Tag: Clinton
I “Precedenti Negativi” Sono Davanti a Tutti
[Di Kevin Carson. Originale pubblicato su Center for a Stateless Society il 30 settembre 2016 con il titolo “Bad Precedents” Are in the Eye of the Beholder. Traduzione di Enrico Sanna.] Il 28 settembre, il senato americano ha votato l’annullamento del veto del presidente Obama imposto ad un disegno di legge che autorizza i cittadini…
“Bad Precedents” Are in the Eye of the Beholder
On September 28 the U.S. Senate voted to override President Obama’s veto of a bill permitting American citizens to sue foreign governments for any role in terrorist attacks. Obama warned that the law would have unintended consequences, setting a “dangerous precedent” for other countries. The United States government, he warned, might face lawsuits by foreign…
How Clinton Encouraged Obama’s Biggest Blunder
Barack Obama recently said that his biggest blunder was “failing to plan for the day after” his intervention in Libya. While he defended the intervention itself, the president cannot deny that his reckless war has had disastrous consequences, including a growing ISIS presence in Libya. Hillary Clinton eagerly pressured the president to overthrow Moammar Gaddafi….
Bernie Sanders’s Short Memory
During his interview with the New York Daily News, Bernie Sanders was asked to specify the fraud committed by Wall Street banks. He replied: “What kind of fraudulent activity? Fraudulent activity that brought this country into the worst economic decline in its history by selling packages of fraudulent, fraudulent, worthless subprime mortgages. How’s that for…
On the Drug War, and Other “Mistakes”
In a new article at Harper’s (“Legalize It All,” April 2016), Dan Baum recalls a 1994 confession by former Nixon domestic policy adviser John Ehrlichmann, about Nixon’s motives in first launching the War on Drugs. Baum, interviewing Ehrlichman for a book on drug prohibition, asked a “series of earnest, wonky questions, that he impatiently waved…
Hillary Clinton Breaks the Irony Meter
At the March 9 Democratic debate, Hillary Clinton had this to say about competitor Bernie Sanders’s favorable comments on Castro’s Cuba and the Sandinista regime in the ’80s:  “if the values are that you oppress people, you disappear people, imprison people or even kill people for expressing their opinions…, that is not the kind of…
Sanders & Trump are too Establishment on Syria
Marco Rubio and Hillary Clinton both want the U.S. government to set up a “safe zone” in Syria to care for refugees from the raging civil war. You may assess their judgment by noting that Secretary of State Clinton and Sen. Rubio also pushed for bombing and regime change in Libya, which was crucial in spreading bin…
Cruz and Rubio: Heirs to Bush-Obama Militarism
I see no point splitting hairs over whether Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio is the more egregious warmonger. Both love the bloody and costly U.S. empire. Both believe in American exceptionalism. (Rubio arrogantly calls for a “New American Century.”) Both want to make war in the Middle East (and beyond) and “stand behind Israel,” though…
Per una Stagione di Pace Occorrono Azioni, non Canzoni
In questo periodo la gente canta canzoni che parlano di pace e bene. Negli Stati Uniti, purtroppo, alle canzoni corrispondono scarse riflessioni. Altrimenti gli americani sarebbero in piazza a chiedere al presidente Obama di spegnere la macchina da guerra. E ripudierebbero quegli aspiranti presidenti, ovvero i principali candidati dei maggiori partiti, che difendono i fondamenti…
The Season of Peace Requires Action Not Songs
It’s the time of year when people sing about peace and goodwill. Unfortunately in the United States, too little thought accompanies the nice words. Otherwise Americans would be in the streets demanding that President Obama shut down the war machine. They would also be repudiating every presidential candidate who endorses the fundamentals of America’s criminal…
Perché “Loro” Ci Odiano: il Finto Mistero
Cos’hanno in comune Barack Obama e Donald Trump? Fra l’altro, il fatto che non sanno, o fingono di sapere, perché i musulmani ci odiano. Trump dice (stavo per scrivere “crede”, ma non so se esiste qualcuno, compreso Trump, che sappia in cosa crede) che i musulmani dovrebbero essere tenuti alla larga dagli Stati Uniti finché…
The Phony Mystery of Why “They” Hate Us
What do Barack Obama and Donald Trump have in common? Among other things, they have — or pretend to have — no clue why some Muslims hate us. Trump says (I almost typed believes, but I’m not sure anyone, including Trump, knows what he believes) Muslims should be barred from the United States until “until…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory