Tag: Romney
Oleh: Sebastian A. Stern. Teks aslinya berjudul “Statism and the Illusion of Choice.” Diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia oleh Ameyuri Ringo. Support Ringo by considering becoming his Patron. “Kekuasaan bukanlah untuk ditaklukan, tapi untuk dihancurkan. Ia bersifat menindas secara alami, entah ketika ia dimiliki oleh seorang raja, diktator, atau presiden yang dipilih. Perbedaannya pada ‘demokrasi’…
On January 30, two-time Republican Party presidential hopeful Mitt Romney nixed a third go-around, telling supporters via teleconference that he can better serve America by supporting whomever the party chooses as its 2016 presidential nominee. Hallelujah. A third Romney candidacy would have been difficult to stomach. Romney had floated a trial balloon of making “helping the poor”…
Sebastian A.B.: Voters place their hope in God-Kings called Presidents, expecting sociopaths to lift them out of servitude. An introductory buckshot critique of the most holy word, “democracy,” or Hans-Herman Hoppe’s “god that failed.”
И поэтому мы должны расказать стольким людям, скольким сможем, что это не единственная альтернатива.
Kevin Carson: As I’ve said many times, if the “free market” meant what the capitalist apologists mean by it, I’d hate it myself.
Knapp: Barring the increasingly usual “hanging chad” dramas, the 2012 elections are over. Heave a sigh of relief, take stock of any likely minor changes, and get on with our lives, right? Wrong.
Jason Byas: Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, at least he got one thing right.
Kevin Carson: However the 2012 race comes out the foreign policy will be the same, “We come in peace — shoot to kill, shoot to kill…”
Carson: So now when you hear Mittens talk about “free enterprise,” you know what he means by it.
Knapp: Drilling leases on “public” land are just food stamps for Big Oil.
Kevin Carson: Afirma não confiar no governo. É, porém, ou estúpido ou mentiroso.
Em outras palavras, a ideologia espúria de “livre mercado” — por oposição à genuína — é o ópio das elites.
Carson: Who depends on whom?
Carson: The state is the instrument of armed force by which an economic ruling class extracts rents from the producing majority of a society.
Knapp: The difference between a free economy and an un-free economy IS government — i.e. top-down, hierarchic, uniform, centralized — regulation.
Carson: The only real way to achieve social justice is by bypassing the state.
It occurs to me that Mitt Romney, Barack Obama and I do, in fact, have one extremely significant thing in common …
David D’Amato on what goes up.
Jason Lee Byas: Who’s really dependent on government?
Knapp: They’re desperate. And they should be.