Tag: iran
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 97
Uri Avnery discusses Bibi. Uri Avnery discusses Israel’s aborted strike on Iran. Lucy Steigerwald discusses the inevitability of a war president. Simon Jenkins discusses the drumbeat for sending troops back to Iraq. Laurence M. Vance discusses Reagan Republicans. Laurence M. Vance discusses Christianity, libertarianism, and the War on Drugs. Butler Shaffer discusses why you shouldn’t…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 96
Philip Giraldi discusses whether Iranian weapons are really killing American soldiers or not. Ted Galen Carpenter discusses the U.S. government’s love of dictators. David Gordon discusses the notion of libertarian paternalism. Gene Healy discusses who the most militarist of the candidates is. Robert Golan-Vilella discusses law in a time of endless war. Matt Peppe discusses…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 95
Ira Stoll discusses how Trump and Sanders are similar. A. Barton Hinkle discusses libertarian approaches to dealing with income inequality. Tom Engelhardt discusses the U.S. antiwar movement. Richard Ebeling discusses the views of John Stuart Mill. Justin Raimondo discusses Hilary Clinton, Chelsea Manning, and double standards. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses Jeb Bush’s confused mindset on…
We Need More Treason, Not Less on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “We Need More Treason, Not Less” read by Mike Godzina and edited by Nick Ford. Let’s get something straight: The American state is and always has been, regardless of the political party controlling it, the executive committee of the propertied classes who use the state to extract rents from…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 94
Medea Benjamin discusses 10 steps to wean the U.S. off militarism. Ron Jacobs discusses the footprint of the U.S. military in Africa. Sam Husseini discusses U.S. government violence from Hiroshima to Iraq. Uri Avnery discusses the divide and conquer strategy of Netanyahu. George Selgin discusses how the Federal Reserve is joining the War on Drugs….
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 92
Jonathan Cook discusses Israel’s endless misery for Gaza. Curtis Bell discusses parallels between U.S. and Israeli racism. Sheldon Richman discusses no compensation to Israel for the Iran deal. Richard M. Ebeling discusses freedom of migration. Lucy Steigerwald discusses America’s limited space for Iran stories. George H. Smith discusses Spinoza’s thought from a critical perspective. Helen…
Another Iranian Non-Threat
This image tweeted by Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has a lot of people upset. Is it supposed to be Barack Obama holding a gun to his own head?What if it is? The picture is hardly threatening or aggressive in any way. After all, it’s not a picture of Khamenei holding a gun to…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 91
Patrap Chatterjeee discusses the lack of lone rangers in drone warfare. Phillip Magness discusses the Civil War from a classical liberal perspective. Cory Massimino discusses what libertarians are ahead of the curve on. Norman Solomon discusses perpetual war and Democratic Party enablers. Stephen Zunes discusses Hilary Clinton’s stance on BDS. Neera K. Badhwar discusses pathologies…
Two Cheers for the Iran Agreement
The nuclear agreement with Iran is good for two reasons: it reduces the chance of war, and it promises relief from sanctions for the Iranian people. Although American officials still say that war is an option, the chance has now shrunk. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows that his military alone cannot deal a…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 90
Robert C. Koehler discusses the torture of absolute power. William R. Polk discusses not learning from Middle Eastern mistakes. Thomas L. Knapp discusses government debt. Steven Horwitz discusses how marriage doomsday never comes. David N. Gibbs discusses the Srebrenica precedent. George Leef discusses a book on how liberals make it more difficult for blacks to…
We Need More Treason, Not Less
One of the more disturbing trends on the American Center-Left (which sees itself, entirely without justification, as “the Left”) is the increasing popularity of the right-wingers as “seditionists” or “traitors” meme. The most notable recent example, in the wake of the racially-motivated massacre in Charleston, is the identification of the Confederate battle flag with “treason.”…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 84
J. Patrice McSherry discusses Operation Condor. Laurence M. Vance discusses the question of why conservatives don’t follow their own constitution. Kelly Vlahos discusses the march of the imperial senators. Ivan Eland discusses hard truths about Iraq. Andrew Levine discusses how America broke the Middle East. Jonathan Cook discusses Israel’s government of zealots. John Grant discusses…
Obama Wades Further into Yemen
“The U.S. Navy … has dispatched the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt toward the waters off Yemen to join other American ships prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the rebels, U.S. officials said,” the Chicago Tribune reported on Monday. Thus does the Obama administration risk war with Iran while embracing the mischievous…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 77
Binoy Kampmark discusses the atrocities of the Shia militias. Anand Gopal discusses the creation of an Afghan Blackwater. Laurence M. Vance discusses limiting the government’s carbon footprint. David S. D’Amato discusses decentralism and libertarianism. Kevin Schwartz discusses hyping a proxy war in Yemen. Laurence M. Vance discusses the drug war litmus test. Glenn Greenwald discusses…
The Real Nuclear Threat in the Middle East
To get a sense of how badly the regime in Iran wants sanctions relief for the Iranian people, you have to do more than contemplate the major concessions it has made in negotiations with the United States and the rest of the P5+1. Not only is Iran willing to dismantle a major part of its…
America’s Foreign-Policy Makers Endanger Us
American politicians frequently declare that the government’s first duty is to protect us from foreign threats. If that’s so, why have they embroiled us in the Middle East? Instead of keeping us safe, they seem to strive to put us in harm’s way by provoking one side or the other in sectarian, ethnic, tribal, and…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist Review 74
Ivan Eland discusses the different responses to terrorism in West Africa and the Middle East. Ivan Eland discusses why Israel needs tough love. Charles Pierson discusses drone proliferation. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses conservative blindness on Iran. Jacob G. Hornberger discusses separating charity and state. Veronique de Rugy discusses the import-export bank, corporate welfare, and the…
Mentiras a diestra y siniestra: La muerte del fiscal Alberto Nisman
El 18 de enero de 2015, el cuerpo del fiscal argentino Alberto Nisman fue encontrado tirado sobre un charco de sangre, con un tiro en la sien, en el baño de su apartamento de Buenos Aires. Al día siguiente tenía previsto presentar sus acusaciones contra la presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner por supuestamente encubrir a…
The Weekly Leftist Libertarian Chess Review 73
Andrew Bacevich discusses the national insecurity state. Melvin A. Goodman discusses the CIA’s double standard. Ahmad Barqawi discusses Libya, ISIS, and the luxury of hindsight. Roger Annis discusses Ukraine’s extreme right. Logan Albright discusses private enterprise vs free enterprise. Laurence M. Vance discusses what conservatives get wrong about healthcare. A. Barton Hinkle discusses ISIS, communism,…
A Proposito di Tradimento
Solitamente associo termini come “tradimento” e “sedizione” ad ignoranti di destra come l’associazione degli ex combattenti americani. Per questo mi viene la pelle d’oca quando sento sedicenti progressisti che si appropriano di quei termini a proposito della lettera che Tom Cotton e altri 47 senatori repubblicani hanno spedito all’Iran. In breve, il gruppo repubblicano in…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory