Feature Articles
The Power of Counter-Recruitment
In the age of the alt-right, antifascist organizing is increasingly a topic of mainstream political dialogue. While most of what is focused on in the news consists of misinformation around subjects such as black bloc, Nazi punching, and deplatforming, there is another tactic that largely goes undiscussed: counter-recruitment. First off, let’s get this out of…
someone needed to do this
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.   Momma, I’m gonna try real hard not to die today. I wanna promise, I’ll come home. But if I don’t- If some pig murders me, whatever the talking heads say- Someone needed to do this. It had to be me, okay? They’ll maybe…
Radically soft
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.   I love too hard comforted by touch, hearts warmed through passion, people, animals, places, things. I feel too hard and I always take it personal, never accepted society’s expectations of hardness, never cold, distant, or afraid to take the leap. Nothing is trivial,…
The many
The following is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.   Sometimes things need fixing; The cogs are all mucked up, Founded on an outdated design, Money thrown to keep ’em spinning. Flaws get lost in rhetoric, and — Distracted by chauvinist conflict — We don’t realize that it just keeps breaking, Gears ground…
A clown is all that I can be
The following poem was inspired by the children of Palestine. It is part of the 2019 May Poetry Feature at C4SS.  I am a clown dwelling beneath rockets Oh land, mourn, mourn this clown’s breath Red wine and tears will crawl along Let them impregnate the dirt New beautiful children will grow strong Becoming clowns,…
Democracy Is Awful and We Need It for a Ton of Stuff
Democracy1, a sluggish and painful example of attempted cooperation, is often a heap of flaming garbage. Obviously, the “democracy” of the Zapatistas or Rojava are far different than that of the US, but self-styled democracies also elected Bolsonaro, Trump, and Hitler. Aside from things like democracy’s potential for corruption and inherent efficiency throttles, it forces…
War Anarchic: Defining War
The following piece was originally published at the blackstarwritings blog and is the first part of a continuing series on war and anarchism. The subject of warfare has been one that I have held a great interest in for some time. With roots in early humanity about five thousand years ago, it is a factor…
Market Dynamics Make Cop-Hating A Valuable Tool
The state depends on its cops to enforce private property. Without them present, the owners would have to hire private security to protect their property from seizure, and that is (due to economies of scale of which the state takes advantage) massively more expensive on the whole. So, one of the most effective ways to…
Avoiding the Excesses of Violence and Pacifism
We anarchists are usually very good at being edgy, and edginess is one of the personality traits that probably attracted many of us to anarchism. Anarchists, like any fringe movement, need to counter-signal against the political mainstream in order to remain relevant. These two things are not necessarily bad; an edgy predisposition enables you more…
Bullshit Jobs and the Calculation Problem
This is not a review of Bullshit Jobs. My verdict on the book is simple: it is good, and you should read it. You should, actually, probably read it before you read this. I’ll be re-explaining some of the concepts in it, but I will not cover them in the same depth as the book…
Navigating the Culture Wars
“Attention to all racists: we will not just “replace” you, we will erase you. All trace of your worthless empty lives will be discarded from history. Your murderous temper tantrums will be like so much static noise lost forever as you are shuffled into the dirt.” – William Gillis, Twitter The internet is a place…
Creating Alternatives to the State
When a person with good intentions tries to penetrate into the nepotistic state-capitalist system, only one scenario awaits him. This system will swallow him, and — after indigestion — the system will tear up the remnants of all the good things in this person. A system that aims from the very beginning to rot will…
Green Market Agorism
Agorist theory has been enriched a lot since Samuel Edward Konkin III introduced the initial theory. Through the writings and work of visionaries such as Karl Hess, Ross Ulbricht, Satoshi Nakamoto, Defense Distributed, and Derrick Broze, we have seen agorism grow and expand in ways never thought possible both intellectually and in practice. And the…
‘The Land Shall Sink’: The Lovecraftian Nature of Sea Level Rise
In 1917, H.P. Lovecraft wrote the following lines in his short story “Dagon”: “I dream of a day when [the nameless things] may rise above the billows to drag down in their reeking talons the remnants of puny, war-exhausted mankind—of a day when the land shall sink, and the dark ocean floor shall ascend amidst…
Call for Poems: May Day 2019
Poetry has a long history in the anarchist tradition. It is often through poetry that we find ways to say the things we can’t say with prose, whether for fear or simply because they can’t be expressed properly that way. Fits of emotion are a part of radical politics, and for many it is these…
New Antifascism, Internet Leftism, and the Radicalization of Black Cat
This is the story of how I became an anarchist. I believe it to be fairly typical, though I could be wrong. Ultimately, these are merely my own, personal experiences — and, as such, these writings should not be taken as more or less than that. Dearest thanks and apologies to Miss Cleyre, as this…
The Pernicious Protection of “Hate Crime” Laws
It was only a matter of time before state legislatures jumped onto the bandwagon of “free expression” protection measures. Truly, laws like Utah’s recent bill to include political expression as a protected class in the state, have nothing to do with free expression itself. Instead, they are an outgrowth of the — largely false —…
Insurrection in Omelas
In Ursula K Le Guin’s classic short “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” she considers a prosperous and happy society whose success is somehow purchased through a dark bargain — the torture and abject immiseration of a single child. Despite the positive good won for the many, a few starry-eyed children of Omelas refuse…
Night of the Living ‘Things’: Zombie Archaeology
If capitalism is good at anything, it is making things. I mean “things” not in an ontological or otherwise formal sense but more in the manner that declutter gurus use it: general assorted human-made and/or human-claimed objects.
Evading the State is Good For You: Upland Natives, Valley Civilizations, Mitochondria, and Carbon Dioxide
Welcome to the second edition of the Against Utopia monthly newsletter, where I explore problems of social organization, philosophy, biology, politics, and more through an epistemological anarchist lens. Or in simpler (cruder) terms, analyzing the authorities’ basis of knowledge and mostly concluding that they should fuck off, so we can flex our autonomy. If you’re…
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory