Tag: corporatism
Elections and the Technocratic Ideology
People who vote for politicians such as Brazilian presidential candidate Aecio Neves, as well as many of his party’s supporters (the Social Democracy Brazilian Party, PSDB), are often dumbfounded when they find out how unappealing ideas of “efficiency” in the public sector, “management shock,” and “professionalization” in government are to a large sector of the population. It’s…
Brazil: Presidential Candidate Dies, His Ideals Unfortunately Live On
On August 12, Brazil’s largest news program, Jornal Nacional, interviewed presidential candidate Eduardo Campos. Of his 15 minutes replying to questions, he spent at least 10 of them touting the presence of his family in the state apparatus. He filled the remaining time with banalities such as “we can’t give Brazil up.” The following morning, Campos’s private jet crashed…
Smash the State, Eat the Rich
In Why the Rich Tolerate Being Looted Jeffrey Tucker argues the rich today act differently than they used to. They wear common clothing, avoid luxurious houses and cars, and even call for higher taxes on themselves. Tucker explains this new phenomenon by drawing upon an essay by Peter Leeson and says, “Property rights are weak today… The…
Thomas Rick Wants to Draft You
A past New York Times editorial by Thomas Ricks shamelessly advocates involuntary servitude. In the article he states: A revived draft, including both males and females, should include three options for new conscripts coming out of high school. Some could choose 18 months of military service with low pay but excellent post-service benefits, including free…
Aree Interdette ai Lavoratori
Anche se conoscere il diritto brasiliano è il mio lavoro, ogni volta che vedo tutto il potere che possiede lo stato brasiliano rimango allibito. Con una legge chiamata la “Legge Fifa”, lo stato ha istituito, per tutta la durata della coppa del mondo di calcio, le cosiddette “aree di commercio esclusivo” a tutto vantaggio della…
Whose Land is It Anyway?
When the demolition of abandoned warehouses at the José Estelita Docks started in the city of Recife, Brazil, the ongoing mobilization since 2012 by the #OcupeEstelita movement proved its worth. On May 21, when real estate developer Moura Dubeux’s bulldozers got in position during the night to demolish the old sugar warehouses, several individuals, mobilized…
Worker Exclusion Zones
Knowing Brazilian law is my trade, but I still get scared when I learn about the powers the Brazilian state possesses. During the World Cup, the government established so-called “trade exclusion zones” in FIFA’s benefit, in a law called the “FIFA Act.” Article 11 of the act establishes that the government guarantees “to FIFA and…
The Weekly Libertarian Leftist And Chess Review 31
Patrick Cockburn discusses the bloody history of Baghdad. Kent Paterson discusses the challenging of a militarized police state. Medea Benjamin discusses the broken promises of Obama. Martha Rosenberg interviews Michael Arria. Jeffrey St. Clair discusses the recently passed away, Gabriel Kolko. Justin Raimondo discusses how a CIA backed general recently launched a coup in Libya….