Tag: united states
Voting – Government – Slavery And War
MR. EDITOR: [by “B”] The discussion which occurred between Mr. Burleigh and Rev. Mr. Kimball, at the recent meeting at Framingham, though brief, was quite interesting and suggestive, and I had hoped to see the subject more particularly alluded to in THELIBERATOR. A doubt as to the correctness of Mr. Burleigh’s position occurred to me, which perhaps will need…
Press Freedom’s Just Another Word For The State Doesn’t Perceive A Threat
Did anyone really not expect this? Reporters Without Borders docks the United States 14 places versus last year — from 32nd to 46th worldwide — in its 2014 World Press Freedom Index. Citing the Obama administration’s abuse of the Espionage Act to harass journalists and sources, the imprisonment of US Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, threats of arrest…
If You’re Reading This, You’re Probably A Terrorist
This has been one of those times that a series of random, seemingly unrelated events have all reinforced a common lesson for me. First, it was reported on January 21 (“Opposed to Fracking? You Might Be a Terrorist,” PopularResistance.org) that Canadian and U.S. law enforcement agencies — Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), the Mounties, the…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 16
Ahmad Barqawi discusses American imperialism. William Sheppard discusses state violence and rape. Sheldon Richman discusses how Obama and Kerry are jeopardizing peace with Iran. Max Border discusses the rise of the new libertarians. Murray Dobbin discusses Stephen Harper’s loyalty to Israel. Michael Munger discusses what positive vision libertarians can offer. Laurence M. Vance discusses hard…
The Worthlessness Of Representative Democracy: A Local Case Study
I’m alternately amused and exasperated by the constant refrain of calls to “Vote Harder!” from Progressive Democrats (the kind of people who use the #UniteBlue hashtag on Twitter). During the 2008 campaign Barack Obama made the most left-populist noises of any Democratic candidate in generations, and won by a landslide almost as big as LBJ’s…
Resist, Resist, Resist
Freedom and the right to self-defense won a great victory in Texas on Thursday, February 6. Burleson County prosecutor Julie Renken vindictively sought to cage marijuana farmer Henry Goedrich Magee for murder after the fatal shooting of  Adam Sowders, who invaded Magee’s home in the middle of the night to steal his crops and his firearms. Because Sowders…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 15
Amanda Marcotte discusses the tribalism of the religious right. William Norman Grigg discusses police brutality. David R. Hoffman discusses the NSA and CIA as criminal enterprises. Arthur Silber discusses psychological manipulation and lying. Arthur Silber discusses atrocity in the context of war. Arthur Silber discusses neurosis and terror as national policy. Arthur Silber discusses a…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 14
Jeffrey St. Clair and Alexander Cockburn discuss the terrorist character of the late Ariel Sharon. Binoy Kampmark discusses the march to war with Iran. Andrew Levine discusses what will happen for Obama upon the unraveling of Iraq. Alfred McCoy discusses the surveillance state. Kevin Carson discusses the worship of authority. Jose Martinez discusses Wal-Mart racism….
Warfare/Welfare/Corporate State: All Of A Piece
If I understand Princeton historian Sean Wilentz correctly, progressives ought not to be grateful to Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Glenn Greenwald for exposing government spying because they are not card-carrying progressives. (“Would You Feel Differently About Snowden, Greenwald, and Assange If You Knew What They Really Thought?”) Apparently they have either hung out with…
Mutuo Soccorso Contro lo Stato
Sono quasi dieci anni che in Messico si combatte una guerra. La miscela composta da leggi antidroga e diffusione della droga in America ha promosso la nascita di cartelli fuorilegge che, come le bande dell’era proibizionista, usano la violenza per imporre il loro controllo sul traffico di droga. Nel 2006 la situazione fu esacerbata dalla…
Self-Help Against The State
A war has been raging in Mexico for almost ten years now. The nexus of American drug laws and Americans’ drug use has spawned outlaw cartels who, like the Prohibition-era Mob, use violence to enforce their control of the drug trade. In 2006, the situation was exacerbated when the government of then-president Felipe Calderon launched…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 13
Wendy McElroy reviews a historical work on the surveillance state. Jonathan Cook discusses the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sheldon Richman discusses how intellectual property creates corporate concentration. Jim Lobe discusses the fall of Fallujah. Stephen Kinzer discusses the potential detente with Iran. Thaddeus Russell discusses The Other America. Kevin Carson reviews AFFEERCE: A Business Plan to Save…
La Privatizzazione della Diplomazia, alla Maniera di Dennis Rodman
Il verdetto è stato emesso: Tutti i popoli civili devono odiare Dennis Rodman. Politici da John McCain a John Kerry e opinionisti da Bill O’Reilly a Chris Matthews sono offesi dal fatto che un americano visiti il terzo polo dell’Asse del Male. All’inizio di questa settimana Rodman, assieme a sei suoi ex compagni di gioco…
Privacy 2014: La Favola dell’Accaparratore
In questi ultimi anni gli accaparratori – persone che collezionano mucchi di oggetti fino ad esserne sopraffatti – sono diventati l’argomento forte dei notiziari e della “televisione della realtà”. Secondo un’opinione condivisa da molti gli accaparratori sono persone malate di mente, persone comunque socialmente deviate e bisognose di “aiuto”, o persone che devono essere fermate nella…
Capitalismo: uma palavra boa para uma coisa ruim
O editor do The Freeman, Sheldon Richman, discursando na George Mason University, levantou a questão sobre o que os libertários convencionais querem dizer quando chamam um país de “capitalista”. O que qualifica um país como “capitalista”? Muitos países com índices relativamente baixos de liberdade econômica (incluindo aqueles classificados como “majoritariamente não-livre”) são normalmente considerados “capitalistas”, e referenciados…
Five Libertarian Reforms Millennials Should Be Fighting For
Millennials are disgruntled, and it’s no wonder. In 2008 they turned out in record numbers in support of a presidential candidate who used the most leftish-sounding rhetoric of any Democratic candidate since McGovern. This president came into office with a seemingly filibuster-proof Democratic Congressional majority, by the largest Democratic electoral margin since LBJ beat Goldwater….
Without Government, Who Will Block The Roads?
One question that libertarians and anarchists never stop hearing is “without government, who will build the roads?” Given Bridge-Gate — an intentionally manufactured traffic jam on New Jersey’s George Washington Bridge — one might ask “without government, who will block the roads?” The scandal emerged after four grueling days of inexplicably awful traffic turned out…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist and Chess Review 12
Review 12 is here! Martin Morse Wooster reviews, Rome’s Last Citizen: The Life and Legacy of Cato, Ceaser’s Mortal Enemy. Sheldon Richman discusses the ceding of the war power to Israel. Sheldon Richman discusses how morality and practicality coincide in making the case for liberty. Jim Miles reviews, Goliath – Life and loathing in Greater…
Privatizing Diplomacy, Dennis Rodman Style
The verdict is in: All civilized people must hate Dennis Rodman. Politicians from John McCain to John Kerry and pundits from Bill O’Reilly to Chris Matthews are outraged that an American would visit the third member of the Axis of Evil. Earlier this week Rodman, along with six fellow former NBA players, arrived in Pyongyang,…
La Privacidad en 2014: La Fábula del Acaparador
Desde hace unos años, los «acaparadores» – personas que acumulan montones y montones de cosas, hasta que éstas se apoderan de ellos – se han convertido en un tema muy popular en las noticias y en los reality shows. El consenso convencional parece ser que los «acaparadores» son enfermos mentales, o al menos socialmente anormales,…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory