Tag: drug war
Belem: The Siege, the Drug War and the Police State
The night of November 4th in Belem, capital of Brazil’s Para state, was terrorizing. After the death of Corporal Figueiredo, from the Tactical Ops (Rotam) of the Military Police of the State of Para, at 7:30 PM, there was a violent retaliation, killing nine people, according to the official numbers, six of whom were undoubtedly executed….
Surprise: The Drug War Isn’t About Drugs
On the morning of November 6 the US Federal Bureau of Investigation trumpeted its takedown of the Silk Road 2.0 website and the arrest of  alleged operator Blake Benthall. In so doing the FBI demonstrated, once again, that the War on Drugs has nothing to do with anything its propagandists claim it’s about. If drug criminalization is a…
The Discourse of Crack
In his visit to Brazil, neuroscientist Carl Hart was asked what he thought about the word “Cracolandia,” used to describe the location where crack addicts gather in several cities in the country. Hart replied, “With that name we are … showing to society how to vilify specific groups of people.” Which is obviously true. When we talk…
Lo Stato Balia Uccide
Da quando Katiele e sua figlia sono state catapultate nella cronaca, in Brasile scarseggia il dibattito sulla necessità di legalizzare la marijuana. Katiele lotta per curare l’epilessia di sua figlia con il cannabidiolo (CBD), una sostanza estratta dalla marijuana. La domanda è: qual è la posizione dell’Anvisa, l’equivalente brasiliano dell’istituto superiore di sanità, in materia?…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 37
Andy Piascik discusses how war is everywhere. Anthony Papa discusses the stories of drug war prisoners. Timothy Karr discusses crony capitalists in Congress. Kevin Carson discusses so called “free trade” agreements. Jesse Walker discusses why the U.S. should stay out of Iraq. Andrew Levine discusses imperial stupidity. Sheldon Richman discusses the effects of imperialism in…
How the Nanny State Kills
Since Katiele and her daughter made the news, we’ve had a little debate on the legalization of medical marijuana in Brazil. Katiele struggles to treat her daughter’s epilepsy with CBD (Cannabidiol), a substance extracted from marijuana. One could ask what’s Anvisa — Brazil’s equivalent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration — position on the matter. How…
A Tale of Two Trips
After reading Maureen Dowd‘s gripping tale of her recent experience with the devil’s lettuce, a wave of compassion and sadness for her washed over me. Marijuana poisoning is no laughing matter. As she recounts, for hours she lay incapable of moving from her hotel bed. The weed came on strong, mere minutes after she ordered a…
There Will Be Markets: The Darkening of Prescription Meds
Few reading this will find it in anyway a novel insight that the Drug War has always been about control. The elimination of drugs was a useful narrative, but it’s one which has fallen into disfavor. As we learn what little threat these banned chemicals pose, all that is left is the gripping fist of…
Lei Era la Regola, non l’Eccezione
Il sedici marzo scorso, Claudia Silva Ferreira ha commesso questo crimine: viveva nel posto sbagliato con il colore della pelle sbagliato. È uscita a comprare pane e prosciutto con una tazza di caffè in una mano. Non sai mai quanto può essere letale una tazza di caffè se tenuta da una donna nera e povera,…
She was the Rule, Not an Exception
Claudia Silva Ferreira’s crime, last March 16, was living in the wrong place and having the wrong skin color. She went out to buy bread and ham, a cup of coffee in hand. We can never know how lethal a cup of coffee might be if held by a black, poor woman living on the…
Mutuo Soccorso Contro lo Stato
Sono quasi dieci anni che in Messico si combatte una guerra. La miscela composta da leggi antidroga e diffusione della droga in America ha promosso la nascita di cartelli fuorilegge che, come le bande dell’era proibizionista, usano la violenza per imporre il loro controllo sul traffico di droga. Nel 2006 la situazione fu esacerbata dalla…
Self-Help Against The State
A war has been raging in Mexico for almost ten years now. The nexus of American drug laws and Americans’ drug use has spawned outlaw cartels who, like the Prohibition-era Mob, use violence to enforce their control of the drug trade. In 2006, the situation was exacerbated when the government of then-president Felipe Calderon launched…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 13
Wendy McElroy reviews a historical work on the surveillance state. Jonathan Cook discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sheldon Richman discusses how intellectual property creates corporate concentration. Jim Lobe discusses the fall of Fallujah. Stephen Kinzer discusses the potential detente with Iran. Thaddeus Russell discusses The Other America. Kevin Carson reviews AFFEERCE: A Business Plan to Save…
Weed Legalization As Privatization, Disempowerment
The beginning of this year saw the first fully-fledged legal weed markets open in America in nearly a century. Lines formed, similar those for a midnight movie premiere. Giddy stoners stood in shops in amazement at the ease, variety and quality of the shopping experience. Of course, this is not the introduction of a free market…
Nazismo Nicotinico
Il grande H. L. Mencken definì il puritanesimo “la paura oppressiva che qualcuno da qualche parte si stia divertendo.” Io non vado nella New York di Michael Bloomberg da più di un decennio, ma se dovessi mai atterrare domani all’aeroporto LaGuardia non mi sorprenderei se ad accogliermi ci fossero poliziotti usciti dal quadro di Tompkins…
Nicotine Nazism: It’s Not About Health, It’s About Money and Control
The late, great HL Mencken defined puritanism as “the haunting fear that someone, somewhere is having a good time.” I haven’t visited Michael Bloomberg’s New York City in more than a decade, but if I landed at LaGuardia tomorrow, I’d half expect to be greeted by officials right out of Tompkins Harrison Matteson’s painting “Trial…
The New Silk Road
Today we can celebrate the recent relaunch of the Silk Road drug market, named for a predecessor taken down over a month ago by federal agents for its connection with an alleged assassination conspiracy involving alleged founder Ross Ulbricht. The FBI is attempting to tie Ulbricht to the online identity of the Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR), an entrepreneur…
O Estado Não Consegue Fazer Cumprir Suas Leis Sem Desobedecê-las
Acabo de ler que pais de estudante autista do ensino médio detido em operação de cilada de drogas em Temecula, Califórnia, em dezembro último, moveram processo contra o distrito escolar. Os pais estavam “inicialmente satisfeitos com seu filho ter feito seu primeiro e único amigo no ano passado na escola,” mas ficaram desconfiados quando o…
The State Can’t Enforce Its Laws Without Disobeying Them
I just read that the parents of an autistic high school student arrested in a drug sting operation in Temecula, California last December have filed suit against the school district. The parents were “initially happy their son had made his first and only friend last year at school,” but became suspicious when his “school friend”…
Hey FDA, Mind Your Own Business
One of the first things I learned in my health care career is that pain is an inherently subjective experience. Different people experience different levels of pain in different situations, and everyone has their own idiosyncratic problem areas — one can’t bear dental pain while another finds back injuries unbearable. Because of this fact, backed…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory