Tag: economic development
Power and How to Topple It
The focus will be on new technology, new infrastructure, new models and new processes that replace the vulnerable ones that are the causes of so many of today’s global problems — and ensuring that these replacements are Open Source, and stay in the hands of all the world’s people.
La Propiedad Intelectual es Asesina
Kevin Carson habla sobre el costo humano de la “propiedad intelectual”.
La Política del Hambre
David D’Amato reflexiona acerca del alza de los precios de los alimentos.
El Neoliberalismo: Todos los Impuestos de la Socialdemocracia Sin Ninguno de los Beneficios
Kevin Carson nos advierte sobre lo falaz de las comparaciones simplistas que se hacen entre los sistemas económicos de Estados Unidos y Europa.
Big Business and the Rise of American Statism
Among these various schools, nearly everyone agrees on the putative facts of American history; disagreements arise over frameworks of interpretation and over evaluation.
Swadeshi de Alta Tecnología
Kevin Carson acerca de la futilidad de la acción política en comparación con la acción productiva directa.
George Washington vs. the Licensing Cartels
Carson: Licensing regimes, stand in the way of transforming one’s skill into a source of income, and raise the cost of doing so.
Jesus Kristus, Pirat.
Efter att enligt uppgift ha matat en folkskara bestående av omkring 5000 människor med 5 limpor bröd och två fiskar, har Nazaréen Jesus Kristus mottagit ett formellt rättsligt meddelande…
Energy and Transportation Issues: Response to Kevin Carson
It is in the interests of a robust argument that I offer the following, as I am in full agreement with the ideas presented in this paper. Nevertheless, though perhaps strictly correct there are passages which invite an interpretation, especially when read adversarially, to the effect that the author does not know what he is talking about. There…
La Historia de las Cosas
Kevin Carson celebra que la mitad del argumento de Annie Leonard sea acertado.
The So-Called Green Revolution
Plantation agriculture is able to outcompete the peasant proprietor only through “preferential access to credit and government-subsidized technology….”
Jesucristo, El Pirata
Después de alimentar a una multitud de cinco mil personas con cinco rodajas de pan y dos pescados, Jesucristo de Nazaret recibió una notificación legal por parte de varias asociaciones comerciales…
Essential Mutualism and Citizenship – A Queensland Perspective
We owe it to ourselves to become strong against such predators.
¿Qué Tal un Poco de Verdadera Austeridad?
D’Amato: No sorprendentemente, siempre son los salarios y las pensiones de la gente trabajadora las que están sujetas a los diversos recortes que atienden a la mal llamada “austeridad”.
Exploitation: A Dialectical Anarchist Perspective
Libertarianism should recognize that exploitation deserves an appropriately, though not exclusively, political response.
Energy and Transportation Issues: A Libertarian Analysis
Kevin Carson’s fourteenth research paper argues that “it is the state’s constraints on market freedom that have created an economy centered on long-distance shipping and the automobile-highway complex.
Crecimiento benigno, crecimiento canceroso
Thomas L. Knapp contrasta con las burbujas de un crecimiento sostenible.
How About Some Real “Austerity?”
D’Amato: Not surprisingly, it’s always the salaries and pensions of working people that are subject to the various diminutions attending so-called “austerity.”
Technological Progress: Cui Bono?
It depends, writes Kevin Carson.
Free the Market, Abolish the Wage System
Carson: Wage labor is largely a phenomenon of unfree markets.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory