Tag: workers
The Disconnect Is Coming From Inside the House
At Reason, C.J. Ciaramella (“Tim Scott Says UAW Workers Should Be Fired, Invoking Ronald Reagan”) gives GOP Presidential hopeful Tim Scott two stars for his proposal to fire striking auto workers like Reagan fired striking air traffic controllers and broke PATCO: “He said, you strike, you’re fired. Simple concept to me. To the extent that…
L’alternativa alla Libertà di Credito
Di Eric F. Originale: In Lieu of Free Banking, 23 maggio 2023. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In ambito libertario di anarchico di mercato, il concetto di libertà di credito ha sempre rappresentato un ideale importante per una società libera e genuinamente competitiva. Serve un sistema monetario in cui le banche, oltre a detenere valuta comune,…
Se Dobbiamo Legalizzare il Lavoro Minorile…
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Articolo originale pubblicato il 24 giugno 2024 con il titolo Maybe We Should Legalize Child Labor After All. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In questi ultimi tempi si è diffusa in molti stati la paura per la legalizzazione del lavoro minorile. Ma legalizzare è positivo? Dopotutto, i movimenti sindacali si sono battuti…
Maybe We Should Legalize Child Labor After All
Recently there has been much fear surrounding the legalization of child labor in many states, but could legalizing child labor actually be a good thing? After all, the labor movement fought long and hard to ban child labor to protect children from exploitation. But some youth liberationists are challenging this perspective. According to NPR: In…
Eric Boehm’s “Award-Winning” Article
Eric Boehm’s article “Biden is Pandering to the 1 Percent: Union Manufacturing Workers” deserves an award. Unfortunately, the award is for Most Disingenuous Ever Reason Article Not Written By Robby Soave.   Union manufacturing workers, Boehm crows, are a “mere sliver of the country’s workers.” Further, “one of the biggest disconnects between reality and our political…
Em vez de um Sistema Bancário Livre
Escrito por Eric F. Artigo original: In Lieu of Free Banking, do 23 de maio de 2023. Traduzido por Gabriel Camargo. Em círculos libertários e anarquistas de mercado, o conceito de sistema bancário livre sempre foi um importante ideal para uma genuinamente livre e saudável sociedade competitiva. Isso implica em um sistema monetário no qual…
“Zero Marginal Product” — For Whom?
I recently stumbled across an old Tyler Cowen post at Marginal Revolution — on “zero marginal product workers” — which perfectly illustrates the circularity of marginal productivity analysis, and how it hides power relations behind a facade of neutral economic laws. As Cowen initially states the argument, we have had a recovery in output, but…
In Lieu of Free Banking
In libertarian and market anarchist circles, the concept of free banking has always been an important ideal for a genuinely free and healthily competitive society. This entails a monetary system where banks not only hold currency but can issue their own currency or banknotes without the need for a centralized treasury. As such, the supply…
The Answer to the Culture War
The drama of the so-called “culture wars” picked up recently with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene calling for a “national divorce” over supposed entrenched cultural issues. Setting aside how this would be a terrible deal for red states, how fundamentally unworkable the idea is (what happens to blue cities inside red states), or how bad a…
Avanzar hacia la libertad
Darian Worden. Título original: Go Forward to Freedom, de 24 de mayo de 2021. Traducido al español por Camila Figueroa. A medida que más personas en Estados Unidos se vacunan contra el Covid-19 y las tasas de infección siguen bajando, muchos piensan en lo que viene después. ¿Se ha vuelto a la “normalidad”? ¿Existe ahora…
Verso la Libertà
Di Darian Worden. Originale pubblicato il 24 maggio 2021 con il titolo Go Forward to Freedom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Mentre negli Stati Uniti va avanti la vaccinazione e cala l’incidenza del covid-19, molti stanno pensando a cosa accadrà. “Ritorno alla normalità”? Ma c’è una “nuova normalità”? Chi è ancora qui forse dovrebbe puntare a…
Go Forward to Freedom
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] As more people in the US get vaccinated against Covid-19 and infection rates continue to drop, many are thinking about what comes next. Is it “back to normal”? Is there now a “new normal”? Perhaps those of us who…
And for Trade-in, We’ll Give You Covid-19
Gamestop’s disdain for their workers is well known and the accounts are numerous. Whether it’s their Circle of Life program or low pay, if you work in-store at Gamestop, you’re likely not having a great time. But now the company has gone all-in on their exploitation. Gamestop has recently responded to coronavirus by trying to…
god hates your economic machine, your war machine, and your actual machines
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.   pick ply plumb lungs from empty attic static attack addicts on half racked grief from thief in their solace state has haphazard lack luster map maker she hits finished slits across concrete constables and rips a thick lap victory vein in her golden hair stains…
Detroit Teachers Sick of the State’s Misspending
Recently more than 15,000 teachers with the Detroit Federation of Teachers (DFT) did not show up for work, instead calling in sick and effectively shutting down 94 of the Detroit district’s 97 schools and leaving over 45,000 students on an unexpected holiday for two whole days. This mass sick-out was called for in an email…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 53
Kathy Kelly discusses ISIS and the war in Iraq. Douglas Macgregor discusses U.S. military intervention. Franklin Lamb discusses Syrian migrants and their plight. William Blum discusses the Berlin Wall. Sheldon Richman discusses torture and Obama. Lucy Steigerwald discusses the War on Drugs abroad. Richard M. Ebeling discusses Ludwig Von Mises and the business cycle. David…
Aree Interdette ai Lavoratori
Anche se conoscere il diritto brasiliano è il mio lavoro, ogni volta che vedo tutto il potere che possiede lo stato brasiliano rimango allibito. Con una legge chiamata la “Legge Fifa”, lo stato ha istituito, per tutta la durata della coppa del mondo di calcio, le cosiddette “aree di commercio esclusivo” a tutto vantaggio della…
Worker Exclusion Zones
Knowing Brazilian law is my trade, but I still get scared when I learn about the powers the Brazilian state possesses. During the World Cup, the government established so-called “trade exclusion zones” in FIFA’s benefit, in a law called the “FIFA Act.” Article 11 of the act establishes that the government guarantees “to FIFA and…
The Matter Of Public Workers: Should Anarchists Celebrate The Federal Government Shutdown?
In their efforts to fight the Affordable Care Act, Republicans in Washington have “shut down” the Federal government to supposedly cut spending due to the costs of the health care legislation. On the first day of the shutdown most of us woke up, had coffee, and went to work. In other words, nothing had really…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory