Tag: iraq war
Today I am a somewhat overweight, bearded suburban dad entering a comfortable middle age, but it was not always thus. Seven short years ago I was a lean, clean-shaven, heavily armored combat medic in Iraq, and today, November 11th, everyone is apparently required by law to remind me of the things I did in my…
Carson: O que exatamente “libertação” significa para Rumsfeld – Rummy, Bush – Dummy e Cheney – Scummy pode ser visto a partir do programa que Paul Bremer implementou como chefe da Autoridade Provisória da Coalizção (CPA) no Iraque.
Carson: Just what “liberation” meant to Rummy, Dummy and Scummy can be seen from the agenda Paul Bremer implemented as head of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in Iraq.
Darian Worden on pies, politicians, and war crimes.
C4SS News Analyst Thomas L. Knapp deconstructs American militarism and global hegemony.
Democratic congressmen and activists are outraged by the “new war strategy” presented in President Bush’s “Iraq speech” of January 8… but it should be no surprise that the President seeks to follow this war through no matter the cost.
The problem in Iraq is government itself.