Tag: C4SS
The Center for a Stateless Society would like to formally thank all of our supporters for their generous donations and staunch vocal backing over the last month or so. The Center has had a rough last few weeks but the future looks brighter than ever thanks to you. The International Students For Liberty Conference is…
Freedom of Disassociation: Regarding Brad Spangler
At roughly 5 pm CST (January 22, 2015), Brad Spangler confessed in a Facebook post to the 2004 molestation of a child and expressed his intention to turn himself in to the police. He has not posted anything, nor, so far as we know, otherwise communicated — to the contrary, or for that matter at all —…
Missing Comma: The Pen and the Sword
This morning, there are twelve people who are dead who should not be. Nine journalists, a maintenance worker and two police officers were killed at the Paris headquarters of French satire newspaper Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday. Eleven more were injured; four are still in critical condition as of this writing. Here is a list of the…
Director’s Report: December 2014
December is almost over and along with it 2014. C4SS had an amazing month and an amazing year and we owe everything to you — our supporters. This year closes with many people interested in anarchism or, at least, the ground long surveyed and mapped by anarchists. From the stark and gleeful brutality of state…
Director’s Report: November 2014
We are nearing the end of the year and November was another fantastic month for the Center for a Stateless Society. We were honored to be able to publish a Portuguese translation of Kevin Carson’s The Iron Fist Behind the Invisible Hand and included a brand new introduction, by Carson, just for our Portuguese speaking readers….
Investing in Anarchy
If left libertarians, individualist anarchists, mutualists, radical libertarians, and the like, ever needed to spontaneously order, this is the time. The Alliance of the Libertarian Left and the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS) are seeking your help. From November 13-16th in San Diego, California, the Libertalia Project will be hosting its annual Libertopia Festival. The…
Director’s Report: October 2014
October marks another productive month for C4SS. Maybe not as productive in quantity, but certainly in quality. C4SS is a media center and think tank: we focus on crafting editorials for mass media reproduction (over 2000 reprints, and counting, documented) and academic level studies. Each month we invest more and more into book reviews and studies….
Informe del coordinador de medios hispanos, agosto y septiembre de 2014
Durante agosto y septiembre traduje al español “Por qué el Papa está menos equivocado que Keith Farrell” y “El rol de los bienes comunales en un mercado libre“, ambos de Kevin Carson, y “El anarquismo individualista y la jerarquía” de Cory Massimino. También publiqué un artículo propio en español, “Los fondos buitre vs. Argentina“, y…
Director’s Report: September 2014
The Center for a Stateless Society continues to keep pace with itself, month to month, and it is all because of you — our supporters and donors. September has been a month filled with opportunities for us to correct historical inaccuracies and vulgar libertarianism; to watch Scottish near-independence, continued US “bomb-em” diplomacy and millennial wooing; and…
Director’s Report: August 2014
August has been wonderfully productive month for C4SS. We have published more commentaries, features, book reviews, blog posts, and translations, across the board and by a wide margin, than previous months. And we even, finally, published our version of Colin Ward’s edited Fields, Factories and Workshops Tomorrow by Pyotr Kropotkin – complete with an original introduction…
Director’s Report: July 2014
July has been a busy month for a lot of our writers: there was the World Cup coverage, AltExpo, Freedom Fest and the Students for Liberty Campus Coordinator’s Retreat all vying for their attention. Yet, even with all that, we were still able to publish twenty-four commentaries and ten original features. C4SS pays the writers that…
The Civilized Ancap and The Hippie Individualist
Talk of extended principle is the present issue in libertarian circles. When the modern libertarian crowd was introduced to the thick/thin debate via the writings of Charles W. Johnson, others at C4SS and elsewhere, the issue proved itself divisive and thought provoking. From this grew the related distinction between libertarian “Brutalists” and “Humanitarians” as described in Jeffrey Tucker’s now infamous essay Against Libertarian Brutalism. Tucker…
Director’s Report: June 2014
June has been a great month for the Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS). We were able to publish more commentaries in June than in the previous three months. If you are a regular donor, then I would like to thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support. If you are interested in supporting our mission…
Relatório da Coordenação de Mídias em Português: Maio de 2014
No último mês, foram publicados 20 artigos em português no C4SS. Nove deles foram escritos por mim e por Valdenor Júnior, dialogando especificamente com o público de língua portuguesa, em particular o brasileiro. Tivemos 137 republicações, com uma média de 6,85 republicações por texto. Nós mais que dobramos a quantidade de textos republicados por sites…
Informe del coordinador de medios hispanos, mayo 2014
Este mes decidí enfocar todos mis esfuerzos en terminar la traducción de “El puño de hierro detrás de la mano invisible” de Kevin Carson. Y la decisión rindió sus frutos: ¡ayer terminé la traducción! El puño es una de las obras seminales de Kevin Carson y una referencia fundamental del “anticapitalismo de libre mercado”. Expone…
Director’s Report: May 2014
May has been an interesting month for The Center for a Stateless Society (C4SS). We have added some new features and people to the roster and reached a couple of milestones in our development. If you are a regular donor, then I would like to thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support. If you are…
Relatório da Coordenação de Mídias em Português: Abril de 2014
O que os números mostram sobre a atuação do C4SS em português? Em primeiro lugar, tivemos 57 republicações em diversos veículos. Os textos mais repúblicados foram O totalitarismo da identificação, escrito por mim mesmo, que teve 25 republicações, e A quem os pobres pedem reintegração de posse?, de Valdenor Júnior, com 10 republicações. No Facebook,…
Director’s Report: April 2014
C4SS has finished another month and we have a lot to talk about. On May first, the new look for our site will turn one. If you don’t remember our original look, enjoy. As with everything at the Center, the new look is the result of amazing work from friends, volunteers and, especially, donors. If…
Relatório da Coordenação de Mídias em Português: Março de 2014
Março foi um ótimo mês para nossa embaixada em português. Nosso trabalho no Facebook fez com que ganhássemos o dobro de curtidas (de 105 passamos a 281) e nosso conteúdo agora alcança uma audiência ainda maior. Nossos textos específicos ao público que fala português (especialmente o brasileiro) também atraiu muita atenção. Meu próprio artigo “Cláudia…
Director’s Report: March 2014
The Center, C4SS, had a rather interesting 2013, that ended with us having a large sum of money to play with. But our fun will not continue without your help, your continued support and donations. In order to make the case for why you should forgo a cup of coffee every month and donate to…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory