Tag: class war
The Root is Power by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “The Root is Power”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
How Much “Civilization” Does Your Tax Money Buy?
Carson: The state, by its very nature, is the executive committee of a ruling class. It’s the mechanism by which landlords, usurers, bureaucrats and rentiers extract wealth from the majority of the population.
Just Enough Workplace Democracy To Soothe A Liberal’s Conscience
Hummels: Hey, John Mackey isn’t holding a gun to your head, buddy!
Glenn Reynolds’ Upside-Down Version of History
Kevin Carson: The large firm and the factory system did not become the dominant economic institutions because of some objective technological imperative, or their superior efficiency in a free market. They became the dominant economic institutions because of their superior effectiveness at controlling labor; and then the state intervened in the market to make them efficient enough to survive.
Class vs. “Identity Politics,” Intersectionality, Etc.: Some General Observations
Carson: Intersectionality undermines the ruling class’s “divide and conquer” strategies of labor market segmentation as a strategy for weakening the bargaining power of labor.
“Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power” by Kevin Carson on C4SS Media
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson‘s “Unequal Contracts, Unequal Power”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
No para Alabarlo, sino para Enterrarlo
Es hora de perseguir una visión de justicia y libertad que alcancemos por nuestras propias acciones, no como un regalo que dependa de la benevolencia temporal de un dictador.
Democrats Demand Reinstatement of The Draft
Sebastian: The Draft, now with deluxe appeals to community service! Democrats have been pushing the Universal National Service Act since 2003 — it’s only a matter of time before you will need to burn your draft card.
A Vontade Do Povo Não Significa Nada Para Os Combatentes Contra Drogas
No Tao Te Ching, o sábio chinês Lao Tzu escreve: “Quanto mais leis são promulgadas, mais assaltantes e ladrões há.”
Not to Praise, But to Bury Him
Kevin Carson: It’s time to pursue a vision of justice and freedom based on our own actions, on peaceful cooperation, mutual aid and solidarity with our friends and neighbors — not as a gift that depends on the temporary benevolence of a dictator.
The Root is Power
Kevin Carson: The central identifying feature of a reformist effort is that it fails to strike at the root of oppression — power.
The Will Of The People Doesn’t Mean Jack To Drug Warriors
Hummels: Today’s political class views federalism as archaic.
Politics Against Politics
Roderick T. Long: The libertarian struggle against statist oppression needs to be integrated (or re-integrated) with traditionally left-wing struggles against various sorts of non-state oppression.
Una Buena Razón para No Construir el Oleoducto Keystone XL: La Justicia
El calificativo de “libertario” pierde su significado si no implica la defensa de la justicia. No puede, ni debe, significar la legitimación del feudalismo siempre que éste “sea bueno para la economía”.
Would Conscription Curb US Militarism? Thom Hartmann Thinks So
Hummels: Progressives try to put a populist shine on conscription.
One Reason Not to Build the Keystone XL Pipeline: Justice
Byas: The Keystone XL pipeline has inspired a lot of controversy. For defenders of freed markets, however, it shouldn’t. Libertarians should emphatically and unequivocally oppose the pipeline.
Control Your Local Police
While reflecting on recent episodes of police misconduct in my community and beyond, I began to think about how much law enforcement agencies resemble the Catholic Church. And no, this is not a pre-St. Patrick’s day Irish joke. Consider the following: The Church and police departments have both become safe havens for criminal abusers of authority….
Can We Escape the Ruling Class?
Roderick T. Long: We tend to think of the “ruling class” as a Marxist concept, but the notion has a long history before Marx.
Why Import Evgeny Morozov When Tom Franks and Andy Keens are Out of Work??
Carson: Our goal is not to assume leadership of existing institutions, but rather to render them irrelevant. … We do not hope to reform the existing order. We intend to serve as its grave-diggers.
“A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control” by Kevin Carson on Feed 44
C4SS Media would like to present Kevin Carson’s “A (Brief) People’s History of Gun Control”, read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory