Tag: labor
Kevin Carson: A questão é, como chegaremos lá partindo de onde estamos hoje?
Defenders of “right to work,” arguing on [a dialectical] basis, say that such laws, while formal restrictions on freedom of contract, are really restrictions on the exercise of a prior, larger grant of monopoly privileges to unions.
My TGIF column this week at The Future of Freedom Foundation, “Right-To-Work Laws and the Modern Classical-Liberal Tradition,” points out that an earlier generation of 20th-century libertarian economists opposed right-to-work laws.
Making the existing system “work better” doesn’t weaken that system, it strengthens that system. … The path of least resistance always leads away from, not toward, freedom.
“The labourers have the most enormous power in their hands, and, if they once become thoroughly conscious of it and used it, nothing could withstand them”
Kevin Carson: You’d almost think there was a hidden agenda here.
Gary Chartier: Let’s put it another way: They violate freedom of contract.
M. George van der Meer: “Anarchists must continue to put a strain on the notion of exploitation, to test it, to explain it, experimenting and reviewing.”
“The solution is to smash the structures of government-imposed privilege that put workers into a position of dependency on employers in the first place.”
There’s a popular historical legend that goes like this: Once upon a time, back in the 19th century, the United States economy was almost completely unregulated and laissez-faire.
Tolstoy’s posthumously-published novel Hadji Murad provides a glimpse into how deference to leaders who could punish them made truth-telling and decision-making both difficult and dangerous.
We at C4SS stand in solidarity with Walmart workers, and fully support their Black Friday strike.
“Contract Feudalism”: A Response to Paul Marks was originally published in the 2008 issue of Economic Notes No. 105 by the Libertarian Alliance, written by Kevin Carson.
A Critique of a Critique: An Examination of Kevin Carson’s Contract Feudalism was originally published in the 2006 issue of Economic Notes No. 108 by the Libertarian Alliance, written by Paul Marks.
Carson: Em tal economia, os trabalhadores associados poderiam contratar capital em vez do contrário, e o estado natural do livre mercado poderia ser a produção cooperativa sob controle dos produtores.
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Numa comunidade humana saudável, os empregos nem são necessários nem desejáveis.
Gary Chartier: An authentically leftist position, I suggest, is marked by opposition to subordination,exclusion, and deprivation.
Left libertarianism is authentically leftist because it seeks to challenge privilege, hierarchy, exclusion, deprivation, and domination–both ideologically and practically.
Carson: Rather than negotiating on the bosses’ terms under the Wagner rules, we should be using network resistance and asymmetric warfare techniques to make the bosses beg us for a contract.