Tag: labor
From the Markets Not Capitalism audiobook read by C4SS fellow Stephanie Murphy.
Numa comunidade humana saudável, os empregos nem são necessários nem desejáveis.
Gary Chartier: An authentically leftist position, I suggest, is marked by opposition to subordination,exclusion, and deprivation.
Left libertarianism is authentically leftist because it seeks to challenge privilege, hierarchy, exclusion, deprivation, and domination–both ideologically and practically.
Carson: Rather than negotiating on the bosses’ terms under the Wagner rules, we should be using network resistance and asymmetric warfare techniques to make the bosses beg us for a contract.
Em suma, o estado é amigo dos empregadores e inimigo do trabalhador. Um mercado libertado significa libertação do sistema de salários.
Kevin Carson: By any reasonable standard of justice, the plantations should have been broken up after the Civil War and the land given to the freed slaves.
Suzanne La Follette: Political government offers privilege every facility for circumventing the popular will whenever it becomes inimical to the interests of privilege, as it is the business of political government to do.
Joe Bageant: Getting Down and Dumb at Burt’s Tavern
Carson: As more and more disgruntled workers figure out the possibilities, it will be impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.
Claire Wolfe: We Need Jobs Like We Need Cancer
Reminding us that states are merely marauding bands, violently appropriating land (and other) resources…
Carson: In such an economy, associated labor might hire capital instead of the other way around, and the natural state of the free market be cooperative production under the control of the producers.
Morgenstern: The real dystopian blue print of our time is not 1984 or Brave New World, it’s Animal Farm.
Viewing Public Sector Unions Through the Lens of Class Theory, offers us a third way to look at the outcome of Governor Scott Walker’s controversial victory in Wisconsin.
Carson: Modern labor practices are mere Wagnerian opera.
Carson: Wage labor is largely a phenomenon of unfree markets.
Darian Worden: When you rely on bosses for healthcare your body becomes a campaign issue.
Kevin Carson on the public employee labor controversy in Wisconsin.
Kevin Carson explains why the “progressive” regulatory state is not an obstacle to monopoly, but its greatest enabler.