Tag: iraq war
Doug Bandow discusses the U.S. government’s partnership with the repressive Egyptian regime. Wendy McElroy discusses statolatry. Michael Brenner discusses the CIA. Melvin A. Goodman discusses lies and spies. Greg Grandin discusses how the Iraq War became in Panama. Johanna Fernandez discusses the anti-police brutality movements. Justin Logan discusses a new neocon book. Jesse Walker discusses…
David S. D’ Amato discusses the political economy of Benjamin Tucker. Tom Engelhardt discusses how America made ISIS. Peter Harling discusses how ISIS is back in business. Jacob Sullum discusses pot related prisoners of the War on Drugs. Ronald Bailey discusses whether immigrants are more likely to commit crime or not. Kevin Carson discusses Reason…
L’amministrazione Obama ha recentemente annunciato una politica di intervento limitato in Iraq, con l’uso di droni per allontanare la possibilità che Isis conquisti i territori autonomi curdi. Il principale alleato americano è il governo regionale curdo di Massoud Barzani. Gli aiuti americani contro Isis si limitano alle regioni curde in Iraq. Il principale avversario di…
The Obama administration recently announced a policy of limited intervention in Iraq, using drone strikes to stave off conquest of Kurdish autonomous areas by ISIS. The main US ally on the ground is Massoud Barzani’s Kurdistan Regional Government, and US support against ISIS is limited to Kurdish areas inside Iraq. Barzani’s main competitor for the…
In early August, US president Barack Obama authorized airstrikes targeted at artillery used by the Islamic State extremist group against Kurdish forces defending Irbil, Iraq’s Kurdish regional capital. The Pentagon explained this decision by claiming the artillery was “near US personnel.” Fast forward nearly two weeks and kidnapped American journalist, James Foley, is gruesomely beheaded…
Nearly a century ago, after four bloody years of World War I, British colonialists created the state of Iraq, complete with their hand-picked monarch. Britain and France were authorized — or, more precisely, authorized themselves — to create states in the Arab world, despite the prior British promise of independence in return for the Arabs’…
On August 7th, President Obama announced his authorization of targeted strikes over Iraq in order to quell the ongoing Islamic State offensive. Just as important are the statements his administration has made through the actions that followed. The bombs actually started to fall on Friday, announcing without words that the US government’s policy of actively managing Iraqi affairs from afar…
U.S. bombs fall on Iraq yet again, in strikes authorized by Barack Obama against the militant Islamist group Islamic State, which has taken over a chunk of the country. Between this and the deployment of US military “advisers,” the memory of Obama’s campaign criticizing war in Iraq on his way to office has grown a…
Appena tre anni dopo aver ridotto la sua presenza in Iraq, gli Stati Uniti stanno mandando nuovamente le truppe. In risposta alle conquiste fatte dal gruppo jihadista Isis nella sua ultima offensiva, il presidente americano Barack Obama sta mandando in Iraq 275 soldati per “fornire supporto e sicurezza al personale e all’ambasciata americana di Bagdad.”…
Just three years after winding down its presence in Iraq, the United States is sending troops back in. In response to the gains made by jihadist group ISIS in its recent offensive, US president Barack Obama is sending 275 troops to Iraq to “provide support and security for US personnel and the US Embassy in…
Ivan Eland discusses why there should be no more U.S. intervention in Iraq. Sheldon Richman discusses how the non-interventionists told you so about the Iraq War. Vijay Prashad discusses the ISIS folks in Iraq. Charles Hugh Smith discusses why George W. Bush and Obama’s presidencies are the two most destructive in U.S. history. Jacob G….
Patrick Cockburn discusses the recent Islamic fundamentalist takeovers of parts of Iraq Justin Raimondo discusses the possibility of a third Iraq War. Nick Sibilia discusses how cops in Texas steal millions. Robert Fisk discusses how the Iraq crisis was created by Bush and Blair plus bankrolled by Saudi Arabia. Uri Avnery discusses how Israel is…
Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) militants recently launched a major offensive in Iraq. They managed to seize territory from fleeing Iraqi government/police forces. These Islamic fundamentalist fighters are basically engaged in behavior no better than what the Iraqi government does. Their behavior deserves no support from friends of liberty. There is a…
Michael Uhl discusses the murder of a Brazilian torturer who confessed to his crime. John Grant discusses Losing Tim: A Memoir. Troy Camplin reviews Literature and the Economics of Liberty: Spontaneous Order in Culture. Michael S. Rozeff discusses why libertarians should still embrace the non-aggression principle William L. Anderson discusses Republican governors who are against…
C4SS Media presents Kevin Carson‘s “How Not to Respond to Charges of Hypocrisy” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “Idealistic” Kennedy liberalism, like the process for making sausage, doesn’t bear much looking into. In reality, behind all the talk of promoting the “ideals of the Enlightenment” and “global community” and “human rights,” the state does…
C4SS Media presents Jonathan Carp‘s “Eleven Years of War” read by James Tuttle and edited by Nick Ford. “The Iraq War was, as wars go, not an especially harsh or brutal one, and was largely conducted according to all the latest precepts of “humanitarian intervention.” The free-fire zones of Vietnam were largely absent, as were the brutalities of massed, prolonged…
Più di un decennio fa, i blogger neoconservatori coniarono il termine “Fisking” per indicare uno strumento polemico (usato per la prima volta contro il giornalista di sinistra Robert Fisk) che consiste nel fare a pezzi un commento, frase per frase, tagliuzzandone analiticamente ogni parte fino a ridurla a coriandoli. Anche se la posizione dei neoconservatori…
More than a decade ago, neoconservative bloggers coined the term “Fisking” for the polemical device (originally demonstrated against left-leaning journalist Robert Fisk) of taking apart a commentary, sentence by sentence, analytically ripping each part to shreds. Although the neocon positions in this debate range from misguided to repugnant, the technique itself is a good one….
I promised myself that I would no longer comment on what Barack Obama has to say, because it’s just not worth the time and effort. Obama’s public remarks are comprehensible only if you keep one thing in mind: he, like other politicians, thinks most people are morons. I am so appalled by what Obama said in…
Today, the Iraq War turns eleven. If you’re an American, you’d be forgiven for thinking the war in Iraq was over. After all, Barack Obama, after being thwarted in his desperate attempts to extend the American military presence there, has been crowing about how he “ended” the war in Iraq. But the war never ended….