Tag: corporate state
Those Who Control the Past Control the Future
There’s a popular historical legend that goes like this: Once upon a time, back in the 19th century, the United States economy was almost completely unregulated and laissez-faire.
Setor “Público” versus “Privado”
No caso da economia corporativa, porém, quase não faz sentido.
Automarginalização Libertária
Kevin Carson: Se eu achasse que “livres mercados” e “livre comércio” realmente significassem o que locutores neoliberais dizem significar essas expressões, eu também odiaria essas coisas.
Design in the Service of Empire
Dawie Coetzee: How Innovation is Used to Advance the Interests of the State-Industrial Machine.
Economic Calculation in the Corporate Commonwealth
This calculation argument can be applied not only to a state-planned economy, but also to the internal planning of the large corporation.
Political and Economic Disenfranchisement: Two Sides of the Same Coin
They are little understood in the United States, or perhaps better still misunderstood.
Left-Libertarianism: No Masters, No Bosses
Corporate capitalism is organized around the imperatives, not of maximizing efficiency, but of maximizing the extraction of rents. When maximum extraction of rents requires artificial imposition of inefficiency, the capitalists’ state is ready and willing.
Well of Course They Hate Capitalism
Kevin Carson: As I’ve said many times, if the “free market” meant what the capitalist apologists mean by it, I’d hate it myself.
Um Viva para a Rejeição do DADT
A missão principal de Exército, Marinha, Força Aérea e Marines é manter o mundo a salvo para as corporações transnacionais.
The Electoral Suspension of Disbelief
There exists in the country now – and there has existed for some time – an appreciable readiness to, if you will, suspend disbelief when it comes to the claims of politicians.
Mene, Mene, Tequel e Parsim(*)
Carson lê a escritura na parede da Propriedade Intelectual – IP.
Everything you think you know about the McDonald’s coffee case is wrong
Seth Goldin: When is a contract not enforceable? When shouldn’t a contract be enforced?
Tar Sands Blockade: Radical Environmentalism is Radical Libertarianism
Abby Martin: Blockaders need the love and support of anarchists and libertarians alike, they face horrible amounts of injustice at the hands of the state for simply doing what’s right.
Disney’s Lucasfilm Buyout: Fighting Power with Power
Carson: Whatever corporate copyright lockdown Disney puts the franchise under couldn’t possibly exceed George Lucas’s worst. The Disney acquisition actually offers to breathe new life into the Star Wars universe.
Outro Herói do Movimento da Liberdade: Jeremy Hammond
Carson: Stratfor está do lado do mal e as alegadas ações de Hammond contra ela foram inteiramente justificadas. Condeno a detenção e o processo contra ele.
The New Class and Its Government Nexus, Part I
The government has a bit too much invested in the financial sector for, well, the financial sector’s own good.
“Escândalo?” A FDA Está Apenas Fazendo o Trabalho Dela
Carson: Proteção às grandes empresas para que não sejam responsabilizadas de verdade
Risk, Reward and the New Class
Yep, those risk-averse New Classers definitely know something the rest of us do not.
The “Green New Deal”: Not Green, Not New, and Not Much of a Deal
Carson: It’s just a greenwashed version of mid-20th century, mass-production capitalism.
The Myth of Deregulation
A market that is free in any intelligibly rational sense of the word is the one thing the corporations will not be able to survive.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory