Some Observations on the Gun Control Debate
The United States has more gun violence than other Western countries for the same reason it has a culture of flag-worship and “supporting the troops” unequaled anywhere else in the West.
We Can’t Tweak Our Way to Freedom
Making the existing system “work better” doesn’t weaken that system, it strengthens that system. … The path of least resistance always leads away from, not toward, freedom.
“Right to Work”: Violation of Free Contract and Free Ride for Scabs
Kevin Carson: You’d almost think there was a hidden agenda here.
Jane Marquardt: “Progressive” Prison Profiteer
When “progressive” Democrats profit from caging and abusing immigrants, the poor, people of color, transgender women, and LGBT youth, it’s time to leave the party.
Los Zetas vs. “Your” Government: The Dreaded Comparison
Los Zetas really isn’t very interested in running your life on a day-to-day basis. If you leave them alone, they’ll probably leave you alone. Try getting “your” local city council, “your” national legislature, or “your” friendly Transportation Security Administration affiliated sexual assailant to butt out of your business and see how far you get.
If “Progressives” Didn’t Exist, Big Business Would Have to Invent Them
Kevin Carson: “The central function of the state is to suppress competition, create artificial property, and enable economic ruling classes to extract rents.”
“Fiscal Cliff” Madness: Why It’s All or Nothing
[T]here’s one idea that’s deemed inadmissible in political proceedings: The idea that the size, scope and power of government could ever, in any particular or for any reason, be reduced by so much as an iota.
Privilege and Pomposity in Politics
“Rich people have been the subjects of charity long enough.”
Romney’s November Non-Surprise: Why They Never Saw it Coming
Kevin Carson: The central function of a hierarchy is to filter the upward flow of information.
The “Fiscal Cliff”: Jim and Buzz Redux
It’s the “chickie run” from Rebel Without a Cause all over again. But this time they’re driving YOUR cars.
Under Capitalism, Welfare State’s Main Function is Corporate Welfare
Kevin Carson: The state works for the capitalists, not for you.
A Thanksgiving Message in Solidarity with Walmart Strikers
We at C4SS stand in solidarity with Walmart workers, and fully support their Black Friday strike.
Political and Economic Disenfranchisement: Two Sides of the Same Coin
They are little understood in the United States, or perhaps better still misunderstood.
Dear Conservative America
It’s best that you forget both conservatism and elections altogether. Your core values are best advanced by converting to and promoting anarchism, thereby situating yourself as a part of the radical left.
Well of Course They Hate Capitalism
Kevin Carson: As I’ve said many times, if the “free market” meant what the capitalist apologists mean by it, I’d hate it myself.
Zombie Occupy Vs. The Vampire State
Ad hoc groups of activists and volunteers seem to work better than the government or NGOs, but why?
State Violence Limited Only by Capacity
The best weapon is one you never have to fire? The state prefers the one that you only have to fire once – then again. Then some more.
Opting Out of the State
Sheldon Richman: The freedom to opt out means that no one can force you to participate in any government activity that you object to.
Martins on Gitmo Military Commissions: “The Will of Our People!”
To hear a government official come right out and admit they’re creating a shadow legal system is incredible – and terrifying.
The Electoral Suspension of Disbelief
There exists in the country now – and there has existed for some time – an appreciable readiness to, if you will, suspend disbelief when it comes to the claims of politicians.
Anarchy and Democracy
Fighting Fascism
Markets Not Capitalism
The Anatomy of Escape
Organization Theory