Tag: capitalism
Hayek’s Fatal Conceit
Traducción al español: La fatal arrogancia de Hayek View or download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s C4SS Study: Hayek’s Fatal Conceit Oskar Lange famously said, against the background of the debates over Ludwig von Mises’ economic calculation argument, that a statue of Mises should be erected in the planning ministry of a future socialist…
Empregos de Mentira e o Fim do Trabalho (Como o Conhecemos)
Artigo original: Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It), de Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Traduzido para o Português por Gabriel Serpa. Pouco mais de cem anos desde que anarquistas, socialistas, comunistas, libertários e sindicalistas radicais venceram a longa, árdua e sangrenta batalha pela jornada de trabalho de oito horas, nos Estados Unidos,…
Corporations versus the Market; or, Whip Conflation Now
(Originally published at Cato Unbound on November 10, 2008) Defenders of the free market are often accused of being apologists for big business and shills for the corporate elite. Is this a fair charge? No and yes. Emphatically no—because corporate power and the free market are actually antithetical; genuine competition is big business’s worst nightmare….
Bullshit Jobs and the End of Work (As We Know It)
A little over 100 years since anarchists, socialists, communists, libertarians, and radical unionists in the so-called united states successfully won the long, difficult, and bloody battle for the eight hour workday, we are still overworked and underpaid despite technological advancements necessitating less and less labor to maintain the same quality of life. To quote Bertrand…
April 28, 2020
Excuse me – –             in which aisle                         do I find                         bootstraps             for the                         mentally                                     exhausted? Oh, nevermind. My wallet was stolen             by the man                         in the suit
E Però ti Servi di quei Mostri Cattivi
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 16 settembre 2020 con il titolo And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious! Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Capita spesso che un libertario di destra denunci, con qualche giustificazione, la stupidità di chi pensa che opporsi a qualche legge o istituzione statale significhi opporsi a qualche valore…
Il Credito Bene Comune Appropriato, Parte II
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Credit as an Enclosed Commons, Part II, pubblicato il primo settembre 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In un precedente articolo, spiegavo che chi elogia Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos e simili per la loro capacità di “creare valore” dà credito alle persone sbagliate. Ogni componente della Tesla, tutto il modello logistico e…
And Yet You Use Those Evil Big Tech Platforms. Curious!
It’s common for right-libertarians to attack — with some justification — the stupidity of those who equate opposing a law or government agency with opposing some value or goal in its name. Wanting to abolish the Department of Education, for example, doesn’t mean you’re against education. But right libertarians are guilty of a somewhat related…
Response to Aurora Apolito
In “The Problem of Scale in Anarchism and the Case for Cybernetic Communism,” Aurora Apolito writes: I don’t believe that markets can be “liberated” from capitalism, nor that they can do anything good anyway, regardless of their liberated status. In essence, this is because I view the market mechanism as running on a steepest descent…
Credit As an Enclosed Commons, Part II
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] In a previous column, I examined the way in which those who praise Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and their ilk for their “creative genius” or “value creation” are misplacing the credit. All the components of Tesla designs, and of…
Complexity As a Fundamental Diseconomy of Scale
I want to begin by praising Apolito’s piece. It both tackles the strongest argument against anarchism, the problem of achieving coordination at scale, and models the problem using insights from the cluster of fields that lie at the base of complex systems. Whatever my disagreements with them over markets, this is a welcome addition to…
Capitalist Nursery Fables: The Tragedy of Private Property, and the Farce of Its Defense
View or download a PDF copy of Kevin Carson’s C4SS Study: Capitalist Nursery Fables: The Tragedy of Private Property, and the Farce of Its Defense Traduzione italiana, I Miti del Capitalismo: La tragedia della proprietà privata e la farsa della sua difesa Introduction Since the beginning of class society, every ruling class has required a…
O Inimigo Do Indivíduo
Ayn Rand escreveu que “Fascismo, Nazismo, Comunismo e Socialismo são apenas variações superficiais do mesmo tema monstruoso – o coletivismo”. No entanto, acho que isso deve ser mudado para refletir todas as formas que o coletivismo, o inimigo da liberdade, pode assumir. Essa nova máxima seria “Fascismo, Nazismo, Comunismo, Socialismo de Estado e Capitalismo são…
Review: Bourgeois Dignity
Bourgeois Dignity‘s line of inquiry — at least as stated — is into the causes of what Deirdre McCloskey calls “the Fact” — the tenfold or more increase in the average person’s standard of living in a couple centuries’ time. Her thesis that “the Fact” owed its origins to a culture of innovation, of openness…
Goed, de problemen met anarcho kapitalisme. Of ‘anarcho’ kapitalisme, vanuit individueel anarchistische (linkse) hoek. Ik noem zeven problemen. De zeven zonden van het anarcho kapitalisme ? 1 Kapitalisme biedt de mogelijkheid om extreem rijk te worden. Rijk zijn, is niet hetzelfde als vrijheid. Je hebt zeer rijke mensen, die zich onvrij voelen. Gevangen in hun…
The Enemy of the Individual
Ayn Rand wrote that “Fascism, Nazism, Communism, and Socialism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme – collectivism.” However, I think this should be changed to reflect all the forms that collectivism, the enemy of liberty, can take. This new maxim would be “Fascism, Nazism, Communism, Statist Socialism, and Capitalism are superficial variations…
Action Is Sometimes Clearer Than Talk: Why We Will Always Need Trade
Is it possible for our enemies to discover actual insights? The impulse to deny this is universal. The third reich dismissed special relativity as “Jewish physics” and lost significant advantage. The USSR worried that accepting Darwin’s insights in evolution would open the floodgates to capitalist social darwinism and so they hurt themselves by sticking with…
Dia das Vítimas do Capitalismo
Na Reason, Ilya Somin, mantendo a prática anual adoptada desde 2007, escolheu o 1 de Maio – Dia do Trabalhador – como data para celebrar o “Dia das Vítimas do Comunismo”. Somin cita a “autoridade” do Livro Negro do Comunismo como fonte para a estimativa de 80 a 100 milhões de mortos no século XX. Para colocar o…
La Giornata delle Vittime del Capitalismo
Di Kevin Carson. Originale: Victims of Capitalism Day, pubblicato il 10 maggio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Reason Ilya Somin, secondo una sua pratica annuale iniziata nel 2007, ha scelto il primo maggio, festa dei lavoratori, per commemorare la “Giornata delle Vittime del Comunismo”. Somin parla di 80-100 milioni di vittime nel ventesimo secolo…
Victims of Capitalism Day
At Reason Ilya Somin, in keeping with his annual practice since 2007, has chosen May 1 — May Day — as his date for  observing “Victims of Communism Day.” Somin cites the “authoritative” Black Book of Communism as his source for a death toll of 80-100 million in the 20th century. To put that “authoritative”…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory