Tag: politics
“Public” vs. “Private” Sector
In the case of the corporate economy, it’s almost meaningless.
¿Quién se Apropia del Beneficio? El Libre Mercado como Comunismo Integral
Carson: El efecto natural de la competencia de mercado sin barreras es el socialismo.
Dark Satanic Cubicles — It’s time to smash the job culture!
Claire Wolfe: We Need Jobs Like We Need Cancer
Para Escapar da Roda do Hamster
No final, teremos de encontrar algum meio de sair da roda do hamster.
We Aren’t the Only Ones Saying It
Commenter: capitalism is the enemy of free enterprise.
Contraste entre Estratégias Políticas e Apolíticas
Nós renegados precisamos encontrar-nos mutuamente e fortalecer nossas próprias sociedades não políticas
Election 2012: The Real Lesson of Ballot Access Battles
Knapp: They’re desperate. And they should be.
So 47% of Americans are members of Congress and/or the armed forces?
Why do left and right mean liberal and conservative?
It originated during the French Revolution.
Libertarianism: What’s Going Right
Each of these movements, in its own way, offers some potential as a basis for common action with the left against the increasing authoritarianism police state, and against the corporate-state nexus that dominates the economy.
О неизбежности крушения государства
В долгосрочном же периоде у государства нет жизнеспособной альтернативы сетевой структуре.
Election 2012: The Banality of Hyperbole
Knapp: The hype has gotten so outrageous that it’s frankly becoming a huge tiresome bore.
Autodeterminación en Costa de Marfil
David D’Amato analiza los eventos recientes en Costa de Marfil.
The Real Meaning of 9/11
On this latest anniversary I want to talk about how the state breeds war – both in the sense of provoking attacks like 9/11, and in the sense of generating its own misguided responses, like the Iraq war.
Put Not Your Faith in Princes: Democratic Edition
Carson: With all the resources wasted on trying to influence a rigged system we could far more easily build the kind of society we want, here and now, without waiting to elect a government to give us permission.
Just Say “No”
Chartier: This year, vote for nobody.
Liberalism: What’s Going Right
“Corporate capitalists don’t want free markets, they want dependable profits, and their surest route is to crush the competition by controlling the government.” – RFK, Jr.
Meet the New Baas, Same as the Old Baas
Carson: So long as power and hierarchy exist, they will be used by those at the top to live off the sweat and blood of those at the bottom.
Power and How to Topple It
The focus will be on new technology, new infrastructure, new models and new processes that replace the vulnerable ones that are the causes of so many of today’s global problems — and ensuring that these replacements are Open Source, and stay in the hands of all the world’s people.
The R3VOLution That Wasn’t: A Note to Paul Supporters
Knapp: The R3VOLution is dead. Long live the revolution.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory