Tag: fascism
Navigating the Culture Wars
“Attention to all racists: we will not just “replace” you, we will erase you. All trace of your worthless empty lives will be discarded from history. Your murderous temper tantrums will be like so much static noise lost forever as you are shuffled into the dirt.” – William Gillis, Twitter The internet is a place…
Possiamo Odiare Due Cose Assieme, Max Blumenthal
Scritto da Emmi Bevensee e Alexander Reid Ross. Originale pubblicato il 9 gennaio 2019 con il titolo Max Blumenthal, You Can Hate Two Things At Once. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Che c’è? Siamo stati abbastanza fortunati da diventare nemici dei fascisti, il Cremlino, la politica occidentale e stalinisti allo stesso tempo. Che magia abbiamo fatto…
Max Blumenthal, You Can Hate Two Things At Once
What the Hell? We have found ourselves in the fortunate position of making enemies with fascists, the Kremlin, western feds, and tankies all at the same time. What kind of genius sorcery have we channeled to deserve such a gift? Well, we simply researched disinformation wars and red-brown fascist networks surrounding the alt-right. We slept…
Ricordando il Patto Molotov-von Ribbentrop
Di Darian Worden. Originale pubblicato il 23 agosto 2018 con il titolo Remembering the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Tutti i regimi autoritari sono infidi e violenti. Il patto firmato da Molotov e von Ribbentrop, accordo tra Unione Sovietica e Germania nazista in vigore dal 1939 al 1941, mostra il pericolo che i programmi…
Remembering the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Authoritarian regimes are brutal and untrustworthy. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, an agreement between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany in effect from 1939 to 1941, shows how dangerous the schemes of authoritarians can be to people who live within their reach. The Pact helped Hitler launch the racial war he sought, helped Stalin launch his own…
Killing 8chan: The Heart of Modern Nazi Terrorism [CW]
In addition to all kinds of scariness, it’s important also to mention exactly how mediocre 8ch is. It’s the human equivalent of the magazines in your dentist’s but– if it’s even possible– more tryhard. That they consider themselves to be an intellectual vanguard is on par with a grown adult self-identifying as Rick from Rick and Morty. It’s laughably pathetic and sad.
Civility Towards Totalitarianism Is Uncivilized
When facing the walls, fences, and guards that corralled them into the concentration camps and human slaughterhouses of the past century, do you think the victims regretted how impolite they’d been to their captors before finding themselves here? Since the spread of the industrial revolution across the world, our lives have consistently been more and…
Review: Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience
Let us be clear that ecocide is happening. While we may yet avoid the severest possibilities of global ecological collapse the situation has long been grim. And it’s not just a matter of capitalism or the state making uniquely bad decisions, the tensions at play are deep — at the core of homo sapiens itself….
Mutual Exchange Symposium: Freedom of Speech and Political Violence
Mutual Exchange is the Center for a Stateless Society’s effort to achieve mutual understanding through dialogue. As anarchists, we often try to make visible the myriad of state violence that usually goes unseen: the seemingly inexhaustible source of drone bombings, incarceration, police brutality, migrant detention, and the like, which terrorize individuals and their communities around…
We Will Defeat the Authoritarian Nationalists
Human liberty has been won in hard fights against powerful interests and systems, but the progress of liberty can be set back. The rise of authoritarian nationalism is a serious threat to the liberty of people around the world. It is a threat that must be defeated. In authoritarian nationalism, a select group will rule…
Dietro la Negazione dell’Holodomor di Richard Spencer
Di Logan Yershov. Originale pubblicato il 18 maggio 2017 con il titolo Understanding Richard Spencer’s Holodomor Denial. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Richard Spencer è ancora una volta al centro di polemiche dopo aver detto in un tweet recente che l’Holodomor (la carestia provocata dalla politica staliniana tra il 1929 e il 1933, ndt) non fu…
Understanding Richard Spencer’s Holodomor Denial
Richard Spencer is at the center of controversy again after his recent tweet denying that the Holodomor was an intentional genocide. This time, the controversy is not so much with the public at large (who have largely never heard the word), but within in his own white nationalist swamp.
Portland Must Be Done with The Oregonian
Last Friday, The Oregonian published a staff editorial that responded to the police brutality unleashed on May Day protesters by labeling all anarchists as “punk fascists.” This editorial — published by the conservative newspaper that used to be a daily powerhouse in the Northwest — has been roundly denounced in many circles for its political ignorance.
Film Review: Bitter Harvest
Bitter Harvest is a recently released wartime romance, set during the state-induced Ukrainian famine of 1932-33: otherwise known as the Holodomor. Directed, written, and funded by members of the Ukrainian diaspora, it was filmed on location in Ukraine during the Euromaidan protests, which some of the crew participated in.
Combating Hate: A Radical Leftist Guide to Gun Control (Part 4)
This is the fourth part in a series. Be sure to check out parts 1, 2, 3 and 5. Advocates of gun ownership for marginalized people must talk about one of the biggest threats faced by such groups: hate crimes. Oftentimes, the media confuses this kind of bigotry with mental illness: but bigotry is not a mental illness at…
Reclaiming the Anti-Fascist Roots of Libertarianism
Let’s face it — the libertarian movement’s flirtations with paleoconservatives over the years have put us in the situation we are in today. Alt-righters and other self-proclaimed fascists, white nationalists, and racial separatists feel that they can use the libertarian movement as an effective recruiting ground: despite their willingness to crush individual liberties in order to…
Against The Pull Of Simplicity & Disconnect
Alexander Reid Ross. Against The Fascist Creep (AK Press, 2017). Despite the right’s stereotype of antifascist activists as close-minded thugs or paid protesters, in reality the majority have long been quite geeky, prone to lining their bookshelves with obscure fascist screeds and abstruse historical tomes. This comes with its own problems. Fascism is a multifaceted phenomenon to say…
Burn a flag for Donald Trump
It seems silly to continue harping on the incoming tidal wave of fascism, but if there’s one thing C4SS – and the anarchist tradition in general – is good at, it’s making sure you don’t forget that we’re in for a long god damn ride. Earlier today, Trump tweeted that anyone who burns the American…
Fight Hate, Paint Back!
Every prohibition, no matter how reasonable, has its bootleggers and every state, no matter how authoritarian, is unable to truly enforce a total ban on anything. So when a father in Berlin discovered swastikas painted on a children’s playground, a symbol that is actually illegal according to German law, he realized it was more effective…
The Rise and Fall of the Workers’ Party
The next few hours are going to define how Dilma Rousseff will leave office (the later vote in the Senate, if called upon, will be pro forma), but the rule of the Workers’ Party in Brazil undoubtedly has come to an end. The result of impeachment vote is of little importance: we already know that…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory