Tag: Empire & War
Così l’Unione Sovietica Ha Vinto la Guerra Fredda
Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato il 10 novembre 2014 con il titolo How the Soviet Union Won the Cold War. Traduzione italiana di Enrico Sanna. Non so quando questo articolo vedrà la luce. Al momento di scrivere, tutto il mondo celebra, con giusto entusiasmo, la caduta della Cortina di Ferro avvenuta venticinque anni fa. Durante…
Cómo la Unión Soviética ganó la Guerra Fría
Kevin Carson. Artículo original: How the Soviet Union Won the War, del  10 de noviembre de 2014. Traducción al español de Vince Cerberus. No sé cuándo se imprimirá esta columna, pero mientras la escribo, personas de todo el mundo celebran, con legítimo entusiasmo, la caída del Telón de Acero hace 25 años. Durante la Guerra Hispanoamericana, William…
La Guerra Asimmetrica Contro il Mondo Musulmano
L’esagerazione demagogica della “minaccia terroristica”, al centro dell’ultimo dibattito dei repubblicani, si sgonfia immediatamente alla prima riflessione. Che probabilità c’è che un residente in America si trovi esattamente dove si trova qualcuno che vuole uccidere nel nome dello Stato Islamico, al Qaeda o qualche altra causa? Scarsissima. In America è molto più probabile morire per…
Asymmetrical War Against the Muslim World
The demagogic exaggeration of the “terrorist threat,” which was the centerpiece of the last Republican debates, is easily deflated with just a moment’s thought. What is the chance that any particular resident of the United States will happen to be in the same place as someone who intends to murder in the name of the…
Abolish Special Ops Forces
It’s time to disband the Navy’s SEAL Team 6 and all other secretive, unaccountable units of the U.S. imperial military. As is said about lawyers, if we didn’t have these units, we wouldn’t need them. The New York Times reported recently: While fighting grinding wars of attrition in Afghanistan and Iraq, Team 6 performed missions…
Comebacks Require Leaving
For as much as empire persists, it goes rather unmentioned by virtually anyone outside of Left opposition to it, which has (unfortunately) little weight in the US at all. Those who support US hegemony & keep it going have learned over time to use code words & feelgood lies to avoid having to actually discuss…
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Idols on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Ryan Calhoun‘s “Fresh Fruit for Rotting Idols” read by Thomas J. Webb and edited by Nick Ford. “These issues, among others, were not discussed because too many people were outraged with one of the few young voices breaking through the elder echo chamber with an important question. Unaware that this was actually an…
The End of [Capitalism]
James R. Otteson. The End of Socialism (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014). Otteson’s book is an eloquent defense of an economic system which maximizes decentralism and autonomy; it’s just not, as he supposes, a defense of capitalism. Likewise, it’s a good critique of centralized planning and top-down authority — but not of “socialism.” Otteson…
Sii Buona, Google!
Il sito Antiwar.com (un nome che dice tutto) il diciotto marzo ha annunciato la decisione di Google Adsense di sospendere il suo conto, risorsa fondamentale per stare online, per aver pubblicato foto di torture e abusi scattate nella prigione militare di Abu Ghraib in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” 18 marzo)….
Hey, Google — Don’t Be Evil!
The website Antiwar.com (whose name is self-explanatory) announced March 18 that Google Adsense had suspended its account — a major source of the revenue it needs to stay online — for publishing new photos of torture and abuse from the Abu Ghraib military prison in Iraq (Eric Garris, “Google Disables All Ads on Antiwar.com,” March…
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Idols
If you’re outside the liberty movement social media universe, you might not have known that The Happening was absolutely happening last weekend. What was The Happening, you ask as I admire your ignorance of the affair? Well, the International Students For Liberty Conference (ISFLC) was kicking off with movement darlings Ron Paul and Andrew Napolitano….
A Modest Proposal: Mandatory Military Service for Congress
If it seems like only months ago that America’s warmongers were claiming there would be no need for US boots on the ground in the fight against the Islamic State (IS), that’s because it was. When the politicians initially decided to promote IS to the position of threat du jour, they promised that threat could be eliminated without sacrifice of American…
Wish You’d Stop Bein’ So Good To Me, Cap’n on Feed 44
C4SS Feed 44 presents Kevin Carson‘s “Wish You’d Stop Bein’ So Good To Me, Cap’n” read by Erick Vasconcelos and edited by Nick Ford. Some people might see an internal contradiction between Hoppe’s repeated use of the term “dominated” to describe the role of certain privileged segments of society, and the idea that “libertarian” ideas were formulated by…
The Imperial Presidency Comes to Kaneohe Klipper’s 16th Hole
Partisan combatants have quickly taken up sides in the public debate over US president Barack Obama’s preemption of a wedding planned by two US Army captains at a course at which he wanted to golf. Obama’s defenders stress that the White House was unaware of the planned wedding until after scheduling the president’s game. They…
Wish You’d Stop Bein’ So Good to Me, Cap’n
You may be familiar with Murray Rothbard’s article “Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature.” Hans-Hermann Hoppe, beloved eminence grise at LewRockwell.com, takes things a step further and makes belief in human inequality the defining characteristic of right-libertarianism (“A Realistic Libertarianism,” Sept. 30). This isn’t just a hill he’s willing to die on, but a hill…
How the Soviet Union Won the Cold War
I don’t know when this column will see print, but as I write it people all over the world are celebrating — with rightful enthusiasm — the fall of the Iron Curtain 25 years ago. During the Spanish-American War, William Graham Sumner gave a speech on “The Conquest of the United States by Spain,” in…
The “Boomerang Effect”: How Foreign Policy Changes Domestic Policy
The late Chalmers Johnson, the great analyst of the American empire, warned that if Americans didn’t give up the empire, they would come to live under it. We’ve had many reasons to take his warning seriously; indeed, several important thinkers have furnished sound theoretical and empirical evidence for the proposition. Now come two scholars who…
The Antimilitarist Libertarian Heritage
With the United States on the verge of another war in the Middle East — or is it merely the continuation of a decades-long war? — we libertarians need to reacquaint ourselves with our intellectual heritage of peace, antimilitarism, and anti-imperialism. This rich heritage is too often overlooked and frequently not appreciated at all. That…
La Libertà Ha Bisogno di Imperi?
Questo articolo è stato scritto da Sheldon Richman e pubblicato su The Future of Freedom Foundation il 5 settembre 2014. In un suo sorprendente articolo, Daniel McCarthy, il lodevole direttore di The American Conservative (TAC), scrive: “L’impero britannico prima, e quello americano poi,crearono e mantennero un ordine mondiale in cui il liberalismo [classico] poté fiorire.”…
Does Freedom Require Empire?
In a startling article, Daniel McCarthy, the admirable editor of The American Conservative magazine (TAC), writes, “Successive British and American empires created and upheld the world order in which [classical] liberalism could flourish.” In other words, as he writes in “Why Liberalism Means Empire,” “Liberalism and empire reinforced one another in manifold ways.” Therefore, if…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory