Tag: ecology
Экономика, эволюция и экология
Joseph Parampathu. Echonomy, Evolution, and Echology, February 4, 2023. Рынки со свободным потоком информации помогают определить относительные цены. Но этот процесс довольно трудно заметить на обманчивом или неполном рынке. Мюррей Букчин сетует на утрату «моральной экономики» как отражение потери гражданской активности и утраты нашего пути в погоне за гомогенизированным глобальным рынком, рассчитанным на самые паршивые…
Economía, evolución y ecología
Por Joseph Parampathu. Artículo original: Economy, Evolution, and Ecology, del 4 de febrero de 2023. Traducción al español por Camila Figueroa. Los mercados con libre flujo de información ayudan a determinar los precios relativos. Pero este efecto puede ser difícil de observar en un mercado engañoso o escaso. Murray Bookchin lamenta la pérdida de la…
Economia, Evoluzione, Ecologia
Di Joseph Parampathu. Originale: Economy, Evolution and Ecology, pubblicato il 4 febbraio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Nel mercato, il libero flusso delle informazioni aiuta a determinare i prezzi. Un effetto difficilmente osservabile in un mercato nero o diffuso nello spazio. Murray Bookchin vede nella perdita di una “economia etica” il riflesso di una…
Economy, Evolution, and Ecology
Markets with free information flow help determine relative prices. But this effect can be difficult to observe in a deceptive or sparse marketplace. Murray Bookchin laments the loss of the “moral economy” as a reflection of losing the civic space and of losing our way in the chase for a homogenized global market catering to…
The Enragés: Ecology and the Ego with Aaron Koek
For the 17th installment of The Enragés, host Eric Fleischmann met with Aaron Koek (@Blackstarblog) to discuss Aaron’s article The Social Ecology of Egoism (https://c4ss.org/content/56043). Aaron Koek is a blog writer who discusses the historical, political, philosophical, and social aspects within anarchism. They have been writing since 2014 and hope to contribute to the wider…
The Eco- and Our Home
The prefix “eco-“, as in ecology and economy, is rooted in the ancient Greek “οἶκος”, translated as “house,” “home,” “shelter,” or “habitation.” Our home, (the home that we all currently share in common: our planet and its biosphere), is the focus of this essay — even as the title is an irreverent and playful response…
Green Market Agorist Episode 19: Reconciling Social Ecology & Market Anarchism (feat. Mason Herson-Hord of the Institute for Social Ecology)
Can the market anarchist and social ecologist perspectives be reconciled? In this episode of Green Market Agorist, Logan interviews Mason Herson-Hord, an organizer and writer who also serves on the board of the Institute for Social Ecology. They discuss ecological philosophy, Mason’s work, and how markets and ecology might fit together. Now more than ever, these…
Mutual Exchange Radio: Evan Pierce on Universal Ecological Infrastructure
We’re back! A little late, but hopefully worth it, here’s our “August” episode of Mutual Exchange Radio. In this episode Alex McHugh stands in for host Zachary Woodman to interview C4SS editing coordinator Evan Pierce. Evan is a gardener, builder, and anarchist working on generating and regenerating universal ecological infrastructure. They’re into the cross-pollination of…
The Outgroup: Industry Baby, Climate Change, & The Space Race
We’ve released this episode of The Outgroup publicly both as a way to announce our new Patreon levels and as a sort of apology for the recent gap in MER episodes. Thanks for your patience while we sorted things out! Mutual Exchange Radio will be back at the end of the month. In the meantime, we…
Waarom individueel anarchisme en geen anarcho kapitalisme ?
Omdat je onder het kapitalisme altijd onder een baas werkt, tenzij je zelf de baas bent. Maar ik wil niet eens een baas zijn. Nou, misschien wil ik wel ‘een baas’ zijn, maar niet letterlijk, je begrijpt wat ik bedoel. Niet een baas in de zin van, de baas van het bedrijf, waar iedereen een…
Scarcity and Abundance Under Anarchism
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] View or download a PDF copy of Rai Ling’s C4SS Study: Scarcity and Abundance Under Anarchism Introduction To what extent are contemporary production and consumption trends compatible with the abolition of the state and authority in general? There are…
La Guerra delle Polpette
Alternativa pratica al veganismo globale Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 17 maggio 2019 con il titolo The War on Hamburgers: A Practical Alternative to World Veganism. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Da quando è stata presentata l’ultima versione del New Deal Verde, i conservatori si sono buttati nella lotta contro l’inesistente cattivo che starebbe…
The War on Hamburgers: A Practical Alternative to World Veganism
Since the introduction of the newest incarnation of the Green New Deal, conservatives have been hard at work battling the non-existent boogyman supposedly trying to ban hamburgers. Now, of course, such claims are completely absurd and have no basis in the actual reality of the Deal itself, but that hasn’t stopped the idea from spreading…
La Notte delle Merci Viventi
Sull’archeologia zombie Di Anon. Originale pubblicato il primo aprile 2019 con il titolo Night of the Living “Things”: Zombie Archeology. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. L’Oxford English Dictionary alla voce “archeologia” dice: “studio della storia e della preistoria umana tramite lo scavo di siti e l’analisi di artefatti e altri reperti fisici.” Lo stesso dizionario definisce…
Night of the Living ‘Things’: Zombie Archaeology
If capitalism is good at anything, it is making things. I mean “things” not in an ontological or otherwise formal sense but more in the manner that declutter gurus use it: general assorted human-made and/or human-claimed objects.
La Terra dei Fuochi
Di Roderick Long. Originale pubblicato il 12 settembre 2018 con il titolo Reign of Fire. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Gli incendi che devastano la California sono un dono offerto dallo stato? Così sostiene William Finnegan in un recente articolo: “California Burning”. Secondo Finnegan, le origini del disastro sono da ricercare nell’ampliamento dei compiti del servizio…
Reign of Fire
Are the wildfires that have been devastating California a gift from government?  So argues William Finnegan in a recent article, “California Burning.” According to Finnegan, the seeds of disaster were planted when the mission of the U.S. Forest Service was expanded in the early decades of the 20th century: The Forest Service, no longer just…
Defying Power: Different Views on How Best to Understand the Evolution of the State (Part II)
In Part I of this article, I responded to William Gillis’ review of Worshiping Power: An Anarchist Vision of Early State Formation. I wanted to give special attention to what I found to be his most interesting critique. Gillis takes me to task for focusing too much on the anthropological definition of the state, analyzing…
Owl of Athena
The Owl of Athena awakes from her slumber to view a sea of ominous clouds stretching bleakly across the horizon. As dusk falls she contemplates the current era of human civilization. Her thoughts are tragic, questions abound. Who are the masters of humankind?  Who owns the Earth and all her wildness, order, breath, and water?…
Volunteers for the Long Haul
Good old Knoxville, Tennessee — this scruffy little town that I love — will host the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), a dismal bureaucracy, on May 26, 2016. BLM is heading to the vibrant, plush Tennessee Theatre in the heart of downtown to take comments on how “public” lands are utilized for coal mining. Specifically, strip mining…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory