Tag: debt strike
Non Cedere di un Millimetro! La Lotta per la Dignità ai Tempi del Virus
Di Alex McHugh. Originale: Don’t Give a Single Inch Back! The Fight for Human Dignity Amid COVID-19 del primo maggio 2020. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Credo di non aver mai provato un senso di coscienza di classe – quello strano insieme di ansia, rabbia, amore e determinazione – forte come quello che provo ora. Posso solo immaginare…
Shut It All Down
This may be the year folks. The economy is already mostly shuttered, let’s shut it the rest of the way down! For once a general strike on a massive scale may be an achievable goal. Oh what a joyous May Day indeed. Last month launched the April 1st rent strike, where almost a third of…
Don’t Give a Single Inch Back! The Fight for Human Dignity Amid COVID-19
Personally, I’ve never felt a stronger sense of class consciousness — that strange mixture of anxiety, rage, love, and resolve — than right now. I can only imagine that many workers feel similarly. Everywhere you turn there are people waking up to the importance of solidarity and considering far more radical steps than they have…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory