Tag: anarchy
On the Hamiltonian Character of “Progressivism”
In Commonwealth, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri observe that, because of network communications and radically cheapening production technology, capital accumulation is becoming “increasingly external to the production process.” But rather than working with this trend and exploiting the opportunities it offers, they argue, the Social Democratic approach is “to reintegrate the working class within capital.”…
On Anarchist Thought Crime and Property Rights
On the popular anarchist facebook page Anarchist Memes, an admin decided to exercise his private property rights in vocalizing his opinion that in a stateless society, unpopular opinions will not be dealt with peacefully. Status: “You think anarchism means we should all have some sort of right to say whatever you feel like? So let…
Promotores contra Democracia
Em Washington, D.C., o ativista James Babb, da Associação do Júri Plenamente Informado, colocou cartazes informativos nas estações de metrô perto dos tribunais. Esses cartazes informam os passantes acerca da nulificação pelo júri, o velho direito dos jurados de julgarem tanto os fatos quanto a lei. Essa doutrina tem longa e venerável história; o direito dos júris…
Jason Lee Byas On The El Paso Liberty Hour
C4SS Fellow, Jason Lee Byas, joins the podcast team of Rachel, Eamon, and Mark of the The El Paso Liberty Hour. They discuss Market Anarchy, the Center for a Stateless Society and the Anarchist movement within Libertarianism. Check Out Politics Conservative Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Be First In Media on BlogTalkRadio  
Destroying The Master’s House With The Master’s Tools: Some Notes On The Libertarian Theory Of Ideology
Destroying the Master’s House With the Master’s Tools: Some Notes on the Libertarian Theory of Ideology [PDF] We commonly look at ideology from the perspective of the ruling class, as a legitimizing tool. But ideology serves the purposes of the ruled, as well—as a guide to action in their class interest. The respective ideologies of rulers and…
We’re All Illegalists Now!
Criminality, Counter Economics and the Silk Road, or We’re All Illegalists Now! At this point in time, it seems of little doubt to most that Ross Ulbricht was none other than a Dread Pirate Roberts (DPR). According to files obtained by the feds off of Ulbricht’s computer, it also appears that he is the first…
Guns: Putting The Cart Before The Horse
A friend of mine recently shared a blog post by a friend of his on liberty and guns in the Republic of Georgia. In the post, the author, Neal Zupancic, argues that people who need to be armed in order to feel safe cannot be said to be free or safe, and by implication that…
Roderick T. Long’s Corporations vs. The Market or Whip Conflation Now!
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Contra o jornalismo “objetivo”
O modelo convencional de “objetividade” do jornalismo profissional (também conhecido como “ele disse, ela disse” e “estenografia”), como praticado em nosso jornalismo impresso, remonta a Walter Lippman. Como descreveu Christopher Lasch em seu livro A Rebelião das Elites, a visão de Lippman da sociedade e do governo em geral era a de que [a]s questões importantes…
The Retreat Of The Immediate
Anarchists who intend to act as though we didn’t live in a dystopic world must find themselves perplexed at every moment. With the ecosystems of civil society so atrophied and virtually every surviving institution of value captured and beaten into participating in the bloody circus of statism, who do you call? What do you do…
Four Questions for Amia Srinivasan
Amia Srinivasan has four questions for free-market moralists, specifically those who accept something like a Nozickian account of individual rights. My own take is more Rothbardian than Nozickian, but that still seems close enough to give her four answers, and to ask four questions in return about the assumptions that underlie her essay. Amia begins by asking: 1….
Propriedade é roubo?
“Propriedade é roubo!”, era o grito de guerra de um proeminente anarquista francês do século XIX. “Au, contraire, mon frère”, retrucara outro, “Propriedade é liberdade!”. “Vocês dois estão errados”, disse um outro, “Propriedade é impossível!”. Como essas pessoas conseguiram lidar entre si foi impressionante. Ainda mais que foi o mesmo homem, Pierre Proudhon, que disse…
Dark Wallet and Entrepreneurial Anti-Capitalism
“Virtually everything about these people’s livelihoods, social organization, ideologies, and (more controversially) even their largely oral cultures, can be read as strategic positionings designed to keep the state at arm’s length. … The huge literature on state-making, contemporary and historic, pays virtually no attention to its obverse: the history of deliberate and reactive statelessness. This…
LAX Shootings: Propaganda of the Deed?
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, “propaganda of the deed” — individual acts of violence intended to inspire revolution — became the signature anarchist activity. Among the prominent casualties were French president Sadi Carnot, American president William McKinley and Italian King Umberto I. Although propaganda of the deed has faded into history as…
Why I Am Not a Communist
These are funny times. If some old, obviously doddering anarchist (if they weren’t doddering, they’d never do this!) dares to use the word “libertarian” the way it was used for well over a century, the way it’s still used in many parts of the world, the hip, young anarchists will look at her aghast, all because about…
Prosecutors vs. Democracy
In Washington, D.C., Fully Informed Jury Association activist James Babb has placed informative billboards at Metro stations near the courts. These billboards tell passersby about jury nullification, the ancient right of jurors to judge both the facts and the law. The doctrine has a long and venerable history; the right of juries to ignore the law…
The Anarchist As Outlaw
When I say I am an anarchist, I simply mean that, to the extent that I have the power, I refuse to let anyone or anything dominate me. In other words, I refuse to accept the power of any authority, any institution, any existing or would-be ruler, any ruler, etc., over me. This is why I…
On “Reforms,” Bad and Good
“Reformism” is one of those words that’s hard to pin down sometimes. It’s usually taken to mean advocating for “reform within the system” — in other words, the bad kind of reform. A bad reform operates from the unstated – often unconscious – starting assumptions of the system. It takes the existing institutional framework of…
Five Answers to Four Questions For “Free-Market Moralists”
On October 20th, Amia Srinivasan, proffered four questions for anyone dependent on a technical language of free(d) markets. C4SS Senior Fellow, Charles Johnson, has five answers for her: The Nozickian outlook is often represented as moral common sense. But is it? Here I pose four questions for anyone inclined to accept Nozick’s argument that a just…
Does Anarchism Conflict With Human Nature?
“I know enough about human nature to know that it’s [anarchism] a naively flawed concept.” “Anarchy’s a lovely idea, but it conflicts with human nature.” Anarchists are used to hearing objections like these incessantly. It seems everyone is certain that stateless society built around left-libertarian principles is incompatible with human nature. But is this true?…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory