Tag: cronyism
Di William Gillis. Originale pubblicato il 12 giugno 2018 con il titolo The Failure of Soviet Privatization. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna. Quando “Il Mercato” è Soltanto il Luogo dove si Riciclano i Soldi Insanguinati dello Statalismo Quando cadde l’Unione Sovietica, tra i programmi di “privatizzazione” c’era la distribuzione delle azioni delle aziende ai loro dipendenti….
When “The Market” Is Just Money Laundering the Bloodsoaked Riches of Statism When the USSR fell one of the “privatization” schemes was to just hand workers stock certificates in the companies they worked at. The problem of course was that the economy was seized up and everyone was starving. So gangsters and the children of…
Senator Bernie Sanders describes his campaign for president as a “political revolution.” His appeal comes from his unpolished outsider status, the challenge he presents to the political establishment, and his critique of an economy rigged in favor of well-connected corporate interests. Senator Sanders has in some instances admirably opposed corporate welfare. For example, for years…
Once again, a telecommunications corporation — this time Verizon — is emptying its customers’ pockets, with government help. Must be a day that ends in “y.” In the past, New Jersey heavily subsidized the construction of DSL lines, in the form of excess customer rates, on the condition that they would continue to provide DSL…
In una intervista a microfoni spenti rilasciata al conduttore di Real time Bill Maher, il divulgatore scientifico e conduttore televisivo Bill Nye ha spiegato come ha cambiato idea sui cibi geneticamente modificati. Nye, che in passato si è occupato dell’impatto ambientale di specie transgeniche, ora dice: “Ho visitato la Monsanto, dove ho trascorso molto tempo…
In a backstage interview at Real Time with Bill Maher, science educator and entertainer Bill Nye expressed a change of mind on genetically engineered food. Formerly concerned about the environmental impacts of transgenic species Nye now says: “I went to Monsanto and I spent a lot of time with the scientists there, and I have…
In July 2014, Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff’s Facebook page celebrated the record production of iron ore by Vale. According to the page, the mining company “broke a record for iron ore production in the second quarter,” representing a “12.6% increase compared to the same time frame in 2013.” Several pages quickly pointed out Rousseff’s “mistake,”…
One of the main functions the state serves in practice is to forcibly transfer wealth to politically connected interest groups. Prisons serve that function today, and they have served it historically. In The Enterprise of Law, economist Bruce Benson documents the rise of state controlled law enforcement in England. Stateless customary tort law had previously prevailed,…