Put Not Your Faith in Princes: Democratic Edition
Carson: With all the resources wasted on trying to influence a rigged system we could far more easily build the kind of society we want, here and now, without waiting to elect a government to give us permission.
Meet the New Baas, Same as the Old Baas
Carson: So long as power and hierarchy exist, they will be used by those at the top to live off the sweat and blood of those at the bottom.
Apple: Rotten to the Core?
Knapp: Apple used to be an innovative company. Now it’s just a protection racket.
The R3VOLution That Wasn’t: A Note to Paul Supporters
Knapp: The R3VOLution is dead. Long live the revolution.
Obama’s Last, Desperate Attempt to Save Capitalism
Carson: They’re trying to enclose emerging tech!
On Translating Securityspeak into English
Carson: If we break it down and translate it a bit at a time, we can actually distill some sense from it.
“If it’s a legitimate rape …” Let’s stop you there.
It can be easy to dismiss or mock Akin as “just another misogynist Republican”, but it is more productive to approach this with the intent of opening a frank discussion about patriarchy and oppression.
Zenawi: The Ethiopian Marriage of Marxism-Leninism and Capitalism
Knapp: Zenawi was heir to, not smasher of, Mengistu and Selassie regimes.
The Security State: An Ever Bigger and Dumber Dinosaur
Kevin Carson: It’s like Brazil (the movie, not the country).
How the State Promotes Authoritarianism
Carson: The US government arguably has a conscious interest in promoting authoritarianism abroad.
The State is an Autoimmune Disease
Knapp: In Manchester on Monday, not even one righteous juror was to be found.
Ryan’s Hopes: Romney’s Veep Pick Proves Electoral Politics is a Fantasy World
Knapp: If Paul Ryan is a “libertarian,” so was Leonid Brezhnev.
Enthymemetic Warfare: Or, Seeing the Fnords
Carson: It’s not what the ruling class wants, of course. But it’s exactly what we want.
The Concupiscence of Hierarchy
Kevin Carson: The system’s rules are set up to favor the interests of those inside the corporate-state power structure, against those on the outside proposing fundamental change.
Resisting America’s Torture State
Goodman: A state that commits torture on a mass scale is a far more heinous criminal.
Gore Vidal, RIP
Thomas L. Knapp: I’ll miss Gore Vidal. And I’ll remain thankful that so many of his insights are immortalized in print.
Capitalists Criticize Obama for … Capitalism?
Carson: And the Oscar goes to the Capitalist with a straight face.
The London Olympics: Capitalism in Action
Carson: Exactly what we’re fighting against.
“Scandal?” The FDA’s Just Doing Its Job
Carson: Protecting big business from real accountability
Obama vs. Medical Access
Goodman: Government overreach vs. affordable care.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory