Tag: Lyft
One Cheer for Uber and Lyft
A lot of recent libertarian commentary has treated Uber and Lyft as the greatest thing since Bitcoin and 3D-printed guns. On the other hand, a lot of critics — including not only liberals but anarchists who should know better — have demonized it as a corporate gentrification tool straight out of the fever dreams of…
Barriere all’Ingresso e Finte Scarsità
Da decenni i regolamenti sui taxi sono un esempio da manuale di come le norme governative creino artificialmente barriere, rendite e lavoro salariato. Oltre ad una serie di normative di stampo proibitivo che arrivano a definire anche il colore dei calzini di un tassista, il sistema dei “medaglioni” (come sono chiamate le licenze dei taxi…
As barreiras à entrada no mercado e a escassez artificial
Há décadas as regulamentações de táxi têm sido excelentes exemplos de como a proteção do governo cria privilégios, rendimentos artificiais e estimula o trabalho assalariado. Além do grande conjunto de regulamentações que definem até a cor das meias dos motoristas, o sistema de “praças” limita dramaticamente o número de táxis nas grandes cidades, ao mesmo…
Barriers to Entry and Fake Scarcities
For decades taxi regulations have served as the textbook example of government regulations creating artificial enclosures, rents, and wage labor. In addition to a host of prohibitous regulations that even extend to the color of a driver’s socks, the “medallion” system dramatically limits the number of taxi in major cities while at the same time…
Uber and Lyft are the Best New Thing for Poor, Urban Communities
Around the country, consumers are greeting newly arrived rideshare and taxi alternative companies like Lyft and Uber with fanfare. Some people, though, aren’t so happy. Taxi companies, for example, are lobbying city and local governments to heavily regulate and outright ban these services from the streets — ostensibly for “safety” reasons. One group in Seattle…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory