Tag: police brutality
What Is “Wokeism”?
The terms “woke” and “wokeism” have been ubiquitous on the right for the past year or so. Charlatans like Chris Rufo, James Lindsay, and Jordan Peterson regularly rail against this or that alleged manifestation of it, Robby Soave’s main shtick at Reason is recounting the latest incident of some paragon of scholarly reasonableness who was…
The Fable of the Scorpion Unit
The story of the scorpion and the frog is a classic animal fable cited with a frequency that threatens to dilute its message. To those unfamiliar, here’s a brief synopsis: a scorpion wants to cross a river, so it asks a frog to carry it over on his back; the frog is understandably afraid of being…
Kötü İnsanlar: Düzeltilemez Şahıslar ve Yapısal Teşvikler
Okumak üzere olduğunuz makale William Gills tarafından kaleme alınmış, 14 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde C4SS’de yayınlanmıştır. Bazı solcuların iddialarının aksine, aslında salt toplumsal koşullarının kurbanı olmayan, tamamen canavarlaşmış insanlar da vardır. İnsanlar çeşit çeşittir. Her birimiz değerlerimizin ve içgüdülerimizin gelişiminde, asla yönetilemeyecek ya da öngörülemeyecek milyonlarca küçük kelebek kanadı edasında savrulan rastgele yollara gireriz. Aynı genlere…
Cerdos al compás
Por: Mike Ouellette. Artículo original publicado el 10 de junio de 2019 con el título Pigs on the Beat. Traducido al español por Camila Avila. Gracias a todos los que habéis participado en nuestro May Poetry Feature. Nos alejaremos un poco de los poemas, pero ¡estén atentos a futuros artículos especiales y proyectos poéticos! ​La…
Gente mala: Individuos irredimibles e incentivos estructurales
Por William Gillis. Artículo original:  Bad People: Irredeemable Individuals & Structural Incentives, publicado el 14 de agosto de 2020. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. cw: discusión sobre violación [Escuche una discusión en profundidad sobre este artículo y sus temas en este episodio de The Enragés] Contrariamente a las afirmaciones de algunos izquierdistas, en realidad…
Леваки и Пушки. Часть пятая
Logan Marie Glitterbomb, Combating Hate : A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 5). Перевёл Дмитрий Мрачник https://www.nihilist.li/2017/11/30/levaki-i-pushki-chast-pyataya/. Полицейские, как одна из наибольших проблем, связанных с огнестрельным насилием, — не подчиняются законам об обороте оружия наравне с обычными гражданами. Мы можем попытаться не подпустить к оружию опасных преступников, но до тех пор, пока государство…
Mascherina o non Mascherina: Questo non Dovrebbe Essere il Problema
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Originale pubblicato il 2 settembre 2020 con il titolo Mask or No Mask: This Should Not Be the Question. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Con una pandemia in corso, l’ultima cosa da mettere in discussione sono le protezioni. Quando gran parte degli esperti medici raccomandano l’uso della mascherina per rallentare la diffusione…
Mask or No Mask: This Should Not Be the Question
During an ongoing pandemic, the last thing we should be arguing over is the use of PPE. When a majority of medical experts are recommending mask use to slow down infection rates, the last thing we should be doing is protesting the use of said masks. But during a period when we are also seeing…
Mass Anarchism: A Political Strategy of Alt-Right Circumvention
Popular movements, focusing on anti-police community self-defense, may be the best way to effectively circumvent the influence that alt-right fake news sites are continuing to have on society now and in the long-run. In contrast to single-issue protest campaigns, a broad movement towards community self-defense would avoid key pitfalls in the struggle for the support…
Bad People: Irredeemable Individuals & Structural Incentives
[Hear an in-depth discussion on this article and its topics in this episode of The Enragés] Contrary to the assertions of some leftists there are in fact thoroughly monstrous people who are not just victims of their social conditions. Humans vary. We each follow somewhat random paths in the development of our values and instincts,…
Blaming the Dead, and What Isn’t Surprising About the Murder of Garrett Foster
No, it’s not surprising that the Austin Police Department let the person who killed Garrett Foster go after less than a day. It’s not surprising that they didn’t charge them. It’s not even surprising that the president of the Austin police officer’s union, Kenneth Cassaday, would publicly denounce Garrett Foster on the same day.  Truth…
Defesa numa sociedade sem Estado
Uma semana antes de escrever este artigo, escrevi outro onde defendia que devíamos privatizar a polícia. Quando as pessoas ouviram isso, pensaram na ideia do anarcocapitalismo com o mesmo nome. A diferente entre essa e a minha é monumental. A ideia AnCap é que as comunidades ou, mais provavelmente, as empresas contratem uma força policial…
Вооружите психически больных
7 августа Джеймс Холмс, стрелявший в кинотеатре, был приговорен к пожизненному заключению. На слушаниях по вынесению приговора мать Холмса заявила, что он был милым, невинным мальчиком, чья психическая болезнь преследовала его и в конечном итоге превратила в убийцу. От Колумбайна до Чарльстона, каждый раз, когда белый человек открывает огонь, психическое заболевание служит оправданием. Вместо того…
A Letter to Conservatives
Oh dear, conservatives, you’ve been looking kinda confused and down recently. What a bind you’ve gotten yourselves into! You instinctively and viscerally oppose the popular uprising against the police state. But everything you can point to was done in the American revolution. It’s helpful if you curate your feeds to see only the worst examples…
Pigs on the Beat
 Thanks to everyone who participated in our May Poetry Feature. We’ll be moving away from poems for a bit, but look out for future special features and poetry projects!    The breadth of corruption has eclipsed the surreal arms of enforcement and tendons of steel    Enforcers are charged with societies care and they stomp…
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 5)
The subject of police — by far one of the biggest issues related to gun violence — is not tackled by modern gun control legislation. We can attempt to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals all we want. But until the state stops providing some of these criminals with special uniforms and weaponry to use against us with little to no consequence, and then puts them in charge of enforcing the state’s (or even their own) will, we will be no closer to solving the problem.
“Rule of Law,” “Bad Apples” and Other Myths
There are a lot of tropes in our political culture for obscuring the real nature of what happens in cases like Baton Rouge, and before it in a long string of cases going back to Ferguson, the Rodney King beating, and on into the mists of the past. What they all obscure is the structural…
Dallas is the Fated Fruit of the Existing Order
On July 7th, 2016 a gunman named Micah Johnson fired on police officers using a sniper rifle during a peaceful protest in Dallas, Texas, killing five officers. The protest was centered around the recent acts of police brutality involving Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota. An earlier version of a CNN article…
Autonomy for the Students of PSU on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Joe Szymanski‘s “Autonomy for the Students of PSU” read and edited by Tony Dreher. Although this topic has been simmering beneath the surface on campuses nationwide for some time, ever since the Ferguson protests, police militarization has become a headline even for mainstream media outlets. Reports have been going around about…
Holtzclaw Trial Illustrates “Justice” System
The criminal trial of former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw has entered its third week. Dozens of witnesses have already taken the stand, including many of Holtzclaw’s 13 alleged sexual assault survivors and their families. As the trial progresses, one thing has become clear: Holtzclaw’s defense team is not interested in proving, based on…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory