Tag: Political Theory
Agorisme Egois
Oleh: Vikky Storm. Teks aslinya berjudul “Egoist Agorism.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. “Persaingan bebas sejatinya tidaklah “bebas” karena Saya tidak memiliki modal apapun untuk berkompetisi. Tidak ada yang melarangku, namun karena Saya tidak memiliki modal, maka Saya menjadi tersingkir. Dan siapa yang memiliki modal-modal produksi tersebut? Para kelas pemodal? Wahh, Saya…
Siyaset ve Anarşist İdealler
Yazar: Jessica Flanagan. Orijinal makale: Politics and Anarchist Ideals. Yayınlanma Tarihi: 18 Haziran 2017. Tercüman: Zagreides. Bu makale, Haziran C4SS “Anarşi ve Demokrasi” konulu Karşılıklı Değişim Sempozyumunun onuncu makalesini teşkil eder. Anarşizmle devletçilik arasındaki temel bir fark, anarşistlerin kamu memurlarının ahlaki olarak iktidar kullanmaya veya insanları şiddetle tehdit etmeye herhangi birinden daha fazla salahiyetli olduğu…
Rezim Kebebasan
Oleh: Jesse Baldwin. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Regime of Liberty.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Sachadru Hubungan antara demokrasi dan anarkisme tidak dapat dibantah lagi dalam posisi hubungan yang kontroversial. Dalam karyanya The Principle of Federation1, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon menjelaskan bahwa demokrasi memiliki warisan penting untuk dihormati. Karena Proudhon menyatakan bahwa Hak Pilih Universal berada…
Pemberontakan Hungaria — Dulu dan Kini
Oleh: Mat Jenny. Teks aslinya berjudul “The Hungarian Revolt — Then and Today.” Diterjemahkan oleh Iman Amirullah dan Jessica Gunawan. Lebih dari enam puluh tahun yang lalu, Pemberontakan Hungaria (1956) dimulai dari demonstrasi damai mahasiswa di pusat kota Budapest pada tanggal 23 Oktober. Reaksi keras pemerintah segera mengubah protes damai menjadi pemberontakan nasional melawan kendali…
El anarquismo como liberalismo radical: Radicalizando los mercados y la democracia
De Nathan Goodman. Título del original: Anarchism as Radical Liberalism: Radicalizing Markets, Radicalizing Democracy, del 16 de junio de 2017. Traducido al español por Luis Vera. Esta pieza es el noveno ensayo en el Simposio Mutual Exchange de Junio del C4SS: “Anarquía y Democracia”. El liberalismo clásico surgió como una ideología radical, desafiando el status…
I “Costi Impazziti” Sono Solo un Sintomo
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 24 giugno 2017 con il titolo The “Cost Disease” is Really Just a Symptom. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Su Slate Star Codex Scott Alexander ha scritto un lungo, lungo, LUNGO articolo (“Considerations on Cost Disease,” 9 febbraio) che indaga sulle cause possibili dei “costi impazziti”, ovvero l’aumento continuo di…
Response to Shawn Wilbur and Gabriel Amadej
Shawn Wilbur argues that “anarchy” and “democracy” are completely distinct principles—philosophically. Philosophically, there is “no middle ground.” However, in actual living, there is “the likelihood that we might continue to have recourse to practices that we think of as ‘democratic.’
Reply to Alexander Reid Ross
It marks a nice contrast from Wayne Price’s relatively “aw shucks” disinterest in philosophical critiques of democracy that Alexander Reid Ross brings history and philosophical language to the defense of democracy. Unfortunately, I have a violent allergic reaction to the flavor of philosophical language he adopts. On the upside, I appreciate that Alexander has injected…
Further Response on Democratic Anarchism
Having already written three essays on the topic of anarchism’s relation to democracy, I will only present a few comments. These are generally in response to the interesting remarks of other writers in this series.
Anarchismo come Liberalismo Estremo
Radicalizzare i Mercati, Radicalizzare la Democrazia Di Nathan Goodman. Originale pubblicato il 16 giugno 2017 con il titolo Anarchism as Radical Liberalism: Radicalizing Markets, Radicalizing Democracy. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Questo è il nono saggio del June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium: “Anarchy and Democracy.” Il liberalismo classico emerse come ideologia radicale, in opposizione alla contingenza…
Reply to Kevin Carson and William Gillis
It seems to me as though there’s been two prevailing and conflicting ideas about democracy in this symposium. The first idea is that democracy is irreconcilable with anarchy in principle. The second idea is that democracy can — ironically because of practical concerns — be compatible with anarchy. I’ve made my own position clear.
Response to Carson
This is not a symposium on the post-left and certainly that term of self-identification has been increasingly appropriated by reactionaries, but it’s important to note that the original post-left argument for anarchists to distance ourselves from “the left” was the opposite of some kind of etymological argument that appealed to relatively fixed underlying meanings.
Comments on the Other Lead Essays
In “The Regime of Liberty,” Gabriel Amadej advocates the Proudhonian ideal – reflected in the dictum “property is liberty” – of some individual sphere of last resort where means of subsistence are secure from the will of the majority: “Democracy disrupts this balance and places society under the unaccountable domain of community.
Individualist Anarchism vs. Social Anarchism
This C4SS discussion about anarchism and democracy has been intriguing—even though I am one of only two writers who have regarded them as compatible concepts. The brief essay by Grayson, “Demolish the Demos,” is especially useful. It clarifies what is at the root of the disagreement among anarchists about democracy. The basic issue, I believe, is not what…
Response to Wittorff
I should clarify for Derek Wittorff that I wasn’t embracing, for example, calling all collective decisionmaking “democracy.” Rather, I was entertaining the more extreme definitions out there. I was attempting to point out how some kernel of “the rule of all over all” lies within each of these alternative definitions.
Formality, Collectivity and Anarchy
I found William Gillis’ essay “The Abolition of Rulership Or The Rule Of All Over All” to be a very interesting read. It covered many of the same points as my essay without much disagreement, and in a much less compressed manner. However, there was one notable difference, and a couple of slight disagreements.
Embracing the Antinomies
It should be clear that one of the key conflicts in these debates about anarchy and democracy is a struggle over the nature of anarchism. And it is probably safe to say that nearly all anarchists wrestle with the difficulties of defining that term.
Response to Goodman
Nathan Goodman brings an interesting definition of “democracy” to the conversation — and one that I didn’t preemptively critique — openness. Seeking to bridge the oft-stated dichotomy of markets and democracy, Nathan cites Don Lavoie’s conception which essentially posits markets as the truest expression of democracy.
The “Cost Disease” is Really Just a Symptom
At Slate Star Codex (“Considerations on Cost Disease,” Feb. 9), Scott Alexander has a long, long, LONG article speculating on possible causes for the “cost disease — that is, the escalating unit costs and prices in certain economic sectors relative to their outputs.
Politics and Anarchist Ideals
This piece is the tenth essay in the June C4SS Mutual Exchange Symposium: “Anarchy and Democracy.” A fundamental difference between anarchism and statism is that anarchists do not assume that public officials are any more morally entitled to use force or to threaten people with violence than anyone else.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory