Tag: Labor unions
Di Logan Marie Glitterbomb. Articolo originale pubblicato il 24 giugno 2024 con il titolo Maybe We Should Legalize Child Labor After All. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. In questi ultimi tempi si è diffusa in molti stati la paura per la legalizzazione del lavoro minorile. Ma legalizzare è positivo? Dopotutto, i movimenti sindacali si sono battuti…
Recently there has been much fear surrounding the legalization of child labor in many states, but could legalizing child labor actually be a good thing? After all, the labor movement fought long and hard to ban child labor to protect children from exploitation. But some youth liberationists are challenging this perspective. According to NPR: In…
Eric Boehm’s article “Biden is Pandering to the 1 Percent: Union Manufacturing Workers” deserves an award. Unfortunately, the award is for Most Disingenuous Ever Reason Article Not Written By Robby Soave. Union manufacturing workers, Boehm crows, are a “mere sliver of the country’s workers.” Further, “one of the biggest disconnects between reality and our political…
Escrito por Kevin Carson. Artículo original: Who’s “We”? del 17 de maio 2023. Traducido al español por Vince Cerberus. En “¿Trabajar desde casa realmente funciona? ” (versión sin muro de pago aquí ), Steven Rattner opina, o más bien expresa su opinión, que el fenómeno conocido como el abandono silencioso, el trabajo desde casa o la Gran Renuncia,…
In “Is Working From Home Really Working?” (paywall-free version here), Steven Rattner opines — or rather pearl-clutches — that the phenomenon variously known as quiet quitting, working from home, or the Great Resignation, reflects a change in American attitudes toward work. And changed in a way that he views as “not for the better.” This…
Di Eric Fleischmann. Originale: Is the Market to Blame for Current Supply Chain Problems? del primo gennaio 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. È dal picco della pandemia ad oggi (e forse oltre, data la comparsa improvvisa di Omicron) che noi, gli Stati Uniti in particolare, vediamo un imponente sconvolgimento delle catene logistiche. A chi chiede…
From the height of the COVID-19 pandemic to today (and likely to continue with the sudden rise of Omicron), we—speaking particularly of the U.S.—have seen a massive disruption in global supply chains. The obvious (and correct) answer to ‘why?’ is that labor is the basis of society, and when it—particularly that part involved in moving…
Kevin Carson. Article original : Same Shit Different Labor Day, 30 septembre 2021 Traduction Française par Guadalupe Lopes. Les apologistes de droite du capitalisme semblent avoir pour habitude d’utiliser les fêtes pour véhiculer leurs arguments. À chaque Thanksgiving, Reason ressort le buncombe ahistorique de John Stossel sur la façon dont le communisme a presque tué…
Kevin Carson. Originale: Same Shit, Different Labor Day, del 13 settembre 2021. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. I libertari di destra apologeti del capitalismo usano le festività come pretesto per promuovere le loro teorie. Ogni anno per la Festa del Ringraziamento Reason riesuma l’antistorica bufala di John Stossel sui padri pellegrini, prima costretti alla fame dal…
Right-libertarian apologists for capitalism seem to have a thing about using holidays as vehicles for their talking points. Every Thanksgiving, Reason trots out John Stossel’s ahistorical buncombe about how communism almost killed the Pilgrims before private property saved them from starvation (despite my debunking it every year). On Christmas, we get apologetics for Ebenezer Scrooge,…
Di Asem. Originale pubblicato il 9 luglio 2020 con il titolo We Are in Midst of a Seismic Shift, It Is up to Labor to Decide the Outcome. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Un decennio fa usciva The Third Industrial Revolution, seguito alcuni anni dopo da The Zero Marginal Cost Society dello stesso autore, un economista…
About a decade ago The Third Industrial Revolution was published, and a few years later The Zero Marginal Cost Society came out by the same author, from a mainstream and politically moderate economist who advises the EU and German government, making very radical predictions such as moving to a society without money as a result…
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato l’undici febbraio 2020 con il titolo The Free Labor Market and Other Capitalist Just-So Stories. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Alcuni anni fa coniai l’espressione “libertarismo volgare” per indicare quella forma particolare, singolarmente odiosa, di analisi fatta dai libertari di destra. Sul mio blog ormai perlopiù inattivo pubblicai una serie di…
Some years ago, I coined the term “vulgar libertarianism” to refer to a particular, egregiously bad form of right-libertarian analysis. I did a long series of posts (“Vulgar Libertarianism Watch”) at my now mostly inactive blog, in which I applied the concept to a considerable volume of absolutely wretched material from the right-libertarian commentariat. I…
As I’ve argued many times, there are plenty of reasons why people who believe in human freedom and free markets should oppose so-called “right-to-work” laws. And University of Arkansas Professor Michael Pierce, in a recent article for Labor Online (“The Origins of Right-to-WorkVance Muse, Anti-Semitism, and the Maintenance of Jim Crow Labor Relations,” Jan. 12),…