Tag: animal rights
El ejemplo moral de Tommy Raskin
Por Nathan Goodman. Título original: Tommy Raskin’s Moral Example, del 3 de enero de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. La semana pasada, Thomas “Tommy” Raskin murió a la edad de 25 años. Tommy era el hijo del representante Jamie Raskin (D-MD), cuya oficina anunció su muerte el jueves 31 de diciembre. Tommy era un…
Tommy Raskin’s Moral Example
Last week, Thomas “Tommy” Raskin died at the age of 25. Tommy was the son of Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), whose office announced his death on Thursday, December 31st. Tommy was an anti-war activist, a vegan, a writer, and a student at Harvard Law School. As his family said in a statement, “Tommy was pure…
Una Rivoluzione Verde Decentrata
Guida anarchica all’ambientalismo Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 23 agosto 2018 con il titolo Decentralizing the Green Revolution: An Anarchist Guide to Environmentalism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Davanti al problema dei cambiamenti climatici o di altre forme di inquinamento, abbiamo solitamente due strade: da un lato l’individuo con il riciclaggio, le luci spente,…
Decentralizing the Green Revolution: An Anarchist Guide to Environmentalism
When looking to solve the issue of climate change and other forms of environmental damage, people tend to look at two kinds of solutions: those targeting the individual, such as recycling, turning off your lights, bicycling, and unplugging your electronics when not in use, or more statist solutions, such as banning plastic straws, carbon taxes,…
ცხოველთა უფლებების დარღვევა წამებით: პასუხი უოლტერ ბლოკს
შესავალი დღევანდელ დღეს, უოლტერ ბლოკი არის მსოფლიოში ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ღრმად პატივსაცემი ლიბერტარიანელი თეორეტიკოსი, ის არის ეკონომიკის პროფესორი Loyola-ს უნივერსიტეტში. ბლოკმა დაწერა ასობით სტატია და წიგნი ლიბერტარიანულ თეორიაზე, მისი ნაშრომების ზედაპირული მიმოხილვაც კი გვაჩვენებს უდიდეს სიღრმეს მის აზროვნებაში. ბლოკის ლოგიკური კონსისტენცია შთამბეჭდავია ხოლო მისი ხატმებრძოლური და ინტელექტუალური შეტევები ისეთ წონად საკითხებზე, როგორიცაა მილიტარიზმი და ნარკო პოლიტიკა,…
The Animals’ Freedom Fighter
It’s about time. Someone has finally written a biography on the real father of the animal liberation movement – Ronnie Lee. Lee’s lifelong work for animals spans five decades and counting. During this time, he has been involved in just about every form of animal advocacy imaginable — direct action, grassroots vegan outreach, public interest…
Maltrattare gli Animali Viola i Loro Diritti
Replica a Walter Block Di Thomas Raskin. Originale pubblicato il 25 luglio 2017 con il titolo Animal Torture Violates Rights: A Response to Walter Block. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Introduzione Walter Block è uno dei più stimati teorici libertari nel mondo.1 Eminente studioso di economia presso la Harold E. Wirth, docente di economia presso la…
Animal Torture Violates Rights: A Response to Walter Block
Introduction Walter Block is one of the most highly esteemed libertarian theorists in the world today.1 The Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Chair in Economics and Professor of Economics at Loyola University, Block has written hundreds of articles and books on the intricacies of libertarian theory, even a cursory review of which reveals the tremendous depth…
Perché non Togliere gli Animali dai Circhi?
[Di Chad Nelson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 2 maggio 2017 con il titolo What’s Wrong with Abolishing Circus Animal Shows? Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] A prima vista il disegno di legge 1759 approvato dalla camera (“Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act”) sembra una grossa vittoria per gli animali….
How Do We Best Improve the Lives of Animals?
As a relative newcomer to the tradition of anarchist activism in the field of human-animal relationships, I found C4SS Fellow Chad Nelson’s “What’s Wrong with Abolishing Circus Animal Shows?” to be a fascinating read. But my concern for animals is currently rooted in their welfare rather than their ostensible oppression or rights as free beings.
What’s Wrong with Abolishing Circus Animal Shows?
At first glance, H.R. 1759 — the “Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act (TEAPSPA)” — seems like a big victory for animals. TEAPSPA actually seeks to abolish an entire cross-section of animal exploitation. One that is as old as mankind: circus animals. Many parts of the world are already aware that circus animals endure great suffering…
Hunt Sabotage Accomplishes What Law Cannot
Last week’s brutal massacre of Illona Mitchell’s animal companions in Spain by bloodthirsty huntsmen reminds us that hunting needs to be stopped, period. The executions of several of Mitchell’s dogs, and the gouging of a horse’s eye, came as retribution for Mitchell’s refusal to allow Spanish hunters to carry out their dastardly deeds on her…
Lo Stato non Tutela, Distrugge e Basta
[Di Chad Nelson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society l’otto gennaio 2017 con il titolo The State Doesn’t Conserve, It Only Destroys. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Recensione di: Janay Brun, Cloak and Jaguar: Following a Cat From Desert to Courtroom Se non avete mai sentito parlare dell’ormai defunto Macho B, non siete soli….
The State Doesn’t Conserve, It Only Destroys
A Review of Janay Brun’s Cloak and Jaguar: Following a Cat From Desert to Courtroom If you’ve never heard of the now deceased Macho B, you’re not alone. Most people outside of Arizona (and perhaps New Mexico) probably haven’t. Macho B was a wild jaguar who roamed the borderlands between Mexico and the southwestern United…
L’Economia Crudele
[Di Chad Nelson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 19 aprile 2016 con il titolo The Inhumane Economy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] In un recente commento (Karma tastes delicious in America’s new, humane economy, Washington Post, 15 aprile 2016), Kathleen Parker plaude a quella che lei considera “una rivoluzione… nel regno sempre…
Angela Davis Defends Animals, Others Oppressed
Writing at RenewAmerica, Cliff Kincaid takes Angela Davis to task for “going vegan” (“Black Power icon goes vegan to save animals,” September 21, 2016). Rather than actually consider the extreme torture and slaughter of animals perpetrated by humans, Kincaid seems wedded to the standard tactics of other animal oppressors — basing his attack solely on…
When Compassion is Terrorism: Animal Rights in a Post-9/11 World
What a sick world we live in where Joseph Buddenberg and Nicole Kissane, two individuals so passionate about the lives of the earth’s most vulnerable, must fight for their own lives for having the courage to act on their compassion. But in a world where justice has become a scarce commodity, should we be surprised…
Ringling Bros. Not Welcome
For Rhode Islanders who value the lives and well-being of animals, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus should never be welcome in Providence. Don’t let Ringling fool you with its newfound compassion for elephants — it remains an enemy of animals. Although it may be ending the elephant performances, plenty of other confined…
The Inhumane Economy
In a recent op-ed (Karma tastes delicious in America’s new, humane economy, Washington Post, April 15, 2016), Kathleen Parker lauds what she sees as “a revolution…in the ever-more-dignified animal kingdom.” For Parker, evidence of the revolution is clear: From SeaWorld’s ban on orca breeding, to Armani’s discontinuation of fur-use in products, to Walmart’s promise of…
Costa Rica News on the “Animal Issue”
Upon reprinting my October C4SS commentary, Animals Aren’t Property: Circus Edition, The Costa Rica News added a thoughtful postscript worth sharing here: However small, Costa Rica is one of the most biodiverse places on the planet. Said title has made the country think seriously about the treatment, use and exportation of animals. Here, circuses are more…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory