Tag: drug war
Welcome to the third edition of my weekly review! Let’s get started on a fantastic series of articles. First off are the usual pieces on foreign policy and military affairs: 1. Barry Lando discusses how presidential intervention almost squashed a damning 60 minutes segment on American involvement in Iran. 2. Andre Vltcheck discusses the recent…
Welcome to the second edition of my libertarian leftist weekly review! There are many exciting new pieces to share. I will be sending 30 a week. Let’s get started. A hot topic of late has been the potential war with Syria. Here are some articles addressing it from an anti-war/anti-imperialist perspective: 1. Rob Urie talks…
Every once in a while a government functionary slips up and inadvertently lets out the truth about how things work, in tones so frank it leaves us shaking our heads and wondering if we really heard correctly. That’s what happened when Blake Ewing, an Austin area assistant DA, expressed his true feelings (“Breaking Bad Normalizes…
The following article is translated into Portuguese from the English original, written by Kevin Carson. Com os níveis de uso de drogas nos Estados Unidos essencialmente os mesmos que — e os níveis de violência relacionada com drogas iguais ou mais baixos (*) que — os daqueles em países, como a Holanda, com leis liberais relativas a…
C4SS Senior Fellow Kevin Carson, Karl Hess Chair of Social Theory, was interviewed March 14th on the Truthdig radio program, Pacifica Radio, on his recent column “15 Benefits of the War on Drugs.”
Carson: La guerra contra las drogas es un fracaso sólo si el estado existe para servirte.
Carson: The Drug War is a failure only if the state exists to serve you.
Neste Natal, peço encarecidamente a você que mantenha as famílias juntas. Rogo que você se articule contra o complexo industrial prisional e o aparato do estado que já fizeram em pedaços tantas famílias.
This Christmas, I urge you to keep families together. I urge you to organize against the prison industrial complex and the state apparatus that have broken so many families apart.
A Los Zetas en realidad no les interesa dirigir tu vida diaria. Si no te metes con ellos, probablemente no se meterán contigo. Trata de pedirles a “tu” municipalidad, “tu” legislatura nacional o a “tu” amigable burócrata de seguridad en “tu” aeropuerto que te dejen en paz, a ver qué tal te va.
Los Zetas really isn’t very interested in running your life on a day-to-day basis. If you leave them alone, they’ll probably leave you alone. Try getting “your” local city council, “your” national legislature, or “your” friendly Transportation Security Administration affiliated sexual assailant to butt out of your business and see how far you get.
A Guerra Contra as Drogas, em uma palavra, é onde está o dinheiro todo.
Kevin Carson: “Cuando Rothbard aseveró que los gobiernos son mafias no estaba utilizando una figura retórica”.
Darian Worden: The ATF arming drug cartels then arguing for tighter gun restrictions is only the latest in government wanting more power to address problems it creates or inflames.
Kevin Carson analyzes Hillary Clinton’s remark that drugs can’t be legalized because there is “just too much money in it”.
Darian Worden says: Destroy authority, not plants.
Darian Worden: US military intervention in Costa Rica is an escalation of the War over Drugs.
Kevin Carson: “When Rothbard said governments were mafias, it wasn’t just a figure of speech.”
Kevin Carson: “Police, like other criminal gangs, use terror to intimidate those they rule into submission, intimidate snitches out of testifying against their crimes, and prey upon those living on their ‘turf.'”
C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson: “If it had been dreamed up by Satan himself in the bowels of Hell, the War on Drugs couldn’t be more diabolically calculated to destroy our liberties and promote the cause of evil in the world.”