Tag: economic development
Un articolo sincero sul collasso di Mt. Gox, il mercato dei cambi di Bitcoin, suonerebbe più o meno così: “Ehi! Il mercato dei cambi più importante di Bitcoin è scomparso nel nulla… e invece di collassare, i Bitcoin ancora si vendono a 500 dollari! Una moneta robusta, con grandi capacità di ripresa! Un successo! Grande!…
“愚蠢——是会让人头痛的!” 那只是一种比喻。但是在有些情况下却是毫不夸张的事实。Bob Garfield写的情人节的情书(“我爱大政府”, Slate, 2月15日)就极端地接近于此。相比之下顽固的右派分子更加容易被容忍。他们热爱政府做的可怕的事情因为他们本身就是令人厌烦的人。他们深知政府就是关于一群穿着制服的恶棍到处威胁和杀害人。他们陶醉于其,因为他们是通过霍布斯政治哲学,沾满鲜血的獠牙与利爪,戴着有色眼镜来看这个世界。中立或左派的软蛋们则试着去用正面的,关怀的,“为什么妈咪是民主党”之类的修辞来形容政府,这让人非常的反胃。 最糟糕的是Garfield像大多数中立——左派人士一样无法辨别到底他认为“好的”事情(路易斯安那购地, “保护民众免受恐怖袭击”等等)和他觉得是失误的事(维护奴隶制度一个世纪, 美国中央情报局推翻外国政府等等)是多么紧密的结合在一起的。 Garfield对政府“结束奴隶制度”大加赞扬,同时推脱说它之前对奴隶制度的维护是不需要作出解释的。但是对奴隶制度的维护是最初宪法安排的固有本性,而且可能会永远的持续下去如果不是因为一连串的意外。奴隶制度的废除全部应该归功于这些意外。1860年的民主党是一个支持奴隶制的政党,并且种种迹象表明会一直长期的继续下去。他们失败了只是因为那些一心用偏执和无理来支持奴隶制的狂热分子与适度的支持奴隶制的大多数人决裂了,从而让林肯赢了总统选举。但是即使林肯是总统他们还是会得到一个永久的民主党占多数的国会,这将把林肯贬谪成一只跛脚鸭,把共和党写到历史的注脚,如果不是因为美国深南部的赞成奴隶制的狂热分子愚蠢到要脱离联邦,从而给予共和党多数治理权。1850年的美国政府是保护奴隶制的一个强而有力的堡垒。它拥有较严厉的逃跑奴隶法,严密的审查废除奴隶制的宣传信件而且对参议院就废奴隶制相关的辩论发出禁言令。所以奴隶制度应该会永远持续下去,如果不是因为赞成奴隶制的力量一方本身的愚蠢。 同样令人哭笑不得的是Garfield看不到“好的”路易斯安那购地,坏的奴隶制和坏的血泪之路之间的联系。杰斐逊总统购地主要是为了促进老西南部的农学家们的利益,他们想要免费在密西西比河上航行,也想通过新奥尔良给他们的经济作物的出口找一条安全的线路。你知道,就跟贪图“文明化五部族”的土地,后来安德鲁-杰克逊把土地给了他们的那些贪婪的农民是一样的。 至于“有保证的向西扩张”一事,这让我该从何说起呢? 嗯,我真的不应该指出这一点,但是在购买之前,路易斯安那领地已经有人居住了。而且出售所得的款项被拿破仑用于支持对海地的奴隶争取自由进行的大规模屠杀。 Garfield像大多数无知的自由派人士一样赞扬“进步”的政府措施却不知这些措施完全服务于财阀和大公司的利益,比如像汉密尔顿提倡的“还清革命战争的债务。” 哦,对了,比较左派的历史学家查尔斯-比尔德和Merrill Jenson 对从满面灰尘的农民那里征税,然后按面值价还给持有这些债劵的富有的投机者,而这些人仅以几便士的打折价买了这些债劵一事有话要说。 “先进的”横贯大陆的铁路也许是美国历史上最大的企业福利计划,不仅有政府债劵的资助同时也有政府免费赠予铁路公司相当于法国面积大小的批地。政府补贴长途运输的直接后果是中央企业经济在19世纪后期迅速成长和电力被大规模生产工厂而不是分散型的的地方工业区所采用。 《宅地法》并不是一种“土地重新分配计划”。西部土地的合法拥有者——也就是指真正空置的还没有被印地安人所使用的那部份——应该是使用了那片土地却没有得到任何人许可的拓荒者。相反的,美国政府独占了依据《瓜达卢佩——伊达尔戈割地条约》应是墨西哥的土地,选择了一小部分给移民定居,余下的储备为铁路批地或者以优惠的价格和条件租给伐木,牧场,矿石与石油开采。因此就美国政府的土地政策而言,如果说它允许了任何的开垦和移民, 不如说它也只是允许事情顺其自然的发生。但有些人却因此给予该政策许多感谢。其实大部分的分配计划的目的是为采掘业谋取福利。 以汇丰银行“助长贩毒集团洗钱”的不法行为当例子是特别的滑稽有趣。你知道还有谁对洗钱感兴趣吗?中央情报局。 它用洗来的钱去支持世界各地的黑色行动例如用资金赞助中美州的敢死队。 将“防恐怖袭击”和“失误的行为”比方说中央情报局推翻外国政府放在一起相提并论实在是令人哭笑不得。如果不是美国持续性的推翻政府,支持军事独裁和全世界的敢死队——这一所作所为都是为了保护跨国公司的利益不受地方工厂的干扰——以及自1948年起成为种族隔离状态的巴勒斯坦的最忠实的盟友和资助者, 现在根本不会有任何恐怖分子。 政府并没有“保护人民大众不受垄断的侵害”。 它通过法律限制竞争从而造成垄断。被资助的基础设施项目,如国家铁路系统,民航(全部由政府基金创建)和州际铁路的建设使公司可以将长途运输和批发成本外部化给大众从而将实力达到全国范伟内的巩固和扩张。 “知识产权法”允许公司通过卡特尔的方式进行专利的交流和汇集(例如通用电器和西屋)。这些专利和商标至今还使跨国公司对实际生产产品的血汗工厂实行控制,同时给在越南只需花五美元的鞋加上二百美元的商标费。 在他所举的例子中有一个Garfield倒是触及了真相——不过他认为是一件好事。他错误的以为是政府在“自由企业”的成长中起到了作用。通过资助基础设施和社会化人力资源再生的成本去帮助“将女人当男人用,将男人当牲口用”的大企业。是的,政府确实起了作用。但我认为支撑着大企业的统治是一件坏事。 那些社会安全网计划又是怎么回事呢?他们是次要的反措施,在小幅度范围内试图去抵消企业通过国家强制垄断租金的方式从员工和消费者身上吸金所造成的不良后果。大型企业和财阀从工人,消费者和纳税人身上剥削金钱达到了前所未有的规模完全是依靠美国政府的直接援助和密谋。然后政府从盗来的赃款中拿出一小部分去还给大众,仅仅是为了防止饥饿和无家可归达到最糟糕的程度因此而威胁到资本主义的存亡。 我谢谢你了,山姆大叔。 州政府是一个经济统治阶级的执行委员会,它为百姓做的任何好事都是它做坏事的副作用或者是修正一部分为真正控制它的企业谋利时所造成的混乱。自由派们不理解这些,只有真正的左派,像我们一样的左自由主义者才明白。
Should the government coercively sanction business owners who, out of apparent religious conviction, refuse to serve particular customers? While such behavior is repugnant, the refusal to serve someone because of his or her race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation is nevertheless an exercise of self-ownership and freedom of nonassociation. It is both nonviolent and nonviolative of…
California is in its third year of a severe drought. Some scientists believe this will be the driest year in the last five hundred. Among other measures for dealing with the water shortage, the state has announced it will not provide subsidized irrigation water from dams this year. The large-scale capitalist agriculture model touted by…
The following article was written by Colin Ward and published originally appeared in “Patterns of Anarchy,” 1966. You may think in describing anarchism as a theory of organisation I am propounding a deliberate paradox: “anarchy” you may consider to be, by definition, the opposite of organisation. In fact, however, “anarchy” means the absence of government, the absence of authority. Can…
Uma cobertura jornalística mais razoável do colapso do Mt.Gox, um dos maiores mercados de Bitcoin, seria mais ou menos assim: “Uau! Um dos maiores mercados de Bitcoin da internet acaba de desaparecer e, em vez de entrar em colapso, o Bitcoin ainda é comercializado por cerca de US$ 500! Que moeda robusta e resistente! Que…
Sane news coverage of Bitcoin exchange Mt.Gox‘s collapse would look something like this: “Wow! The Internet’s largest Bitcoin exchange just vanished into thin air … and instead of collapsing, Bitcoin is still trading at about $500! What a robust, resilient currency! What a success story! Wow! Wow!” Sanity in news coverage? Well, not so much….
Know how southern Republican politicians who support “right to work” laws claim they’re not against unions as such — just against closed shop contracts that force workers to join a union as a condition of employment? They’re liars. The negative outcome of the recent UAW certification vote at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga proves that,…
US Representative Justin Amash (R-MI) is far from the first, and is unlikely to be the last, politician to equate libertarianism and conservatism (“Rep. Justin Amash: Conservative and libertarian ‘basically the same philosophy,’” by Jack Hunter, Rare, February 16). But the comparison is not only just plain wrong: It benefits supporters of statism on both…
“The stupid — it hurts!” That’s just a figure of speech, to be sure, but in some cases it’s almost literally true. Bob Garfield’s Valentine for Big Government (“I Luv Big Gov,” Slate, Feb. 15) comes extremely close. Hard right-wingers are easier to take. They love the awful things government does because they’re awful people….
I have argued before that scarcity is manufactured in many industries by the deliberate cultivation of economic demand through structures of artificial need. Given the importance of technology in these industries it should not be surprising that the manipulation of technological development plays an enormous role in the manufacture of these structures. The idea that…
[Disclaimer. This is a paid review. I was assured by Jeff Graubart that negative reviews were fine – he expected only honesty. And I received 40% of the payment up front, with the rest to come after writing the review.] Graubart’s vision of a future society, like the whole of Gaul, is divided into three…
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of Kevin Carson’s “‘Privatization’ or Privateering?” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with Kevin Carson’s “‘Privatization’ or Privateering?” $1.00 for the first copy….
C4SS has teamed up with the Distro of the Libertarian Left. The Distro produces and distribute zines and booklets on anarchism, market anarchist theory, counter-economics, and other movements for liberation. For every copy of James Tuttle’s “Direct Action on the Job!” that you purchase through the Distro, C4SS will receive a percentage. Support C4SS with James Tuttle’s “Direct Action on the Job!” $1.00…
Remember when “Honest Bob” Murray of Murray Industries whined about a “War on Coal”? Most people in “Honest Bob’s” situation would’ve had the sense to keep their pie holes shut, considering he was responsible for the negligent homicide of the coal miners who died in one of his death traps just a few years earlier…
Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn discuss the terrorist character of the late Ariel Sharon. Binoy Kampmark discusses the march to war with Iran. Andrew Levine discusses what will happen for Obama upon the unraveling of Iraq. Alfred McCoy discusses the surveillance state. Kevin Carson discusses the worship of authority. Jose Martinez discusses Wal-Mart racism….
If I understand Princeton historian Sean Wilentz correctly, progressives ought not to be grateful to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Glenn Greenwald for exposing government spying because they are not card-carrying progressives. (“Would You Feel Differently About Snowden, Greenwald, and Assange If You Knew What They Really Thought?”) Apparently they have either hung out with…
Recently Ezra Klein pointed out (“What liberals get wrong about single payer,” Washington Post, January 13) that single-payer healthcare wouldn’t solve the problem of America having the most expensive healthcare system in the world. American health insurance premiums aren’t so high because of the overhead cost or profit of insurance companies, but because of the…
Qualche tempo fa la cantautrice Ani DiFranco ha dovuto cancellare il suo “Righteous Retreat in the Big Easy”, un ritrovo di autori di canzoni ospitato nella Nottoway Plantation and Resort, una ex piantagione di schiavi in Luisiana. La scelta del luogo aveva provocato un meritato scontento, costringendo la DiFranco alla ritirata. La cantante ha poi…
The Jacobin recently published a good piece by Peter Frase titled “The Left and the State.” In it he discusses a recent attack on Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange. This attack was published in the well known liberal magazine, The New Republic. He makes use of another good piece by libertarian, Will Wilkinson….