Kevin Carson: By all means, enjoy yourselves. Get it out of your system.
Knapp: Barring the increasingly usual “hanging chad” dramas, the 2012 elections are over. Heave a sigh of relief, take stock of any likely minor changes, and get on with our lives, right? Wrong.
Cody Dunn: It was not until the next world war where daylight savings made its comeback.
Jason Byas: Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, at least he got one thing right.
Carson: Hierarchical institutions are machines for telling naked Emperors how great their clothes look, and those at the top of such hierarchies live in almost entirely imaginary worlds.
Carson: Whatever corporate copyright lockdown Disney puts the franchise under couldn’t possibly exceed George Lucas’s worst. The Disney acquisition actually offers to breathe new life into the Star Wars universe.
Knapp: You can have politics or you can have peace, but you can’t have both.
Kevin Carson: However the 2012 race comes out the foreign policy will be the same, “We come in peace — shoot to kill, shoot to kill…”
Carson: It’s just a greenwashed version of mid-20th century, mass-production capitalism.
Carson: So now when you hear Mittens talk about “free enterprise,” you know what he means by it.
Kevin Carson: The corporate state and its system of information control has already lost. It’s just to stupid to realize it.
D’Amato: Politics is a losing game for people who want freedom, and “inclusion” is a chimera when it comes to capitalism.
Knapp: Drilling leases on “public” land are just food stamps for Big Oil.
Carson: We’re approaching victory in the five-thousand-year war between natural abundance and artificial scarcity.
D’Amato: The free competition that market anarchists advocate for is entirely opposed to that system.
Carson: The rentiers’ last-ditch plan can’t work.
Goodman: “Serve and protect?” Not so much.
Knapp: There’s a poison pill in “equality of outcome” schemes.
Alan Furth on how democracy, at best, alleviates the symptoms of social disease — but never cures its fundamental cause.
Carson: Who depends on whom?