Tag: Foundation for Economic Education
Que é isso: livre mercado, ou estado de bem-estar social de ideias?
Por Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Free Marketplace of Ideas — or Welfare State? de 20 de junho 2024. Traduzido para o português por Pedro H.S. Primo. Há um certo tipo de guerreiro cultural de direita – dentre os quais há um número desproporcional de autoproclamados “libertários” – que parece confuso sobre o que um “livre…
Free Marketplace of Ideas — or Welfare State?
There’s a certain kind of right-wing culture warrior — a disproportionate number of whom call themselves “libertarians” — who seems to be confused about what an actual “free marketplace of ideas” is. Self-described “free speech absolutists” of this sort never stop avowing their fondness for John Stuart Mill, and proclaiming their belief that “the cure…
Il Capitalismo è Sempre più Vicino a Cesare che a Dio
Di Kevin Carson. Articolo originale pubblicato il 25 aprile 2024 con il titolo Capitalism Is Still Closer to Ceasar Than to God. Tradotto in italiano da Enrico Sanna. Su The Freeman, Cody Cook si chiede: “Gesù Cristo aveva simpatie per gli affari?” Comincia citando alcuni passi dei vangeli che condannano chiaramente la ricchezza e nota…
Io, la Matita, una Rilettura
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: I Pencil, Revisited, pubblicato l’undici luglio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Scarica qui la versione stampabile in formato pdf. Introduzione Non credo che esista testo libertario controverso più diffuso, più noto, o più amato, di I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read. Comparso per la prima…
Capitalism Is Still Closer to Caesar Than to God
At The Freeman, Cody Cook asks “Was Jesus a Friend to Big Business?” He begins by quoting several of the many prima facie condemnations of the wealthy in the Gospels, and notes their troubling implications for the sort of libertarianism (pro-wealthy, pro-business, and pro-big business) both he and The Freeman represent. With such strong statements…
I, Pencil Revisited
  Traduzione italiana: Io, la matita: Una Rilettura. Introduction There is probably no libertarian polemic more widely distributed and more familiar, or held in higher esteem, than “I, Pencil: My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read.” It originally appeared in the December 1958 issue of The Freeman. It has since been circulated as…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory