Tag: Soviet Union
The Undeclared Condominium: The USSR As Partner in a Conservative World Order
    The Undeclared Condominium The USSR As Partner in a Conservative World Order   Introduction Although the Right has typically framed the Soviet Union and “International Communism” as an aggressive and subversive revolutionary force, the reality is — at the very least — considerably more nuanced. In fact, it would be more accurate to…
Pertanian Perkotaan Kuba, dan Periode Khusus Lama dan Baru
Oleh : Kevin Carson. Teks aslinya berjudul Cuban Urban Farming, and Special Periods Old and New. Diterjemahkan kedalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru. Ada kesamaan yang mencolok antara gigantisme industri Amerika Serikat dan blok Soviet pada abad ke-20, dan budaya kelembagaan mereka. Hal ini berlaku khususnya di bidang pertanian. Keduanya didasarkan pada pertanian berskala sangat besar,…
A Agricultura Urbana de Cuba e os Períodos Especiais; o Antigo e o Novo
De Kevin Carson. Artigo original: Cuban Urban Farming, and Special Periods Old and New, de 8 de maio de 2023. Traduzido para o português por Gabriel Camargo. Há paralelos marcantes entre o gigantismo industrial dos Estados Unidos e do bloco Soviético no século XX, e suas culturas institucionais. Isso é verdade em particular para a…
Film İncelemesi: Acı Hasat
Yazar: Logan Yershow. Orijinal makale: Film Review: Bitter Harvest. Yayınlanma Tarihi: 18 Nisan 2017. Tercüman: Tuba. Acı Hasat. Yönetmen: George Mendeluk (Devil’s Harvest Production, 2017). Süre: 103 dakika. Acı Hasat, 1932-33 yılları arasında Ukrayna’da yaşanan ve Holodomor olarak da bilinen devletten kaynaklı kıtlık sırasında geçen, yakın zamanda yayımlanan bir savaş macerasıdır. Ukrayna diasporasının üyeleri tarafından…
Küba Kentsel Tarımı ve Eski ve Yeni Özel Dönemler
Yazar: Kevin Carsoni. Orijinal makale: Cuban Urban Farming, and Special Periods Old and New, yayınlanma tarihi: 8 Mayıs 2023. 20. yüzyılda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin ve Sovyet bloğunun endüstriyel devliği ile kurumsal kültürleri arasında dikkat çekici paralellikler bulunmaktadır. Bu durum özellikle tarım için geçerlidir. Her ikisi de son derece büyük ölçekli ve yüksek düzeylerde mekanizasyona sahip…
Cuba, Orti Urbani e Periodi Speciali Vecchi e Nuovi
Kevin Carson. Articolo originale: Cuban Urban Farming, and Special Periods Old and New, dell’otto maggio 2023. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Molto accomuna la novecentesca grandeur statunitense e l’Unione Sovietica, ognuna con le rispettive culture istituzionali. Soprattutto se parliamo di industria agricola. In entrambi i casi abbiamo enormi aziende altamente meccanizzate che fanno ampio uso…
Cuban Urban Farming, and Special Periods Old and New
There are striking parallels between the industrial gigantism of the United States and the Soviet bloc in the 20th century, and their institutional cultures. This is true in particular of agriculture. Both were based on extremely large-scale farms, with high levels of mechanization and heavy use of synthetic fertilizers. From the Cuban Revolution until the…
Pemberontakan Hungaria — Dulu dan Kini
Oleh: Mat Jenny. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Hungarian Revolt — Then and Today.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah dan Jessica Gunawan. Lebih dari enam puluh tahun yang lalu, Pemberontakan Hungaria (1956) dimulai dari demonstrasi damai mahasiswa di pusat kota Budapest pada tanggal 23 Oktober. Reaksi keras pemerintah segera mengubah protes damai menjadi pemberontakan nasional melawan kendali…
Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation
View or download a PDF copy of Eric Fleischmann’s C4SS Study here: Historical Materialism: A Brief Overview and Left-Libertarian Reinterpretation Introduction One of the most famous theories forwarded by Karl Marx is that of historical materialism—although Marx himself apparently never used that exact term in his work [1]. To put it succinctly, Merriam-Webster defines historical…
Film Review: Bitter Harvest
Bitter Harvest is a recently released wartime romance, set during the state-induced Ukrainian famine of 1932-33: otherwise known as the Holodomor. Directed, written, and funded by members of the Ukrainian diaspora, it was filmed on location in Ukraine during the Euromaidan protests, which some of the crew participated in.
Karl Hess: Presidential Speechwriter Turned Homesteader
Karl Hess: Presidential Speechwriter Turned Homesteader Interview by Anson Mount (Mother Earth News) (Originally published in Mother Earth News, January/February, 1976 issue) Introduction It was so easy back then — during the 1950’s and early 60’s — to be a Right Thinking Citizen of the United States. Easy because we all knew who wore the…
The Hungarian Revolt — Then and Today
The Hungarian workers and youth in 1956 were fighting against the power which was supposedly governing in their interest. Despite the revolution’s failure, its spirit is of as much relevance today as it has ever been.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory