nera di Charleston, nella Carolina del Sud. Dopo esser rimasto seduto in chiesa per quindici minuti, l’uomo ha urlato epiteti razzisti e poi ha aperto il fuoco. Dopo questo crimine così evidente, rivolto contro i neri in…
Dylann Roof’s racially motivated murders of nine black churchgoers have brought predictable calls for new restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms. How ironic this is we shall soon see. Advocates of gun rights argue that the best way to prevent such atrocities is for would-be victims to arm themselves; killers will break…
On June 17th, a white man named Dylann Roof murdered nine black members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (EAME). I mention race because it was not a coincidence – this was an act of terrorism in the service of white supremacy. Understandably, people are scrambling for an easy solution, and most proposals involve…
On Wednesday, June 17th, a shooter murdered nine members of Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historically Black church in Charleston, South Carolina. After sitting in church for about an hour, the gunman made racist comments before opening fire. After what was clearly a crime directed toward Black people because of their race, President Barack…
Uri Avnery discusses what the Israeli left should do. D. Brady Nelson discusses government regulation as a hidden tax. Sheldon Richman discusses rethinking the U.S.-Israeli relationship. Justin Raimondo discusses Bibi as George Wallace. Kevin Carson discusses Thomas Piketty’s book on capital. Robert VerBruggen discusses a book on gun control in Nazi Germany. Bruce Fein discusses…
An excellent article published last week by Radley Balko in The Washington Post explores the racially discriminatory consequences of gun control laws in the United States, as illustrated through the lens of several recent news stories. Balko begins by discussing the arrest of Shaneen Allen: Last October, Shaneen Allen, 27, was pulled over in Atlantic…
During a CNN town hall on June 17, Hillary Clinton made some controversial remarks about opponents of gun control. “We cannot let a minority of people, and that’s what it is, it is a minority of people,” she said, “hold a viewpoint that terrorizes the majority of people.” But is gun control opposed by only…
Gli abitanti del villaggio di Kala/Balge, nello stato nord-nigeriano di Borno, si sono ribellati. Tra le incertezze dei politici e i tweet degli attivisti, gli abitanti di Kala/Balge hanno preso le armi e hanno messo in fuga il nemico con un’imboscata contro un convoglio di Boko Haram, che stava arrivando per assaltare il loro villaggio….
In the village of Kalabalge, in the northern Nigerian state of Borno, the people struck back. While politicians dithered and activists twittered, the people of Kalabalge armed themselves and took the fight to their enemies, ambushing a Boko Haram convoy en route to attack their village. At least forty-one Boko Haram militants were killed and ten…
This is the second part of my series on Al Carroll’s critique of libertarianism and small government conservatism. Let’s continue the critique. He writes: And yet, in a nation that prides itself on democracy and equality, one finds many defenders of elitism and inequality among some conservatives, most libertarians, and especially objectivists. In a capitalist…
In Nigeria, il gruppo islamico radicale Boko Haram ha compiuto una serie di orribili attacchi, culminati nel recente rapimento di 234 ragazze da un collegio della città di Chibok. L’intenzione, secondo le dichiarazioni, sarebbe di venderle come schiave. Il governo nigeriano chiede la loro liberazione, ma secondo notizie avrebbe fatto ben poco se non aspettare…
In Nigeria, radical Islamic group Boko Haram has carried out a series of horrific attacks, culminating in the recent abduction of 234 girls from a boarding school in the city of Chibok. The group allegedly intends to sell the girls into slavery. The Nigerian government pledges to free them, but thus far reports on the…